Tuesday 26 March 2013

WOYWW 199 thanks Julia

Hi Peeps
Well It's Wednesday again and time to show the mess that is my desk, or this week. . . . desks.
Here is a quick tour. . . . . it's all the idea of   Julia    . . . pop over and have a look you never know who you will meet, or what you will find.

The piece of MDF is my heat embossing mat... very useful.
I have been looking for the dominoes for about a month, I will be making some presents with them later in the year.... I like to know where things are in case the mood takes me.
At the back is a small weaving loom and a pile of cards I made last week... not put away yet.
A pile of bits of paper and die cut off cuts.

Here's my other desk, with the project I am working on today. . .  something for Easter for DD x3 I  dont think they would guess even if they do visit this post. The front cover is recycled from the wedding last year, but the inside is completely different. . .  here's a close up

Mmm enough said!

Last but not least,  was this

A few weeks ago Julia  had a giveaway for a jewellery kit she had been asked to review.
I was lucky enough to win one. I thought I should make it straight away as I tend to put things away.... and forget them.
 This is what I made, I change it a bit ... well you have to, don't you?

Love the colours, especially the turquoise.
I'm not going to review it 'coz Julia has already done that . . . but I did enjoy making it and I will enjoy wearing it.
There were lots of beads left so I will (at some point) make a pair of earrings and a necklace.
Well,  time to grap a cuppa and see what is happening in the crazy world of WOYWW.
See you later

Friday 22 March 2013

Make a simple bag

Hi world
One of the super stitchers from the   lillybo quilts  was having a bit of trouble making the bag  ,so here is a very simple picture tutorial for a simple bag which is perfect to put the quilt in.  this bag could be made in under an hour..... honest. It has probably taken longer to write this tutorial he he
This is the first time I have done anything like this so I hope you can understand it.
My bag is a little shopper for GD Erin. Well a girl has to start sometime.

Cut 2 rectangles the same size, (any size can be made) 1" bigger all round than the finished size. Cut 2 more rectangles the same size in the lining material

sew right sides together around 3 sides leaving the top open.... If your fabric has a one way design like mine remember to make sure the front and back are the right way up.

Sew the lining together in the same way except leave a 10cm gap in the lower edge.... so the
bag can be turned the right way out. Iron the seems open as shown

Decide how deep you want the gusset on your bag and sew across the base seam. This bag has a 2" gusset, so measure 1" from the seam to the edge of the bag. Do the same at the other end.
Make sure you line the base seam and the side seam up so the seam is in the middle of the gusset.

your bag should look like this

Trim the gusset seam as shown

Turn the bag right sides out.

Make the handles. 
 Cut a piece of fabric 4 x the width you want your handle and twice the length of one. Iron in half lengthways.

Open out again and then iron the edges to the middle so it looks like a piece of bias binding .

Fold the outer long edges together and iron again. Stitch close to both edges to look like top stitching

cut the long piece in half to make 2 handles

Pin the handle to the right side of the bag and secure with stitching (I used zig zag for extra strength)
Repeat the other side.  Instead of pins I use Clove wonder clips they are ... wonderful!!

With right sides together slip the lining over the  top of the bag making sure the handles are encased inside and the top edges are lined up. Stitch all the way around the top. I like to double stitch where the handles are for strength.

Turn your bag the right way out through the hole you left in the lining base.

Neaten  the top edge and iron flat. Top stitch around the top to finish.
Remember to hand sew the gap in the bottom of the lining or you may 'loose' things inside

Voila your bag is finished.....

This bag can be embellished with pockets, zips, etc etc, but it is really easy.
Any questions just ask.
If you make a bag please let me know, leave me a link so I can have a look.
happy sewing

Tuesday 19 March 2013

WOYWW 198 chip off the old block

Hi peepers
time again to peek at my workdesk ... so soon? where does the time go
Anyway on my desk this week is  some inky stampy stuff..... finally.
I have had a few weeks break from card making because I have been busy sewing quilts (more about that later)

This is a use it up desk... lots of stamped images, some from swaps and some that just never got used. Lots of D/S tape I am trying to use up. Also finally using some of my washi tape.
There is also several cups of fruit tea. Must take them back to the kitchen!
On the right is a set of flower stamps free with the latest copy of Simply Homemade.
This week I had some help.

Real chip off the old block eh!
 It's only now that I see that very large pair of scissors, but luckily GD Erin was far more interested in the cut and dry foam. I was die cutting while she inked  and then :


 But let me tell you this is strong stuff, because it is still working.
Anyway back to the quilt making, this is my latest  lillybo quilt. for Jo who started the project.

This quilt really used up a lot of scraps. The fabric is less baby than a lot of the quilts so I think it would suit a slightly older girl.
 I dont know what ages the children at CHIC are, but I hope someone will like it.

