Wednesday 2 May 2012

WOYWW152 fun with buttons

hi world . . .  and nosey Wednesday people

Yes, it's wednesday again, want to see my workdesk?  wondering why I am showing it?
where have you been?  its the craziest, nosiest blog hop of the week, but you have to do it. Hop over to Julia's desk superstore to see more
Anyway not much happening again this week. (still decorating)

Here I am finishing off DD2's wedding invites. When did invitations become so complicated, 4 separate sheets of instructions/ menus etc. I was stapling the menu to the selection form, when I had a stapler malfunction, (as you do!) so I sorted it out with my trusty awl (on the right near the front) and then stapled my finger and got blood on some of the forms which are just behind the awl.... it hurt! :(

On the left are a couple of magazines: craft stamper (note to self: find time to read it this month) and Do Crafts Creativity, I made a small card with the free stamps for work... to sell the magazine . . .  great free gift as well as interesting projects (advert over, sorry Julia).
At the back are the hearts handyman made me ... still not painted

The handyman and I had a long conversation the other day about my Awl.
It was made by his uncle about 75 years ago and is one of my most useful tools.

 This is what I was working on yesterday..... how much fun can you have with a box of buttons . . . 

loads, but it depends how old you are !!

Regular visitors will recognise my chocolate box from a few weeks ago. I knew I would find a use for it. GD Erin loved them.
Anyway we are supposed to keep it short.
Please let me know you have stopped by and leave a comment, thanks for all the  lovely comments  last week, it's what it is all about, well that and just being nosey.  
Sorry if I didnt get back to everyone, time is short at the moment. PLEASE, please leave your Mr Linky number so I can find you.
happy hopping


  1. Hi Janet I recognised the Bendicks box right away - still empty!! Good luck with your invites - are we going to see them?? xx

  2. Good luck with the wedding invites, I bet they will look really gorgeous when you have them finished? Gorgeous photo of your Grand Daughter, she is so sweet :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #12

  3. ...a very busy desk indeedy, when we sign to help our cherubs with invites we really don't comprehend to time it take or that we may staple ourselves to said project (ooouch bet that really hurt) adorable is your GD I hope those buttons are super sized and not that she is tiny...thanks for sharing...Mel :) #34

  4. I love buttons and when I was little my nanna started a button blanket for me and when ever she found a button of interest she would sew it on the blanket always working from the outside in. I lost that dear blanket in a fire, oh how I loved it. Buttons for children are special.

    Thanks for sharing

    Eliza #19

  5. I too am currently in the midst of wedding invite hell, for my sister. So many complicated instructions!

    Happy Wednesday!

    Zoe #72

  6. I dont think you are a true crafter until you get an injury! hope you are ok though. I think the picture proves that girls just love buttons at any age dont we! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 29

  7. Good to see Erin starting her crafting journey so young! I remember playing with my Nan's buttons... and my Grandma's... and my Mum's!!

  8. Sign it's getting round to Wedding season, lots of people are in the middle of invitations at the minute. It all sounds very complicated nowadays. Good Luck with it all.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #79

  9. I could never to wedding invitations - along with all the extras, lol - so well done you! Helen 7.

  10. cute granddaughter and fab invites
    thank you for the peep around your crafting area this week
    Vicky #107
    ps could you let me know if you visit, I have visited you as I always visit (if possible) back everyone whom visits me.
    pps my candy is still open, 2 saturated canary digi's of your choice.

  11. I have only done wedding invites once and live in hope that no-one else will ask me! Lovely pic of the buttons and your GD. Anne x #44

  12. oh your poor finger,good luck with the invites
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #38

  13. i just love buttons, and you've got some beauties in there :)
    and there's something about old, still useable tools, isn't there?
    happy wednesday x

  14. Oh dear! Wedding invites can be frustrating all by themselves, much less when your tools malfunction and then hurt your be careful...#147

  15. Good luck with the invites, hope your finger recovers, Lovely pic of the adorable little one.... Hugs May x x x#32

  16. I'm blown away that your awl is handmade. It really is beautiful and looks amazing. Very cool.

    Your desk looks very busy with wedding invites.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #33

  17. I have an awl, not seen it in years! VERY usfull for mending bridles! I'm in a field on my 3G dongle, zooming around as fast as I can! HAPPY WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #47

  18. Looks like fun with those buttons. Lots of work on those wedding invites - a very busy workspace - thanks for sharing - Hazel, WOYWW #10 x

  19. Hope your finger is not to sore - love the awl have a thing about old tools - have a great week - Nicky 131

  20. OOOH lovely work on the wedding invitations. What a wonderful tool to have, everyone needs a sturdy awl.
    Happy WOYWW

  21. Oh no! Blood on the artwork! That's just the worst. I don't feel that is something you can just embellish over. Lots of papers on your desk this week. Keep working on the project and eventually it will get done. Nice story about the awl. I wanted one once and hubby couldn't understand why I wanted a owl. *sigh* Of course you can have loads of fun with a box of buttons.

  22. Lots of lovely items on your desk - have lots of delicious crafty fun! ;)

    I'm a bit late doing my rounds this week....phew... glad it's Friday! Happy WOYWW Asia #52

    Ps. I’m celebrating my 2nd Blogaversary and have a sweet little candy for grabs ;-).


I'd love to know you have popped by so please leave a comment, they are much appreciated.