Saturday 19 March 2011

opps nearly forgot

Hi world,
I have been so busy this week working on Emma's wedding invites i nearly forgot to make my brother in law's birthday card. I remembered just in time (but not to catch the post) sorry Derek.

like most of us, i find it quite difficult to make masculine cards. These images are from elusive images and are perfect for most men.
The backing paper is from basic grey. the calligraphy is stamped in sapphire blue distress ink with smudges of old paper as well. The bicycle was stamped  and embossed before cutting it out with a nestie, sometimes they just don't fit the right size so i decided to crop it a bit, i didn't want to cover up too much of the writing. I also inked the paper flowers to match. this was a nice quick card so i could get back to the invites.  The invites are quite complicated, well not complicated, they just have a lot of elements to make.
Anyway I'm going to relax with a bit of knitting now. there is a new book out called knit your own royal wedding. I'm off to knit prince William for my knitting group!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great card, I am sure he won't mind it being late!! Looking forward to seeing Prince William in wool!! :-)


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