Wednesday 23 November 2011

WOYWW129 This is not what i intended to do today

hi desk hoppers
 Wednesday again, time to hop around the world with the chatty  Julia Dunnit
On my desk is the remains of my grungy monday piece for this week. studiol3.
 It didn't turn out as I planned at all, but not in a bad way.
I had intended to decorate one of the S M I L E letters I brought at Ally Pally.
The technique for this week was using  embossed metal foil and alcohol inks.
See Tim Holtz amazing altered pumpkin timholtz.-great-pumpkin-challenge.

I made a brick wall piece which I was going to wrap around the letter L (for leaf) and decorate with leaves.
I thought this would be quite quick and I would have time to make a couple of C pressies as well.
 I liked the effect but it was too big to wrap around so I decided to put it onto a canvas as an autumn collage.

 I die cut lots (and lots ) of small leaves using my new tattered leaves long plate, some are metal, most are yellow paper, which I inked with DI, some are sprayed with cosmic shimmer and some have crackle glaze on.
The word autumn is made from some old scrabble tiles with alcohol ink on.

Yes Vicky! the quote is from the birthday card you made me last year... it was just perfect so I took it off. Sorry!
All this took a lot longer than I intended (housework??)
 Christmas stuff will have to wait. I did manage to tidy up a bit,  This is TIDY(messy) side! lol

I must admit it was good to have a break from Christmas 'stuff'.
This is now on my desk as my next project (Christmas pressies). On the right are some fab Ginko leaves I found in Winchester at the weekend, love these leaves.
Housework will still have to wait, housework????? no sorry not yet!

Well time to see what everyone else (as many as I can manage anyway).


  1. Oooh great artwork there - love it all. I like the crackle glaze on the leaves I havent done that yet so now I will! Thanks for the inspiration. Sunshine Girl – No 19

  2. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It's always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. Love the canvas, glad I did not have to fiddle with all those leaves though!
    Neil #31

  3. Wow, love your artwork! The details are amazing! It's stunning!

  4. Lovely work - don't you you just love autumnal colours.
    Ann B

  5. Such a beautiful collage! Thanks for sharing! x

  6. Your canvas is very original with a bit of metal wall.. Just fab x

  7. Great canvas well done what a lot of work!!! Happy WOYWDW too :O) Viv xx ( Daizy-Mae) #86

  8. Wonderful creation, lovely colours and textures. :)

  9. Wow that's amazing, absolutely wonderful colours and textures, and a Memory Box die in use too!! Love the Gingko leaves too, I have a really large one on my craft room windowsill.

    Brenda 82

  10. Definitely a canvas worth taking a break from Christmas stuff for, it's beautiful. Housework is highly over-rated and who is going to remember the state of your house with work like that!

  11. Oooo that is looking so fabulous! Kim

  12. Gorgeous Janet. Where will you hang it? Can we do some of these things during training one morning? Huh, pleeeeeease?

  13. I LOVE this! Absolutely gorgeous, so much detail and the colours are fab. Are you bringing it in to show us IRL?!

  14. That canvas is amazing! Such gorgeous colours, I love all the leaves you've done. It must have taken ages but boy, is the effect worth it!
    Was the gingko tree down by the river in Winchester? There's a small area of exotic trees on the riverside walk and I spotted what I thought was the gingko there...
    Hugs, LLJ #39 xx

  15. Just love those bricks and leaves - fab idea and looks great! Thanks for taking some time to share your desk...Sarah at 14.

  16. What a great desk your brick wall is lovely on your canvas. Please don't mention the dreaded housework! I see you got a calendar bargain lucky find. Have a lovely day. Laura

  17. Your canvas is beautiful - the colours are gorgeous. Hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #81

  18. Great job - what a lucky thing the wall turned out too big - and ,my goodness, never thought I'd type this - what a fantastic wall! Know what you mean aboutthe change from doing Christmas stuff too. Aren't you good to spread paper around..I'm a bit slovenly about such things!

  19. Your canvas is just beautiful... I love the embossed metal wall and all those different leaves. A real work of art. Loved looking at this!!! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  20. Oh its wonderful, I do really like the wall,

    Happy WOYWW
    Lou #41

  21. What a stunning canvas! I absolutely love it!!

  22. The bricks, colors along with the autumn theme is perfecto!

  23. I am impressed by your creation! WOW!

  24. Gorgeous! So many fantastic details...I love it all. Really brilliant piece!


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