Tuesday 25 June 2013

WOYWW 213 no no no I'm sure its 212

Hi Peeps
Gosh where does the time go? It's that time again.... oh yes it is!
Time to peek at the work desks of the world .... so many inspirational people to visit.
I'm going to keep it short this week 1. because Julia says so (she's in charge of us all) and 2, because I'm tired and need to go to bed (this is written Tuesday night).
 So here's my desk;

 Tuesday is Grandma day (I look after my GD ) today we got the Play Doh out.... so I played with my 'special' play doh and made some buttons while Erin made Winnie the Pooh and friends figures and dropped bits all over the floor!
On the left is a bag from a bundle of babybel cheese ... to be used for something fab in a few weeks time. ( a little teasing here!).
 At first I thought there weren't any scissors (shock horror!) but no I was wrong they are hiding next to the strawberry ... you can just see the orange handles.. phew!

I baked them later and then stamped them with Archival Ink, later I will varnish them.
I don't know what I will use them on it was good just to play for a few minutes.

 Last week I discovered a blog Gallo Organico with quite a challenge attached to it .... summertime-photography-scavenger hunt .
 The idea is to  take photos from a list and then blog or share them with the other members of the challenge.
Here are a couple of pictures I took this week

No. 10 on the list is an outside bench.... rather an unusual one on the park where I live.

No.4 on the list .... an aeroplane. This is a half scale model of a spitfire, it is on a roundabout outside Southampton airport in Eastleigh where they tested the plane during the war.
Anyway that's all folks I'm off to bed very early for me.
If you leave me a comment I will visit you back later this evening after work... and dinner, well a girls gotta eat sometime! Please leave your Mr Linky no so I can find you quickly
see ya


  1. Hullo Janet ah what fun to have your little one around

    ...and yes you must use the buttons you made they look so very very fab well done

    ... happy WOYWW not post yet better get a wriggle on huh? Shaz in oz.x

  2. Lovely buttons! Thanks for the scavenger hunt list. I'm going to try and do it. See you in a mo for more sale prep carnage, sorry, I mean fun...Lucy x

  3. Love the smell of playdough...... glad you had fun with your GD and love the photo hunt idea

    happy woyww
    sue #38

  4. Love the buttons you made and I know all about bits on the floor...Nice to see the two photos of things in and around where you live...makes blogging more connected some how. #55

  5. Nice buttons, missus...they're really cute! And I have enjoyed seeing the scavenger photos...maybe I'll join in next year too :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 31 xxx

  6. Those buttons are just gorgeous....I need to have a go at some now :-) Love the photos.
    A x # 62

  7. Love your buttons... will they wash or are they only for craft bellies.
    Ooooh! It would be lovely if you did come up with or without a quilt! I'm so excited at the possibility!! Donna would come too and you'd meet Neet and AnnB at the least!
    I envy you seeing your little one so often... I miss mine so much and the newbie due in Sept will make it even worse.
    lv Jo
    ps will do a tutorial post for the book asap.

  8. What is it this week with the numbers... Julia first put 113 and you have 111.... it's 213 missus!
    Jo x

  9. what lovely hand made buttons

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week

    Candace #43

  10. Well it looks like you had fun on Grandma day! Take care Zo xx 75

  11. Only one pair of scissors? Ha. Love the buttons, and I have been having so much fun with the Gelli print on contact paper after seeing you with your packing tape at the crop :) Thanks for that (and I say that in NOT a sarcastic way :) I really am loving it....)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (26)

  12. What a great idea, both having Play Doh to work with! Love the buttons. Hugs. Pam#28

  13. 111? Now I'm completely confused ... though it doesn't take much these days! Your buttons are lush as are your photos. I think I'll check out that scavenger challenge TFS. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@107)

  14. whaaat? those buttons are amazing!

  15. Very cooooool buttons and I'm glad you had some Grandma time :-D
    I love the idea of that photo scavenger hunt... brilliant :-D
    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x #35

  16. Great work with your special play doh - hope you both had lots of fun. Linda #119

  17. Those buttons are ace. Lovely to have some playtime. Spitfire picture made me think of Donington- Iron Maiden organised a flyover from a WWII Spitfire just before their set, as it was Battle of Britain day! Awesome, it came out over the top of the stage & over the crowds. Have a great week,Hugs, Shaz #48 xx

  18. Great buttons, glad you had time to "play" with your GD. They are so precious and grow out of playing with Grandma all to soon.
    Krisha #12

  19. OK, color me green…. I'm jealous of your organizational skills and all your neat little containers. How old is your granddaughter? Mine is 3. I watch her every Monday and Wednesday. Her name is Kaya Rose, and she too loves doing art with me. It's a great age. I love your "play dough" buttons. :) BTW…my Linky # is the very last one. I'm behind, and this is my very first ever link up with WOYWW. I've also started following you.

  20. I love the messy desk and found the scissors (once you pointed them out...) The photo challenge sounds a lot of fun (eeeckkk... I have too much on my plate already, I need more hours in a day!) Have a nice and creative week. Happy ~ belated ~ woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91

  21. Hi Janet - I don't have a cat (re recycling cat boxes) but my neighbours do. Check yours out.
    Love your buttons, I didn't know you could bake PlayDoh - does it go very hard then?
    Sorry I am so late, dare I say it, cleaning got in the way - and thanks for visiting me yesterday. Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  22. Hi Janet
    Can you help please? Do you know if I have to change LillyBo blog over to bloglovin or will it change automatically now I've changed jozart? I'm panicking...can't manage to sort it out and don't want to lose anything so I'm asking you as I think you have more than one blog.
    Thanks so much, Jo x


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