Wednesday 28 March 2012


hi folks
Yes it's wednesday again, why does it take us by surprise every week ?
 Julia Dunnit   is Queen of the famous wednesday blog hop, so go on join in and show us your work space what ever it looks like, messy. tidy, or busy etc. etc.

Anyway, this is my desk this week:
Not much going on yesterday, this is how it looked before I started a tiny bit of crafting  (Erin, the handyman and I went to Ikea for part of the day, she slept quite a while in the buggy.
She didn't sleep in the afternoon, so no crafting for me until after 6pm.
As you can see Erin's influence is still evident (toys on the left).
I am just about to start work on the wedding invitations for D2

I made a stamp of the word Invitation in the font she wanted and I have embossed it with copper powder. On the paper at the back you might just be able to see the Wedding gecko stamp I also made.
I really should do more close up shots!
Regular followers may remember me saying I wasn't going to clear away my side desk with my AB work on.

I didn't, I just put stuff on top !
A couple of weeks ago I went on a  beading workshop at Stitch n Craft to make an Enchanter's Tassle. . .  I finally finished it this week .. so here it is.
It is not a very good picture, there are a few swarovski cyystals and pearls which do not show up very well. It is quite 'blingy'.
It is made in 2 pieces which join together, not sure where I am going to use it as it is too big for a necklace.... probably on a handbag.


Anyway please leave a comment to let me know you have visited and your # no. from mr Linky and I will visit you right back, well sometime in the next few days.
Have a great week and happy WOYWW
janet aka fairy thoughts

Thursday 22 March 2012

Lesson 3 up to date at last

Hi AB lovers,
I finally finished Lesson 3 yesterday (thanks to my GD's morning nap). See what Elizabeth is  up to for Lesson 4
Making the 'Niche ' was a lot of work, but great fun. and messy.
My side desk is now officially my AB desk, no point in clearing up until it is finished!
Luckily my handyman had some of these clamps, but not enough so I had to hop over to poundland for some more, they are just the ticket and so cheap.
This is the niche before cutting the hole out.

It took longer to cut the niche out than I thought and you were right Elizabeth, I did have to change the blade. I was surprised.
I have taken so many pictures of golden medium lately that my camera recognises it's 'face' LOL

My biggest problem was what to put in the niche. I was going to use an Eiffel Tower keyring, but it was too thick for the no of pages I had saved.

I  decide to copy my passport, but my scanner wasn't playing nicely so I gave that up. bit boring anyway!

So I thought and thought and thought. What sums up travelling and holidays. . .  funny money and weird unusual stuff. You know the sort of thing you know you shouldn't really buy ... but you do anyway.
so that is what I used.

The maps are  of Arizona (where I brought my object). 
The niche got a bit complicated, because I wanted a shaker window. I used a piece of re-cycled clear packaging to hold the items in. The outside edge was abit messy, you could see the DS tape.
In the end I covered the edges with ribbon,
I'm not saying what the object is . . . answers on a post card please, but I dont think you'll guess, I didn't. But it is quite interesting

I could only find US Dollars and Euros so that's  all I could put in.
Continuing with the map theme. I used another map for the inside front cover.
I got this in a charity shop just the other day, lucky coincidence.

Here you can see me  pointing to where I was born and my journey began.
There looks interesting patterns on the map, I may use that later in my book

the next lesson looks really messy, so . . . bring it on

Wednesday 21 March 2012


hi wednesday desk hoppers and other nosey people
Gosh the time goes quickly when you're having fun. And fun I have been having in Altered Book land! My side desk is now officially AB desk. In other words . . .  messy!
I have just  finished lesson 3, which is just as well as lesson 4 started yesterday. I will post the pictures tomorrow if you want to see them, or visit  altered book lover
Back to today and my normal desk. Julia says show us your desks, so here it is!

My normal desk is under wraps at the moment. I have just started D2 wedding invites, I think they are going to take a while.
 On the left you can see 2 little geckos, she was having them on the invitations but changed her mind to  something more traditional.

That said, here are the cards I made for my Mums for Mother's Day.

I have to make them both the same 'coz they'll compare!

My Mum- in- Law was poorly in Hospital at the weekend (home and much better now ), she couldn't have flowers so I made her a plaque instead. . .  she wore it around her neck.
(Please note; The plaques are about 5" tall, so good to see she has her sense of humour back.)
I painted the MDF heart and made Tim Holtz tattered pincone roses.

