Tuesday 10 April 2012


Hi nosey people (only on wednesday)
Julia says keep it short as we all have a lot of desks to get around .... so here it is
My desk :

It doesn't look much different to last week, mostly because I haven't done anything, except pile more stuff on top.
In the middle is a new book I have just brought by Heather Kingsley Heath on beading Albion Stitch . . . .  very gorgeous stuff, I will show when I have done something from it.
The Michael Powell stamps are still there, here is a closer look as Julia couldn't make them out last week.

at the back in the envelope is the one and only crafty thing I made this week a card for  for DD2's partner's nephew's birthday. I cheated, the meercat is a download from a magazine, but DD2 liked it.
I  coloured him in, made the waistcoat and gave him glossy accent eyes (a bit scary really).

Even my AB desk has been neglected this week . . . .  no time.
Handyman and I have been decorating our bedroom, how do you choose between the 350 different colours of cream emulsion. I bet Tim never has that problem

There, that was quite short.
If you are wandering what I'm going on about, where have you been?
Check it out here   http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/       and join us . . .  if you dare.
Many thanks for all the  lovely comments last week, you will be seeing more of the wedding Gecko!!!
I will look at yours if you look at mine, but you need to tell me, if you do comment please leave your Mr Linky no. as it speeds things up . . .  a lot


  1. Thanks for the peek(s) love the birthday card!

  2. Wow, those stamps look amazing and the card looks fun too!!
    Astrid #33

  3. I know there are a lot of colors to choose from but 350 are more than I would want to choose from. Hope you get back on track soon, especially with your AB (grin).

  4. OOPS. Forgot to wish you a lovely WOYWW from # 9 this week!

  5. Love your desk and those stamps! Good luck on the AB. My progress is pretty slow on that. Thanks for sharing and have fun WOYWWing!

  6. Maybe you can use some of the paint samples for your AB? lol happy decorating although I am sorry I didn't get a peek at your AB! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina #51

  7. ...a loVely inky desk with great storage...cute little card too...thanks for sharing...Mel :)

  8. A lovely crafty desk. love those stamps would love to see how they stamp up on your projects, Have a great week, hugs May x x x No15

  9. Great post, made me giggle! I've been decorating too.. yuck! much rather throw ink at a journal or tag or - anything but paint at a wall! Love those stamps, thanks for showing them in detail today. helen 39

  10. You've beaten me to it - we've got to decorate our bedroom too..but it's the thought of having to shift all our furniture, get new carpet etc that's putting us off at the moment. We must do it though cos it hasn't been painted for a few years *sigh*. We;ll feel better when it's done :)
    HUgs, LLJ #3 xx

  11. The Meerkat card is brill, they are real favourites in our house.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  12. Love your meerkat and those stamps! Not heard of them but am now off to do a google.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #10

  13. Wonderful goodies on your desk and I must say the meerkat is smashing in his waistcoat. Goodluck with the redecorating. Sandra #63

  14. Stamps look interesting Janet, but they give lots of scope for colouring. My dog sometimes thinks she is a Meercat, stands on her back legs like that for ages - she is very nosey.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Ann B

  15. Great desk. Love the birthday card and that whole pile of things has really grabbed my attention. Happy WOYWW

  16. Cool pictures, love all the stuff piled on your desk.happy WOYWW, Shaz #94 xx

  17. fab pics of your crafting spaces
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww

  18. Lots going on, loving the new stamps. Choosing colours to decorate is never easy! Take care, enjoy WOYWW snooping! Love Zo xx 75

  19. Whoa, those stamps are fabulous! Thanks for adding to my Must-Have list. :)

    Susan #130-ish

  20. The meercat is too cool! I had to laugh that you haven't done much but pile more on. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. My desk has so much on it and I haven't done anything crafty all week? How does that happen? Are the cats secret crafters? And I'll bet you're right, Tim can pick just the right shade in a heartbeat. Darn him, anyway!

  21. Nope, not cheating at all--and very cute!

    Happy woyww!

  22. I use glossy accent on my doll eyes...it's great stuff...

  23. I love the meercat...he is just too cute! Happy decorating and happy WOYWW !! #47

  24. hello Janet.
    Those stamps are simply incredible!!! I LOVE them!
    Have a wonderful week. Good luck in solving your Cream dilema!
    Mommyle 159

  25. Oh I do love your desks! Those stamps look very nice - lots of detail and lots of coloring! That helps me relax and is something I can do in front of the t.v.

    I really like the mercat card. I have a photo of one that I took in San Diego that is priceless. I should do another post real soon of some of the animals from the zoo. He's just adorable, sitting up with his paws/hands in his lap!

    Happy WOYWW
    #36 (you already visited - thank you!!)

  26. The meercat card is so cute! And I don't think it is cheating to download the image, especially if you make him a waistcoast! Ha ha, a meercat in a waistcoat, that is funny!
    Those stamps are amazing! I have never seen anything like them! Can't wait to see what you make with them!
    xoxo Karen

  27. I love that birthday card, the "one" really stands out, fabulous
    Sophie x

  28. Great desk to nosy at, lots of stuff to peer at, and those stamps are gorgeous. Great card ... who doesn't like meerkats, so cute. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #26

  29. The amazing box is a two part casting resin solution which I used to cast some cogs. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sandra #63

  30. Love your desk top with the shelves behind. Wonderful birthday card and those stamps are marvelous. can't wait to see what you make with them. #25

  31. I must get around to doing an altered book one day! Bit scared of the craft knife & all that cutting out! I heard about the meet up in Manchester, but got something planned that day its happening so I cant make it! Maybe next time ,thanks for thinking about me & mentioning it though!


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