Wednesday 25 July 2012

WOYWW164 the big reveal

Time once again to meander amongst the worlds workdesks and have a peep at lots of crafty-ness or do I mean crafty-mess, probably!!!
See what it is all about and join in with Julia at stamping-ground

Here is my desk this week...... the big Tiara reveal, well it's not that big LOL

On my desk is my stash book which I am adding my latest purchases too.... some stamps I brought today in Hobbycraft for £1 each, the bee is a replacement for the one I lost (probably threw away) a while ago.
Underneath the stash book is a scrapping project I am working on, top secret!
At the back in the tiara..... almost finished, it just needs 'tidying up' and finishing off.
Next to the tiara is the wedding menu, you may remember the easels from last week which I cut out and am using to stand the menus up.

Close up of the tiara, I still have to add the pearls and crystals on the front to hide all the wire. The design is based on the Russian tiara I saw at the Diamond Jubilee Exhibition at 'Buck House'.

I had a bit of help in my craft room today, Erin (GD) is helping sort through some boxes, I think she is just nosey, oh and yes she is sitting in the dog bed . . . . as you do. . .  he he.

If you  are kind enough to comment please leave your Mr Linky no. if you have one so I can visit you back.
 I will try to get to as many desks as possible, you never know .... it could be you!
janet aka fairy thoughts


  1. The tiara is coming along nicely, I can't wait to see the finished version, it will be stunning! Erin looks so darn cute sitting there in the doggy bed, you need to get her one of her own, with her name on the front of it! She just thinks it's kid size furniture!! perfect size for her cute little tush!! waving hi, waiting for Julia to post, from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. The tiara is beautiful your little helper!! Great place to sit too.trace. X 9

  3. Gorgeous tiara - I really want to get to that exhibition... Love the desk, lots going on, and your helper is so cute! Helen, 6

  4. It's stunning Janet, absolutely stunning, can't imagine how much more beauty you could add to it! Love the shot of Erin..they do like a contained space don't they..and look at her concentrating, bless her! Am bowled over by how much you get done despite working and looking after Erin...go you!

  5. Happy WOYWW. Beautiful tiara and busy desk. Your litte helper is so cute in 'her' bed. Ali x #12

  6. OMG Janet, that tiara is completely stunning!! I love the combination of pearls and beads you've used. Did you go to a class to learn the technique or are you self taught?
    Hugs, LLJ 27 xx

  7. Fabulous crafty tiara, love the beads etc.
    Love the name Erin, my daughter shares it.
    Cheers, Elaine #10

  8. WOW to so many things: the tiara, lovely ink pad storage, new stamps, Erin merrily sitting in dog basket....!
    Happy WOYWW! Victoria no.25

  9. Charming tiara. Your daughter will be very pleased. Quite the busy place there. Charlotte #42

  10. excellent Tiara yuo've made . Some little persons looks happy to in the dog basket, .Jill #32

  11. Beautiful Tiara... your little GD looks so cute and comfy in that cosy basket... Have a happy week, Hugs May x x#11

  12. Great tiara and bless her sitting in the dogs bed! How sweet. Thanks for visiting me. Sunshine Girl #1

  13. Wow, gorgeous tiara!!! love all the sparkliesness (is that a word?!) Trish #55

  14. Oh, it's beautiful!
    Love Erin's choice of seat too :)
    Have a good week,

  15. Cute little helper there gm ..popping in from woyww

  16. How funny... my first WOYWW, and since I'm in at 128 I thought I'd visit all the 8s first and then see how much further I get - and here are you at 18, preparing for a wedding, same as me! ... though my preparations are for my brother's wedding not mine! Tiara is looking magnificent. I'm sending this link to my sister-in-law-to-be who is also making her own headpiece!
    Alison x

  17. What a lot of work has gone in to the tiara - your daughter will be delighted with it. Erin looks very cute, 'snug and cosy' in the dog basket!!
    Bernice #74

  18. Love that GD is sitting in the dog bed. Snug and cozy indeed, it looks like it was made for her. The tiara is looking good! I like all the pearls and beads, very cool. I'm still impressed you record all your purchases in your stash book. I wouldn't have the patience to do that-I'd forget. And I understand what you mean about how you may have thrown that one stamp out. That's the downside to those cling and acrylic stamps-can be easily lost or tossed. I found one clinging to a piece of cardstock in my stash once. Who knows how long it had been there.

  19. Yay! The tiara turned out so beautiful!! And what a little cutie that Erin is!

    #137 this week

  20. that tiara is stunning,and how cute is your helper :)
    happy woyww
    kay #35

  21. busy busy desk - i love love love the tiara! amazing jenx 61

  22. The bee stamp is neat...but the tiarra is gorgeous! Well done!

  23. Hey great news your desk looks messier than mine!!! The tiara is really pretty you are very talented. Seems to be a lot going on in your workspace too.

    Happy crafting
    JUlie x (154)

  24. Really loving your tiara. Can't wait to see the finished project. #81

  25. ooh, labelled drawers....that is some seriously organised space there! I LOVE your tiara, its stunning and so detailed.

    Thanks for visiting my desk and becoming a follower.

    kyla #42

  26. The tiara is stunning and what could be better for any bride than having it modelled on one the Queen might have worn!

    And where else would a little girl sit than in the dogs bed ... it's soft and cosy, perfect.

    Belated happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #24

  27. The tiara is gorgeous, Janet. I know that Russian one which is beautiful, and a great choice for inspiration! Love the little girl in the dog bed too - that's such a sweet photo! Hope the dog's nose wasn't put out of joint.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog - well done making it to the end of the mega-long post lol! I gave the card to the lady today and she loved it - as did everyone else who saw it. Makes all the work worth while, doesn't it!

    Shoshi #51

  28. Sorry I am so late commenting! What an amazing tiara! I always wanted to have one but there was never a time when I could wear one - still there is always hope!
    Lots of hugs,


I'd love to know you have popped by so please leave a comment, they are much appreciated.