Tuesday 18 June 2013

WOYWW 211 2nd attempt to follow instructions.... failed again

Hi Peeps
Don't know what happened to the rest of the week but it seems to be Wednesday again..... time to show off your crafty space again, so Julia at stamping-ground  says anyway..... so here it is
This week it's the dining room.

I am really into my sewing at the moment, so this week I have decided to make something for myself (gasp!) but true to form I am going to change the pattern slightly.
My chosen top looks a bit short and at my advanced age I don't think I will be showing off my belly button. Here's hoping I have done it right... let you know next week.

Also this week I started another lillybo quilt lillybo quilts. , but in true fairy thoughts style I did it back to front ( a theme is forming here, me thinks!)

I made some bunting for the Olympics last year, so I thought I would take it apart and re- use it as the quilt border (Mmm!) it didn't occur to me until I was sewing it together that I would have to make the middle fit the edge..... rather than the other way around, Doh! Watch this space.

I had some wonderful ATC's from the 4th anniversary swap, here they are in all their glory
Aren't they brilliant? thank you all :)

 And because I am terrible lazy typist here are the backs so you can see who made them (actually the backs look pretty good too)

 Finally here is a picture for Kyla li'l pidge check out why!
 I noticed it at breakfast this morning, it is the dog toy (plastic newspaper) I use to encourage my Mutt to eat her dinner (long story).

Have a great week and I will catch up with you later after work, usual rules apply.
Please leave your linky number.


  1. The pair of us with our mistakes, eh? Quilt's looking good though! x

  2. Do like that first piece of fabric, great ATCs. Francesca #44

  3. Good luck with the sewing :-) Really fab ATCs :-)
    A x #62

  4. Ooh I like the look of your big mat with the curves and markings. It's always nice when WOYWWers visit on other days. Thanks for stopping by yesterday xx

    Fiona #60

  5. hope your top turns out ok, and hides what you want it to hide, lol!! Good luck with the quilt too... Thanks for sharing your atcs from the swap. Helen 31

  6. Good luck with the sewing and hope your top comes out how you want

  7. Great pics this week! You got quite a stash of ATCs - I like to see the backs too, so I don't put two in the same slot in my album :)
    Good luck with the sewing - looks good so far...
    Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 32

  8. You'll still end up with great results, I'm sure. Love the idea for the bunting quilt and the fabric for your top too.I made a super top in May to wear for my hols and it's still hanging there waiting for the neck facing to be sewn. It never did get to Italy, or Slovenia, or Germany!
    Didn't we do well and have fun with the ATC's... great collection and I'm making a folder, book or such for mine.
    Jo x

  9. Love the fabric you've chosen for your top - and I'm with you on the belly button thing! Have a great week. MMx #70

  10. Fab sewing going on, I have a machine but rarely use it, thought I would use it to add stitch detail to my projects. Loving the dog toy!! Take care Zo xx 77

  11. I love that black and white fabric - your top is going to look fab I'm sure! Thanks so much for dropping by, hope you have a great week,
    PS - my index cards will go in a box and get moved around from shelf to cupboard to table until they get thrown out in about 5 years time!

  12. Clever planned reuse of the bunting, and I will def. be back to see how that turns out. The fabric is wonderful, and I bet the top looks great, BBOS (belly button on show) or not. :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (19)

  13. Now that is a lovely collection of atc's. I am sure your quilt will be well received and how clever to use the bunting.
    Sandra @105

  14. I think my days of showing my BB are well behind me, in fact I don't think I ever had a body that would allow it! Great collection of ATC's. Hugs. Pam#38

  15. wow you have been a busy bee look at all that great sewing projects. I love what you are doing with the quilt.
    Lovely ATC's everyone has made such fantastic cards
    Have a wonderful WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #47

  16. haha! At least you read the instructions! My hubby tries something first then reads the instructions last...!!! Lovely fabric and I think bellybuttons look better hidden at any age! Enjoy your week!

  17. Thank you for sharing all your pretty ATCs, Janet! You write a really fun and tantalizing post ... I can't wait to return and find out the next part of the sewing stories!! Have a wonderful week and thanks for coming by the Playhouse! Darnell #20

  18. Ah you aren't changing things MUCH!! Pretty fabric for your top..I hope you haven't made it down to your ankles?!! Funy about the Man Bites Dog thing, I see it now and then and always think of Kyla too!!

  19. Hi Janet,

    I bet your top comes out great! I love the fabric you've chosen. You may inspire me to get my sewing machine out yet!!!

    What a great collection of ATCs! How cool

    I'm not participating this week but wanted to pop in to visit.

    Happy WOYWW

  20. Love that fabric! It's going to make a great top....and I love the fact that you go 'off pattern'...me too!!
    Hugs from Big Jugs ;-). 43 xxxx

  21. Directions? Who needs 'em? lol Quite a stash of ATC's you received! Thanks for visiting my "floor of shame" today, lol Waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  22. I can't even sew straight and I've never been able to use a cutting blade, so if I can't tear something and leave the edges raw, I won't make it. Your bunting is far superior to anything I could have done, even though it's now giving you fits.

    You got some awesome ATCs. How lucky for you. Have a super WOYWW from #17.

  23. What a fabulous array of ATC's you got.
    Love the idea of using the bunting for a quilt - hope you soon sort out the middle.

    Hugs, Neet 16 xx

  24. So funny! Love the way my Man Bites Dog has taken off! No desk this week as too hectic to craft or even blog....but just quickly checked yours....so pleased I did.
    Kyla x

  25. fantastic ATC's some of mine haven't arrived yet, should do soon. Great bunting, I can't sew for toffee! Happy Late WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) 52#

  26. Thanks for your comment re the flag tag book. You know you are welcome to come up here for a visit and come to VS as a guest if ever you fancy a crafty weekend and a tour of Liverpool!
    Jo x

  27. I've never wanted to display my belly button, not now and not when I was young and thin! Thank you so much for stopping by. I did make my own gelatine plate and it's been such fun. I've cut up a lot of my patterns for ATCs and I can't wait to see what I turn them in to. Good luck with your top. Great fabric choice so I'm sure it will look amazing.

    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Cheers, Rachel #57


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