Wednesday 20 July 2011


hi world
Is it really Wednesday again already, where did the weekend go!

It has been  a busy week so far, with wedding stuff, but nothing to show there.  But I have had a break this evening with something new on my desk, my grand daughter. Isn't she gorgeous? . . we're  baby sitting! Obviously she isn't on my desk but she is stopping me working this evening. But hey we all need a break sometime!
This  was my desk yesterday. Have a look at stamping-ground to see the worlds work desks via Julia's blog

Here I am starting to make my grungy monday piece, but it's not working out well so I may start again, I am using grunge paper, there is some embossing powder and alcohol inks.
On the right is my heat gun .... great for drying your nail vanish! opps. don't try that at home could be dangerous, but i can never keep still long enough for it to dry properly and I was really careful lol!

This is the  messy side of my desk. I am experimenting with colour wash sprays to see if they work on black out material.

 I don't have curtains in  my craft room, only a blind, but it is a  really boring plain white colour, so when we get a nice dry day with no wind (Mmm I wonder when that could happen!) I will  take it  outside and spray it.

It seemed to work ok, the colour bled a bit so I will have to make it quite a  random design. I am looking forward to doing that, it will make a change to work on something big.
 In the mean time I am off to look at your desks. Have a good week.


  1. Great looking projects - I love the grungy look. And what a cute grand baby! :-)

  2. That button spray effect is fun!! I'm quite impressed that you seem to have kept the spray where it's meant to be - when I've used gold/silver sprays in the past, I've usually ended up with tacky looking highlights in my hair :D xx

  3. Gorgeous granddaughter! The project looks like it is coming along nicely, Thanks for visiting me,Shaz

  4. Your GD is gorgeous ...I only have GS's. ... so much going on in your area the spraying controlled

  5. Aww, isn't she cute! Lots going on on your desk then! The colour wash spraying looks really effective.

  6. She is soooo cute Janet. It looks a bit like my work. Lots of things started and nothing quite finished! Mine is all stuffed into various plastic bags though!

  7. OOh yeah, that spray worked out well - love the colour! Go back to your grungy thing after a break - you'll see what I see - it looks good!


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