Sunday 20 February 2011

ever had one of those days

hi world
ever had one of those days when nothing goes right?
well i've just had 2.
 yesterday went horribly wrong and i'm not even going to say anymore now, except it involves a little bit of silver and a lot of swearing!
but today i tried to make a clear stamp for my daughters wedding invitations.
i have the new imagepac stamp making kit, to say i've had mixed results is an understatement. the problem i have is the art work . . . getting it printed black enough to make a good negative.
the first one i made didn't work at all and all i had was a lump of acylic with very little definition.
next i made a stamp with the artwork that came with it, bingo, that was fine.
i printed emma 's stamp again, it was ok but not really enough definition to make it look really good for the invites. i printed on inkjet acetate.
at least i'm not a quitter .... it's too expensive to give up now.
i tried something smaller this time. i had some really pretty clock hands i wanted as a stamp (like the lovely tim holtz ones). i scanned them and printed it on the expensive plastic 'paper' that came with the kit (and i only have a bit left ).
that did come out much better. they actually looked quite good when put one on top of the other.
anyway to finish on a high, i made good use of the first block i made. i die cut it with tim holt tattered flowers, so now i have a clear stamp of them and it has a very faint impression of the dandelion clock on it too (and you cant but that). so, not all bad in the end

but on the whole not a good weekend,
i'm going to 'make it' at farnborough next week so lots of shopping!!!! maybe i can buy some stamps.

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