Tuesday 25 March 2014


Hi peeps
 Oh, the 5th WOYWW blogaversary is getting closer and I haven't  even thought about my ATC's yet as you will see on my desk..... nothing being made.... lots of mess so at least less boring than the last few weeks..... Ta Dah!
Hop over to Julia's stamping-ground.  to see what other happy crafters are up to. 

Here you can see... Left to right
Some handmade bias binding, old contact lens cases (great for mixing small  amounts of paint, inks etc), some MDF blanks awaiting .....altering!
The big pile of ribbons has been tipped out of its box, looking for a tiny piece of white ribbon to go on DD3 wedding dress, no .... I'm not making it. 
Anyway that's me done, well except for my little helper this week:

The happy painter
And finally my DLP journal Page for this week, we had to cut up a magazine and add to it. Some of you may know I am very fond of haberdashery .....and craft magazines, so here's the mix

I'm away to the seaside for a couple of days ... I will try and sneak a bit of blog hopping when handyman isn't looking, so you aren't forgotten I will visit you back, if you leave your number that is. 
Happy Wednesday

Thursday 20 March 2014

Documented Life Project week 10 and 11 catching up

Hi Peeps Here's a BOGOF from me today
I finally caught up with my DLP (Documented Life Project) this week after feeling poorly for a couple of weeks.
I am really enjoying this project as it is making me think outside of the box and making art in a different way and trying different techniques etc.
So here are week 10 and 11's challenges

Draw, paint or collage a bird and add. 
The feathers are stamped on patterned paper snippets and glued on.

What makes me ME. 
A few of the things I love (and some I don't ) that make me who I am, I found this one a bit difficult, but once I got started with the idea it all came together quite quickly. 

Lots of happy mail is flying around the world because of this group, here is a piece I am just about to post to USA
I'm linking this to Pixies snippets playground.
pixies crafty workshop lots of ideas for using up all those little bits you cannot bear to chuck out
have a good weekend

Tuesday 18 March 2014

WOYWW 250 things are looking up

Hi Peeps,
 Happy Wednesday, actually its Tuesday and the Sewing Bee has just finished on TV so now I can write my post.  If you have been watching too, who's going to win? I think Its still wide open.

Anyway, my desk, not much crafting as such, but I have made some progress with the tidying.
This week it is less what's on my workdesk and more what's over it.

A simple gentle job this one.. not too taxing on my poor cough... sorting through the stamp collection... no not that type of stamp.... the rubber  and silicon sort.
I re organised and labelled..... exhausting work really!  but it has to be done sometime.

And finally, just because its boring to see an empty desk here is a quilt I made a few weeks ago for a work colleague who has just left to have a baby. I missed her leaving party so I hope she liked it.

Thanks for all your get well wishes from last week, I am still taking it easy so I should have more time this week to visit lots of inspiring desks and get me on  the move again.
Julia has the full list so hop over to stamping-ground. to find out and join in

Tuesday 11 March 2014


Hi peeps
First I want to apologise for not replying to many of you last week but I was taken ill (still am) and didn't have the energy.
It's a quick post again and I may not visit back but I will try. After all there's only so much of doing nothing I can take. Here's my messy room

Nothing has been done ....only ' stuff' added to the mess, and no I haven't been hoovering, handyman did it, bless him he's been brilliant. 
That's all have a happy Wednesday. Pop over to Julia's  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/whats-on-your-workdesk-wednesday-249.html?m=1 for more happier and creative desks

Tuesday 4 March 2014

WOYWW 248 Now for something completely different!

Hi Peeps
Happy Wednesday workdeskers .... yes its that time again.... time to show the world what you've been up to this week. Julia is in charge, so pop over to her  stamping-ground  to link up and join in.
Well this week I am in the kitchen, playing with chocolate and all things cakey.

I am making some samples for a cake decorating class at work ( Julia, this is not an advert. . . honest).

The finished samples ..... what shall I  do with them now .....cake anyone?
I wont be able to eat them tomorrow ... yes I'm giving it up for lent as usual... saintly or what?
No choc choc for the next 6 weeks.

If you visited last week you might like to see what happened to the little wooden hearts I promised to try and alter... here they are

Pretty much the same as last week.. except for one, no not the green one.
You see the bag at the back?..
My spoils from a trip to the Make It Show, you may see some of this over the next few weeks, but as you can see I've not even unpacked it yet.
Here's the one decorated heart... It was done by my GD Yes at 23/4 her first piece of jewellery she did all of it except put the gems in the middle... and the knot.

Pretty huh!
Anyway that's enough rambling from me
I would love to see what you've been crafting too, so if you leave your number I will visit you back.
Thanks for visiting and have a happy hop.