Saturday 12 February 2011

happy birthday jan

hi world

last week was my best friends' birthday. i took some photos of the card i made her and then i  couldn't find which memory card they was on (lol) i'm such a muppet.

 i really like the easel style at the moment. the papers are from papermania. the stamps were free with a craft magazine recently, the flower shape and leaves are a die cut , i think they are mariannes or nellies or  something like that. the sentiment is from  crafty individuals. i was going to enter it into  some challenges but i never got around to it. where do you all get the time from. mine just seems to disappear.
tomorrow i have valentines cakes to make for the family and birthday cake for daughter no. 3 also on valentines day, but no hearts in sight. must make her a card!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous card, hope she liked it! I love the flower and I see you are making good use of all those Spellbinders dies you've bought!! :-)


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