 There is a hidden secret in the bag but you will have to wait until Jo has seen it because I dont want to spoil the surprise.
I will post pictures in a couple of weeks as I know Jo is busy at the moment.
If you like my desk please leave a comment and then visit Julia who has lots more on offer so grab a coffee, sit back and prepare to be inspired.
See Ya

Friday 15 March 2013

smile.... it's friday

I saw this  little smart car on the way to work the other day and couldn't resist taking a picture on my phone..... the whole thing was covered in plastic grass.

how cool must it be to drive around in it.
Lots more smiles on wipso's blog  see them here http://wipso-astitchintime.blogspot.co.uk/
hey you could even join in, we could all do with a smile or two.
PS for those who asked already you can just see at the top of the windscreen the car is an advert for easygrass.com

Wednesday 13 March 2013

WOYWW197 messy

Hi desk hoppers
Not much going on on my desk this week .... DD3 moved at the weekend so we were all very busy there all weekend.
 GD Erin was very full on today, so didn't get anything done, except a card her Mum asked me to make to say thanks to their  conveyancing solicitor.

The canvas at the back, where you can see my reflection...... is for the patchwork I am making for my bedroom (remember I promised to finish it by friday).
Also some cute dog  fabric for my next, lillyboquilts.   in an appropriate paper bag.

This was taken at lunch time.... I have just finished making the card so lots of alphabet stamps and inks.

It's not really finished .... well you didnt think it would be did you... the yoyos' are not  sewn on yet... but you get the idea!!

Here is the finished wall hanging and a close up below

 Below is the wallpaper the patchwork is based on

Well if you have any spare time pop over to see Julia ..... the inspiration for all this nosiness. pull up a chair, grab a coffee and fly around the world.... it's great fun.
Don't foget to leave  your Mr linky no and I'll get back to you..... eventually

Friday 8 March 2013

friday smile

hi funny/ happy/smiley people
this is what is making me smile today

 these.... I have just finished these 2 cards.
I dont usually 'do' slushy but today  I am making an exception.
I am smiling because I  realise how lucky I am to have TWO such lovely special Mums to make mothers day cards for..... So if you have a special mum let her know this weekend how special she is .
janet :)
pop over to  wipso/Annie's   to see more smiles

Wednesday 6 March 2013

WOYWW 196 can you make it to the end?

Hi peeps
Another busy week, so beware this is a photo heavy post... I hope you make it ot the end
 I'm on holiday this week and have had 3 days of crafting all to myself.
Don't know what    WOYWW  is then check it out here, it's fun, fast and very addictive.
anyway here is my desk.

This is the start of play on Monday morning
.... catching up with some ATC for a swap.
Some new stamps I brought at Make -It last week..... a bit disappointed with the show, especially the knit and stitch part....

There  was a fabulous button stall at the show. Regular visitors will know my love of buttons.... and you know I'm not alone!

My little haul, plus this one I brought for Lee who was sick and could go with me on the day
Victorian hand carved shell

 I started these this  morning. DD3 is moving on Saturday..... finally. These little men are to decorate GD Erins bedroom as it is plain white and may be a while before they have time (or the money) to paint it.
Is it me, or do some of the gingerbread men look a bit scary...

I coloured the mouth in after I took this shot and it looks much better.
 The lovely Jo   jo zartdesigns.  made the men for me after I saw them on her blog before Christmas,
I hope she likes what I have done with them.

I have just finished piecing my next   lillybo quilts.   but I am giving it  a little rest so I can make a wall hanging for my bedroom.
I just need to add the flowers, pop back on Friday if you want to see it finished.... yes it will be finshed then !!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my desk at the end of play Tuesday (about 10pm   thanks to my new daylight bulb, see it here  let there be light ) Nearly forgot Mothers day, we are seeing them tomorrow and may not get there on Sunday due to the big move, so I had to get a wiggle on this evening..... nearly finished , I will put them together in the morning.
Well I think that is all for now.... well done if you made it to the end.
 except to show this ....  my next project, I brought it at the show... it will be a clock for my craft room (from the MDF man). this will take a bit longer though.

All the usual rules apply, please leave your linky no... blah blah blah.

Friday 1 March 2013

Friday smile..... let there be light

Here is a mildly amusing story which made me smile
for more smiley post pop over to Annie's blog... careful some posts may affect your sense of humour :)

Last week while sewing in my lounge /diner in the evening I was moaning to my handyman (DH) about the poor light. Maybe I should get a daylight bulb says I.
The next day I brought one home.
I gave the bulb to the handyman who then went up stairs, wondering where he was going I followed him. When I asked him what he was doing he replied saying he was going to put my new bulb in the light to try it. But I thought it was going down stairs says I ......Oh he says I thought you wanted it in your craft room..... does the man never listen properly?  Thank goodness he didn't.
 Oh my what a difference.
Here is the before taken on tuesday about 3.pm

And the after taken at MIDNIGHT last night

I am off to buy stash at the Make -It show at Farnborough yey!