Tuesday 12 November 2013

WOYWW 232 happy birthday gorgeous

Hi Peeps
Every week we all say "where does the time go" and "Wednesday again?" etc..... and every week its true.
 Beware this is a photo heavy post.
Anyway my not much on my  desk this week. . .  there has been but I've finished it all. . .  no not the Christmas cards (still not started them yet). for all the WOYWW details visit Julia, the  hostess with the most-est. Hostess with the most-est

Here you can see some Christmas envelopes ready for the cards I haven' t made yet... Mmm
 My little helper has been at it again with the roller stamp thingy. Not much else.

 Yesterday was my gorgeous handyman's birthday so I was busy making him stuff.
This is the card I made him along with my little helper from last week (his age is in there somewhere)
I had some happy mail from a craft stamper giveaway this week,  it arrived a bit late for Halloween

our name is Batten  and he is also know as battman, so I made him this

Last week I mentioned I brought some amazing tape. Quite  a few of you asked about it so here are the details

This is a non sticky adhesive tape made from plastic a bit like very thick cling film that can be re used. It clings to itself. I have been using it on my threads to keep them tidy ....

 From this ...

 to this, much neater huh

Before I go I just want to ask everyone please take a few moments to send some positive energy to all the victims of  the terrible typhoon in the Philippines. hopefully help and supplies will reach those in need as soon as possible. especially thinking of  Patsy and Peggy who live there but are ok.
You can also help by donating even the smallest amount here or at any bank in the UK
world food organisation
red cross.
red cross.philipeans

I will try and return all visits where you leave a comment, please leave your Mr Linky Number so I can find you easily. Ta


  1. Thanks for the info on the amazing tape Janet....might be worth investing in some.
    A x
    sorry no linky yet

  2. I'm with Annie - that tape looks great - I can think of all sorts of places to use it...
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #42

  3. ooh, great looking tape... good yarn organising! Love the card for your handyman... hope he had a great day.. Helen 17

  4. Great cards, imaginative and personal and I hope "Im indoors" will have a very Happy Birthday.
    I will add that tape to my list for when I go to Harrogate next week to the "Threads" show and hope someone sells it. I have been trying to think of a solution for my oft tangled crochet threads. Thanks for the tip..
    jo x

  5. Love all the Halloween themed items. Your little helper has been busy.. Hugs. Pam#32

  6. Oh you have mega goodies on your desk today thanks for sharing with us..
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #18

  7. Hi there. Just popping my head round the door to say hi.
    Thanks for the peek into your creative world today. Looks like a great pack of craft goodies!
    Hope you have a good week too.

  8. Why did you have to show those Tando stamps? You know I have to go have a look on their website now, don't you! Seriously, well done on the win, they are awesome.That tape sounds brilliant, might have to go look for that too. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #21 xx

  9. Lovely goodies on your desk . I get my grandson to do a hand print in the christmas card he makes for his mummy & daddy each year & they lovel recieveing it.
    happy woyww jill #28

  10. Love that Bat card it's fab!
    Jackie 15

  11. I love the card you made with little helper's hand print! Fab. Super spooky makes too. Take care Zo xx 79

  12. Ah, now I get it. Looks like a handy thing to have - and you were true to your word with more info :) I have to admit I kept going HUH? so happy to get the scoop. and love the card too - hate bats (the backyard is full of them at dusk) but card ones look so CUTE and don;t swoop at your head...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (20)

  13. I love the cards and that tape really does look like it lives up to its name. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#72)

  14. Love th fact that you've made envelopes for yet-to-be-made cards lol :-)
    And the bat card is fab!
    Definitely want to meet up for coffee but life seems to be getting in the way of having fun right now - working Fridays now so might have to wait a bit :-(
    Deb #78

  15. Tee Hee! I love that batty card. Hubby and I love bats so that would be perfick for us.
    That tape looks interesting.

  16. Oh you've been busy ;D
    Fantastic cards...so effective.
    I'm sure they'll be a big hit with Batman ^..^
    Great tape too ~ enjoy!

  17. Congratulations on winning the competition, what a fabulous haul.

    I love the card, so cute and what a marvellous personal touch.
    Thanks for visiting my desk, the Dr Who lakeland mould you mentioned is exactly what I used (but not for food as well!!).
    Kyla #51

  18. Oh gee, now I have to go see Kyla's Dr. Who mould . . . anyway, great card, lots of fun! And some great happy mail, even if it's a little past time.

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww, Janet, I always appreciate your visits!


  19. You are amazing! The sale is on at the end of the month, but I'll need a couple of days to get them up to the hospital in advance of it, thank you so much.(The sale is not in the hospital Eddie says that the hand made items sell faster than donated unwanted gifts.
    How will you make the bottle top dec for the tree, let me know. If you want any bottle tops I've got some to spare with getting them from the cafe.
    love Jo... rushing.... we are going on a Birds of Prey Experience today... I'll hold owls and hawks!!!
    Jo x


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