Wednesday 9 March 2011


hi world
there has been a lot going on on  my work desk this week. have a look at some more desks at the stamping ground web site
 i have been making the mock ups for my daughters wedding invitations, but i can't show anything now as i have posted them off to her for approval!!!!
after all that wedding gooo i needed a change,  so i had a little play with mixed media.
i had some artist paste stuff i brought in Lidl (of all places, lol) it is a bit like fine polyfiller.
 i have had a few atc's from my  stampers group recently so i thought i would have a go at something diffferent on them. back to the drawing board!
i'm not sure i like what i've done, i was  a bit rushed.

 i roughly spread the paste onto corrigated card, quite thickly, then i dropped alcohol ink on to the paste, it spread out quickly and blended together. i also sprayed on some cosmic shimmer in a toning colour. then i pushed a gold coloured ingot into the paste and sprinkled some beads on.
 i wish i had spent more time planning and having more of a theme, sometimes whatever is great, but not this time. when they had dried the card curled up quite a bit too.
i will have another go another day


  1. It can be frustrating when your project doesn't turn out how you'd hoped. Your work is fantastic!

  2. Loving your ATC's and thanks for tip on Lidl, I will pop in and get some paste xxx

  3. I have never used artists paste for anything so I will follow and see how yours come out before investing. I actually like what I am seeing now. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #69

  4. That paste and the colours are really pretty and delicate.

  5. Well, nothing ventured nothing gained. You don't know unless you try things right? I do hope we get to see the wedding invites.

  6. Great desk and its fun to experiment its how we all learn ~ running late this week but just getting in before it all starts again ~ Nicky 2


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