Tuesday 24 September 2013

WOYWW 225 still scrapping

Hi deskers
Firstly apologies for not visiting much last week.... lots to do..... which I didn't do coz now I have a horrible head cold.
Okay, I'm not looking for sympathy... it doesn't matter, coz the handyman and I  on holiday from work so that makes it easier.... yeh right!
Here's my desk.... I'm keeping it short as required by our head 'desker'  Julia  ( check it out) and the fact I cant really get my head round lots of typing

Double desk shot
Lots of wedding album scrapping

Close up of the album... the 'I pad' is a mock up the handyman had his speech printed on the other side of.
My fav page so far
 Yes, the bride is crossing a zebra crossing wearing her frock with black trainers with bright pink laces....  she was on her way to the church and didn't want to be late!..... genuine photo and not a stunt.
I will try and visit more this week ... well I'm on holiday and sick so I should have plenty of time LOL
janet .......


  1. I've been proper poorly as well, the cold went onto my chest and there it has stayed...darn. Hope you're feeling better now.
    I loved the shot of the bride! It makes a fab LO!
    Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon - would love to see more of those wedding pics! Have a great day. Helen 14

  3. Sorry to hear you're not so good....think I'm starting a cold this morning [the other half has had one for last couple of days and we share everything!]. Gorgeous wedding pics.
    A x # 50

  4. thanks for the visit to my blog and your kind words of support... and happily it has led me to your blog and the loveliness on your desk this week... it is fun to have a peak and i had forgotten what fun WOYWW is... might have to have a play along one Wednesday soon...xx

  5. Hope you are soon feeling better than you are at the moment. head colds are not fun. Not like the bottom picture of the bride - what a great shot.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx (and thanks for visiting me)
    ps the cuffs are part of the patchwork bag so need to be unpicked off - as do lots of other parts - doh!

  6. Hope you are feeling better. Clever to use the animal print for a Zebra crossing :) So made me smile....

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  7. a zebra crossing? for real? love your corner!

  8. Love your crafty corner. I really need to do some actual scrapbooking--it seems like I use my scrapbook papers for so many other things these days! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #88

  9. It is no fun to be sick when you are on holiday, however, that is usually how it goes for me. Takes the fun right out of it. Thanks for sharing your desk and the wedding album. With some of those dresses I think a bride could wear comfortable shoes (with hot pink laces) the whole evening and no one would ever know until it came time for the garter removal.

  10. Oh poor you, hope you feel better soon. Love the album you are working on, what brilliant photos.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax #58

  11. Oh, Janet, how wonderful to be on vacation with your handyman (except for the terrible cold, of course)! Does your husband know? Sorry, that was lame, but I wanted to make you smile and feel better for a second! Your album is coming along great! Thanks for sharing the awesome photos!!

    Happy WOYWW and feel better! Thanks for the visit to me! Darnell #22

  12. Sorry to hear you're sick on your time off work Janet, that sucks!! Great wedding pics, I like that your daughter went her own way with what she wanted to wear, definitely more comfortable than high heels!

    Hope you feel better soon,
    Brenda 1

  13. Super layouts capturing a fun and fab moment! Take care Zo xx 95

  14. love the pic of the bride crossing the road, and hope that you feel much better soon Lx

  15. The bridal party should have done the Abbey Road look! The page did make me chuckle! Hope you're feeling better. Many thanks for visiting and sorry I'm so late getting around! Hugs. Pam#34

  16. Poor Janet, am so sorry tha tyou're unwell, it's the pits. I have heard of people reclaiming their holiday because they were officially sick...
    Love the ipad speech note and the page you've done is lovely..happy days, huh!

  17. Picture your self well and thriving...while having fun crafting away. Carole #99 I bit late but does it matter?

  18. Love the wedding pic! Poor you with the cold, Beloved Hubby has the flu this week, fingers crossed he doesn't share his germs with me, lol. Have a great week, sorry I'm running late this week, Hugs, Shaz #27 xx

  19. I had to blow up the photo of the bride as I didn't understand the zebra crossing comment..... maybe I still don't. But the zebra paper you used looks great! I hope you are recovering and taking it easy. It's a bummer to be on holiday and sick at the same time.

    Thank you for visiting me already!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (25)

  20. Your desk looks very busy. Love the layout with the bride and the zebra crossing. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. April #21

  21. I am so sorry it's taken me a week to thank you for your lovely comment last week. I'm not sure it really is a case of better late than never. I love the zebra crossing layout. The photo is great and you've totally caught the spirit of it in your layout. Gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Love Rachel


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