Tuesday 18 February 2014


Hi Peeps
Time again to visit the world of workdesks via  JULIA   at the stamping ground.
Join in if you dare.
Here is my desk this week ... not much going on I have a stinky cold so I will be brief...

Main desk
A little body (GD Erin) was here earlier playing with the ink pads.
On  the left are some old stamp handles that handyman brought home from his office. 
Various paintbrushes left from the weekend. Sadly the tube of milkybar buttons is empty.

Messy desk
My documented life journal and some gathering of 'stuff'  for a play date  on Friday.
 I hope I am well enough to go to.

My DLP page for last week... repeat a shape and colour.... life's a circle

This weeks page .... it is a flap over another page. I used some happy mail I received from another member, I did this page in a frenzied 10 minutes when I realised that that's what the happy mail was for.  its all splodged together with gesso.....Quite different for me
Any questions ... just ask
I will try and visit back if you leave a comment....when sneezing allows



  1. Looks like you've had some fun. Love the colors in your life circles. I'm ready for flowers and color !! It's been a long cold winter. Happy WOYWW

  2. Great Journal page and lots of people are sneezing around me just hopefully not on me hugs :P
    Nikki #5
    I have candy too

  3. You have done lots... Hope your well enough to go out on Friday!
    Jackie 15

  4. Now that looks like a lot of fun and great results.
    Sandra @25

  5. Hope your cold gets better soon, you can't miss play day fun!! Love your circles. Helen 10

  6. Love all your pages - you have been busy! Hope the cold clears v. soon... *gentle cyber hug*
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 31

  7. Some lovely journal pages , Happy woyww Jill #39

  8. It looks like you and your DG have been having creative fun this week. Love your pages...what a fab way to use happy mail.
    Really hope you shake your cold off soon.
    Annie x # 42

  9. Loving circle, now, then, and forever. :) Lovely page and hoping your sneezing stops soon....it's so exhausting.

    An early Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (20)

  10. I love all the circles! Such pretty colors! Uniflame - 58

  11. I LOVE milky bar buttons!!! Hopefully they helped with your cold lol. Love your circles. Have a good WOYWW
    Love Karen #47 xxx

  12. We love your decorated life projects. We joined but so far have done nothing towards it.

    The bears @#73

  13. Great journal pages - I love the vibrant circles, and the collaged page is great - I really like the texture you've created. Hope you feel better soon!
    Diana #55

  14. Your pages look wonderful. I hope you feel better soon. #1

  15. Ah Janet, poor you - I hate tha tyou have such a bad cold...am loving your DLP pages, my word you are a multi skilled crafter.

  16. I hope the cold goes away soon so you can get to playing again soon. I really like your circle page.

  17. Hi Janet, hope the sniffly germs don't last too long. Love those old stamp handles-do they still have stamps attached, or will you use them to make blending tools?Great DLP pages, not done one for a few weeks now. Have a great week, hugs Shaz #38 xx

  18. Love the Journal page with the circles, I am falling for all of the blues at the moment. Lots of busy on your main desk too. Just how a desk should be..
    Nelle 71 xx

  19. Lovely journal pages. Wishing you better, Karen #101

  20. I love the colours you've used on your DLP pages..they look great! Hope your cold clears up so Friday can go ahead but what the heck, it can always be rescheduled!!
    Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

  21. That is just mean Jan! Fancy leaving an EMPTY milky bar button box on your desk to tease us with!
    Love the journal pages. I must dig mine out but I am in quilt frenzy right now ready for our show!

  22. Get well soon! Sooo many germs about at the moment. I hope you are well enough to play. Love the circles page! #63

  23. Great journal pages. Yep, I gotta get going on all the things I want to do........ Too bad I can't call in sick. Oh well.
    I hope you feel better soon. Allergy season is starting here so people are sneezing and coughing.

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Kay (90)

  24. I wish you felt better. I've been lucky this year, even though this has been the worst winter I've seen in about three years. So, please feel better soon, and make that "date" today.

    Those are beautiful pages in your journal. I especially love the circles, but I'm also a big fan of collage, too. Happy belated WOYWW from #3.

  25. Oh my what Lovely pages you created even with a poppy Cold.... Hope your feeling better soon.

  26. So many things to play with and so little time.... I must admit I've never done a journal, but I'm starting to think I am missing out on lots of fun. Thanks for visiting...I wasn't sure about the ScanNCut at first, but after researching, I decided to jump in the deep end....Regrets, no.. bit of a learning curve, but I did buy it for my own artwork, fussy cutting and general shapes.... I can actually see myself using this every day... Hope you have a great week and happy crafting.
    DeDe #19


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