Of course I made my Mum one too

Well I've shown you mine now I'll look at yours, as many as I can get to that is!
see ya !

Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOYWW145 I'm 'finding' this interesting

Hi world
Happy wednesday to all you lovely WOYWW peeps!
Dont know what it's all about? checkout the nosey-est bog hop of the week with Julia Dunnit    over at the stamping ground.
Anyway my desk this week is full of beading 'stuff'.

 I love to bead but just lately I haven't done very much, other crafts seem to have taken over.
 Time to change that so I thought I would have a bit of a sort out and tidy up my storage.

I have grandma duties on Tuesdays so while Erin had her morning nap I started with the findings, which I keep in the plastic boxes at the back.

On the right hand side is a box of bead 'sortings' waiting to go back in the right colour box.
On the left under the blue sheet are some of the hearts that I started last week, but these are under wraps at the moment (you never know who's reading do you!).
This re-newed interest in beading came about because I actually finished something last week.
This necklace is made from squares of brick stitch and peyote stitch sewn together with the occasioal feature bead for embellishment. It turned out ok in the end.

 I also went on a workshop last week at Stitch n craft and made a fabulous tassel.
 I haven't finished it yet so you will have to pop back next week to see it (if it is finished that is  LOL) Must stop tidying . . .  and just DO it! I think I started this necklace in October last year, must make some earrings to match . .  might get them done by next October.

Lastly a BIG thankyou to Ann B  for the fab blog candy I won from her last week. Great stuff eh!

Well, I've shown you mine, time to look at yours now, I am on a/leave for a couple of days so maybe I will get to nosey at a few more this week. I also have my book do alter for this weeks class with Elizabeth altered book lover.lesson-3
see ya  I would love to visit you back but please leave your Mr LInky number as this really speeds things up  Ta

janet. . . . . aka fairy thoughts

Wednesday 7 March 2012

WOYWW 144 not another one

Hi world
how you all doin?.
Boring as it is I have another cold so  I will keep it  brief this week.
 You all know why I am telling you about my desk, yes you do.
The world wide phenonenom (I think that's spelt  right) that  is desk hopping with Julia Dunnit at the    stamping-ground..

On my desk are some finished pin cushions I have been working on since the weekend.
The orange circle on the right is a yoyo maker which I used for the top of the pin cushions.

It looks like I have pushed everything to the side. . .  I have so I could take this picture.

The box contains my altered book 'stuff'. I know a few WOYWW-ers are also doing this class with Elizabeth,
I did a little painting while  my granddaughter was asleep (for about 1/2 hour) until the dog woke her up Grrrrrr!

These are for a craft fair I am attending at the end of the month, if I get them finished that is.
I did manage to make some cards for the sale too.
It's amazing how much I can get done in the middle of the night !!!!! (ah the monopause, don't you just love it ? )

These were inspired by the inchie article in last months craft stamper magazine
( I thought I was going to be brief ?) I'm done now

 I hope to see some of your desks later, if you leave a comment I will too.
see ya!
janet aka fairy thoughts

Tuesday 6 March 2012

altered book the first pics

Hi book lovers
If you are of a nervous disposition about caring for books ... look away now 'coz you might not like what you are about to see..... cutting up a book!
Many bloggers all over the world are joining Elizabeth altered book lover  in an on-line tutorial.

This is the book I am using, I brought it in a charity shop for 60p. . . . a bargain in the true spirit of the tutorial.
I had to laugh at the first sentence in the book, this book is going to be altered to 'within an inch of it's life' LOL

Well I read Elizabeths instructions,  but had to stop just before cutting pages out of the book. . . . .  could I do it?  It's not right
Yes of course I did, I used  the easier 2nd option obviously, why make more work?
I must say  it was like pulling teeth !
Altogether I pulled out 64 pages, that's a lot of teeth.
After that trauma, I looked the book up on Amazon and discovered it was a  first edition and selling for £15 doh !

On the right hand side you can just see the book I am using to record my' workings' in  ... it is one of my own hand bound book with an embroidered cover, kind of appropriate.

This is the chest I am keeping my  book and embellishments in, I got it free recently for subscribing to a magazine.
Now all I have to do is find something to put in my niche, I think my theme is going to be travel.