Friday 30 September 2011

happy blogaversary karen

hi world
there is some lovely blog candy up for grabs over at  Ink, Paper, scissors.
 It is Karens first blogaversary, I wonder when mine is, note to self,  check when I started too.
I have had a busy day in my room today but nothing to show yet, pictures to follow later.
mind you it was really hot in there as the sun was streaming in through the window all afternoon . . .  should have been outside really, maybe
have a look at the stash giveaway over at    crafting time      just right for starting your Christmas cards.
ps saw this while blog hopping how about giving it a go. . .  the a-z of me
  Dylan's blog if you link it back to me I can learn a bit about you too
A. Age: 52
B. Bed size: double
C. Chore that you hate: that's easy ironing!
D. Dogs: yorkie called rosie... thinks she rules the house and doesn't have any patience!
E. Essential start to your day: kiss from my other half
F. Favorite color: Oh go on then...Red.!! no lime, no teal oh so many!
G. Gold or Silver: silver
H. Height: 5’2"
I. Instruments you play: everything but only on an MP3 player lol
J. Job title: Craft specialist... yes really, only in retail store. .  oh and mother , wife, nurse, cook, dishwasher, cleaner, babysitter, taxi driver, etc etc etc.
K. Kids: Mummy to 3 grow.n up kids, emma 25 (recently married to gary 'meiow'). Amy, 25 about to be married to matt (the font of all knowledge) and Lucy 20, mum to gorgeous grandaughter of 3 months and partner to Rob 'the gym'
L. Live: day to day coping with the menopause. not LOL
M. Must haves: .crafting time and chocolate
N. Nicknames: nope, well none I'd care to repeat
O. Overnight hospital stays: Ooh heck , both births, lots before having the girls... infertility also not LOL
P. Pet peeves: Rudeness. Bad service  in restaurants, hotels, lazy spelling,  customers putting mobile phones before all else! 
Q. Quote from a movie:  from now on I'll write 2 letters a week.... Shaweshank Redemption.
R. Rhubarb or Custard:  custard with hot apple pie.
S. Save or spend: Both in moderation, I know... boring!
T. Tea or Coffee: Coffee.... black
U. Underwear: has to be matching and pretty
V. Vegetable you hate: cabbage
W. What makes you run late: crafting!
X. X-Rays you’ve had: tons, broken wrist aged 7. Arthritis in my neck (probably due to crafting, LOL) foot ...old age 
Y. Yummy food that you make: Angel food cake. chocolate truffles, roast dinner
Z. Zoo animal: Not a fan of zoos, they make me sad but i do love watching tigers


  1. Thank you so much for the mention of my giveaway! You are entered 3 times my friend!
    Good luck!
    xoxo Karen
    ps I joined your blog too!

  2. love the A-Z, shall try and pop in a see you one day as mum lives in Colden Common . . x

  3. I certainly agree with Y, angel food cake, it is yummy! When's the next one coming into work??!!

  4. Check out DT Call at

    Helen x


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