Tuesday 29 January 2013


Good morning desk hoppers
Not a desk hopper, well why not.... It's great fun and very addictive see what I mean at Julia's place .  stamping-ground.
Here's a question for you...... Do you tidy up before taking your picture?.... I'm interested to know....

Lots going on on my desk this week.
Lovely GD Erin is asleep so I managed to do a quick card for a friend.
On the left are some of the buttons I brought the other week from Papermania.... £2.99 for 100's all you can see plus the ones in the tall container at the back.
Behind the button jar is my brilliant new holder for my stickles.... Julia posted one of these a while back which was made from a writable cd holder case.
 I set the handyman to work and this is what he came up with....... that's why he's called my handyman........ he's brilliant! :)

Oh and that button bracelet is still waiting to be mended.... this week?

Here's a close up. . . . I put the lid somewhere?........ shame I'm not as handy!

Also this week I have been making my first Lillybo quilt.  This is a fabulous project started by Jo at jozart.    if you can sew (or not .....even) please take a look here. lillyboquilts
Here is a sneek peek  of mine from the wrong side... hopefully it will be finished next week.... I just have to do the quilting.

Thanks for visiting, usual rules apply and I will visit you right back after work,
Have a great week and happy crafting

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Hi wednesday watchers and nosey folks
I hope you are all keeping warm during this cold spell and making the most of being stuck indoors.
 I certainly am, although my desk this morning looks a bit abandoned..... which it is.
 For more interesting desks hop over to Julia's place and  join in with  WOYWW  ..... go on you know you want to! there is a world of creative peeps out there.

You can see a pair of scissors (there are always scissors) and a pile of fabric which was abandoned yeasterday because GD Erin decided she didn't want a sleep in the afternoon, so that was that.
On the left is the scrapbook I am making for Erin. I thought it was about time I did some more pages as the last one was Crhristmas 2011. I finished 2 pages at the weekend.
If you look closely you can see a red button cuff that  is still waiting to be mended I think it has been there for a few months now... maybe this week.... or more likely not!

The fabric is for my Lillybo quilt .lillyboquilts.
This is a project started by Jo of  jozart designs . She is looking for volunteers to make  comfort quilts for young children with cancer..... a very worth while cause so if you can sew and would like to help please take a look.
I am really getting back into my sewing again... during our very snowy weekend I made a bag.... a very silly type of bag.
My handyman is very particular about looking after his tools and equiptment.
I brought him something different for Christmas that was too big to go in a cupboard and has to sit on top of the freezer.... he suggested I make a bag to put it in to keep it dust free... so here it is.

Bet you cannot guess what's in it, here's a closer look at the pocket.

I love the design of the pocket ......it is made from a small sack  of rice. ..... just too decorative to throw away. Have you guessed yet?

Yes it is a paella pan. We made the paella at the weekend.... delicious.
Well that was a long post for me. stuff to do now  (tuesday eve).
I will pop around the desks  later when I get back from work tonight...... see you then.... usual rules apply.
PS I just popped over to    princess-judy  's place..... what does she find funny?
 This is my favourite joke... How many women with PMT does it take to change a light bulb  ( answer said in a loud and angry voice  "just the one" ) well I like it.
whats yours?

Friday 18 January 2013

Snow .......I love it

hi peeps
I know the snow has caused all sorts of caos today. But it meant I was stuck at home (shock horror without any chocolate too).
Anyway I decided it was time i played with my new sewing machine. I have just discovered what a walking foot is. It's brilliant and so I made this;

It is supposed to be a basket by sewing the corners together but I decided I like as it was.
Then my handyman suggested I make it multi functional ( this is why he is called my handyman).
 By pinching 2 corners together with my clever clover sewing peg thingys I made it into this.

An arm chair storage thingy for when I am beading.... I am always loosing scissors, threads etc down the side of the chair. But now I can still use it flat as a table centre piece etc. etc.
Can't wait to have a go at a special project Jo is planning on her blog see here jozart quilts-appeal.
Anyway stay safe in the snow and all I need now is some chocolate :(

Wednesday 16 January 2013


hi peeps
happy wednesday everyone, how you doing?

It's been a busy week this week, the desk has been messy, tidy, then messy and now relatively tidy again... it is covered in boxes... nothing new there then.
I'm showing my desk 'coz Julia told me to..... see why here 

This is what is in the boxes..... beads, lots of beads!

 I have just finished a couple of christmas presents.... no not for next christmas, I struggled a bit last year and I have only just finished these necklaces for 2  very patient ladies.

Julia wrote a post the other day about keeping stuff and what to do with the art we cannot bear to get rid of.
This prompted me to re- assess my notice board which hold some stuff I have made and stuff I have been sent.

Maybe I should clear it and start again. . . . .  so here's the thing, If you would like something from above that  I have taken down..... you can have it, ( sorry not a very good photo didn't notice before).
If you would like to swap it for something for me to show on the noticeboard that would be lovely but not essential. Just e mail me your address.
You dont have to be a follower and all that stuff but please leave a comment and tell me what you would like.

Sorry but I ate the chocolate medal!
Usual rules apply, Mr Linky number etc. etc. blah blah blah
Have a great week, see you on a work desk very soon
janet :)

Wednesday 9 January 2013


 Happy new year to the wonderful world of WOYWW  (dont know what it is see  julia's wonderful, addictive crazy world )
funny how many of us nearly forgot last week because of confusion over the days.
Back to normal after the recent festivities of christmas.
Well almost as you will see from my desk this week

Yes I am sad to say I am still making christmas cards.... ready for next year, I know, I know, but this is the last posting with it all on my desk... promise. ( I made 45 at the weekend.... am I smug or what!)
 What else. . . . oh the chocolate box is. . . empty, but they were delicious.
Not much else except my usual tools.... scissors, d/s tape and my trusty old bradle, which has featured a few times before.
I was back to Grandma duties again this week.

Erin did some colouring. But first she played with the box, the box holds 3 crayons, she managed to get about 10 in the box .... well she thought she did, as soon as she put a crayon in the top of the box it pushed one out of the bottom..... but she didn't know, it was very entertaining.
anyway 'That's all folks'. . . . usual rules apply see you on your desk

Saturday 5 January 2013

Crop a doodle do... I did

Hi world
Today I went to my first crop with Julia from WOYWW fame.
It was a good day fun day with some lovely ladies and I acheived a lot.... I finished about 16 Christmas cards. . .  yes Christmas cards.... ready for next year, while I am still in the ZONE!
I know they are all very similar but I didn't do any pre preparation . . . except the design, the idea is to use 'stuff' up, I used up quite a lot of the snowflakes. The only thing is now I have loads of Happy Christmases to use up... does it ever end?

Wednesday 2 January 2013

WOYWW oh heck

hi world
oh heck i forgot it was wednesday
so here is a very quite post to see what the world of WOYWW is up to http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/

my desk taken a few mins ago ....messy, at the back is the cute pencil tin (i have put my new brushes in it ) that lucy made mw for Christmas,    http://catlovesbearcrafts.blogspot.co.uk/    inside holding the brushes in place are the insides from our till rolls at work.... very clever, if i had more time i would show you. Just other 'stuff' really any questions please ask and I will get back to you
janet usual rules apply