Thursday 29 May 2014

Funny Friday

Hi peeps 
Happy Friday..... Yay it's the weekend, well almost and that's enough to make most people smile. Anyway this made me smile this week ...... A lot

My beautiful daughter at her wedding. 
But something else made me smile even more. 
Handyman and the groom making their speeches. 

It s a family tradition  but it would take far to long to explain the blackbird suits but it was very funny. 
I'm linking this to Annie's where you will find more Friday funnies 

Tuesday 27 May 2014

WOYWW 260 blink and you'll miss it

Hi Peeps...... warning photo heavy post!

well what a week it has been.....WOYWW 5th anniversary and the WOYWW crop (I didn't go so, no pictures from me).

And the long awaited wedding of DD3 (on sunny sunday  )

sweeties anyone?

If you don't know what WOYWW is..... then shame on you and get over to the to check it out.
A big round of applause to Julia for organising this weekly amusement arcade  for the last 5 years .... did you ever imagine how it would turn out 5 years later?
Anyway enough chat here's the photos...... and lots of them

My desk on Tuesday evening.... carnage. . .  it looks worse in real life.

Both sides. . . . just finished making the WOYWW 5 sign at the top.
I am taking part in the ATC swap, I have a few spare so if you would like one and haven't told me yet please e mail me and I will see how many I have left.

I received this one last week  from our lovely leader Julia Dunnit herself

And this one from non other than LLJ

This is mine ..... the theme is mess is more . . . . . fun
Finally a few crafty makes from the wedding that have been under wraps

My beaded bag and hat
Necklace and earing, which I finished on  the day!

The menu with a fabulous picture drawn by Erin's half sister.

The sweetie themed table plan.... names have been removed to protect the innocent ha ha!

The hot pink leopard print chest to put wedding cards in

The card I made for the happy couple (made  this afternoon....!)

Finally a picture of my beautiful Daughter and GD

Don't you just love the hot pink suede shoes..... and the chair.
All those months of planning, then..... blink and you'll miss it.

Oh well that's done,
 I'm off to visit as many of you as time allows. Thanks for visiting.........
Please leave your linky  number and I visit you back.
Ps I will be posting out my ATCs today and probably Friday or Saturday for late comers :-)

Friday 23 May 2014

Friday funny the full picture

I peeps I enjoyed reading the comments about my photo last week .... It was ... Of course bed springs. My dd2 was renovating it and it was a great photo opportunity so here it is in full

I am linking up with Annie at 
Pop over for more Friday funnies

Tuesday 20 May 2014

WOYWW 259 wedding, tick. ATC's, tick. the weather Aghh!

Hi Peeps
Wednesday again.... so soon, where do the days go (I know we say it every week, but it's true). Its been a very busy week again.... some wedding or other you may have seen me mention before (I will have to find a new subject next week).
pop over to Julia's stamping-ground. to see what this weekly extravaganza is all about

You get a BOGOF this week.....this is my lap desk on Tuesday evening with wedding stuff on .... still beading for my hat to match the bag I made last week and a necklace (who needs sleep).

And craft room desk with the remains of my ATC making  for the 5th Anniversary swap, next week.
 I have a few spares if you would like one just let me know (I have given some to Julia to take to the crop at the weekend).
Here you can see lots of stamps, ink pads,a strange shaped mask (the green blob), a roll of oil paper I use for the mask (brilliant). At the back are the stamps for my GD birthday card... if I get time to make it tomorrow, Aghhhh! ... so much to do so little time.
Anyway gotta go I will visit as many commenters as I can this week and apologise in advance if I don't get to you.

Friday 16 May 2014

Friday smile can you guess what it is

Hi peeps 
Happy nearly weekend aka Friday. 
Today on Annie's smiley link up I am sharing a photo I took last weekend. 

I really liked this one and it made me smile I hope you work out what it is. I expect your replies to make me smile too. I will post the full picture next week. 
Visit Annie for more fun pictures

Tuesday 13 May 2014

WOYWW258 a bit of this and that

hi peeps
yes I know! Wednesday again so soon.... we say this every week don't we?

Here's my desk (messy side) this week, not very messy but  its a beginning, my theme is Mess is More! because ... well the messier the better!
there is about 10-12 magazines ..... mostly unread but I'm slowly getting through them.

The 5th anniversary Of WOYWW is only 2 weeks away I thought I really should start on my ATCs ... so I did just that, but only just. Don't know what I am talking about .....really ? you really must pop over and join in the fun

On the left is some tissue I might be using on my ATC's and next to this a first draught... maybe, on the right is a lovely bark background stamp I won from the artistic stamper, wood is the symbol for 5th wedding anniversary (well its similar)
Sadly, I cannot go to the Anniversary crop but I have made a raffle prize if I can get it to Julia in time.... here is a sneak peek.

I bagged a bargain this week in Poundland ....... a pack of 30 sheets of smooth 200g white card.... for ... yes only a pound!
Its good stuff too.


If you visited last week you may remember I was beading a bag for DD3 wedding.... here is the finished bag ... I don't mind showing this in advance as it's not really a spoiler.
the pattern was in the new sewing magazine.... Love Sewing.... and I do.

Another blogger who loves sewing and has just joined the blogging world is my DD1 so if you get time hop over to her new blog and say Hi....she is a very talented embroiderer and trained at The Royal School of Needlework at Hampton court... not that she will say that as she is quite modest ... but Mums are allowed brag!
emma's sew happy   I

Tea? Tuesday

Hi peeps I thought I would share my morning coffee with Elizabeth this week. 

Tuesday is grandma day in my house when I have my gorgeous GD for the day. 
We often go to our local cafe Nero whet she loves to have a gingerbread man. 
One of the best things about that is the lovely piece of shiney red card  it is packaged on........ So useful for card making ..... How sad am I ? 
But she lives going too..... So grown up!
Actually she seems more interested in changing her new doll 's clothes
Hop over to Elizabeth's for more beverage related posts 

Friday 9 May 2014

Funny Friday

Hi peeps 
Some of You have probably already seen this on Facebook. But it did make me laugh so I thought I'd share it again. I have to admit it took me awhile too
I'm linking this up and sharing over at  Annie's  stitch in Time blog, so pop over and have a look and you'll be smiling all morning. 
happy weekend

Tuesday 6 May 2014

WOYWW 257 a little bit of beading

Hi Peeps,
 I nearly forgot it was Wednesday ( although I am writing this Tuesday evening) so I will make it quick, but that's just how Julia likes it....see what it's all about here what's on your work desk Wednesday

So.......Here's my desk, a bit different to the usual. It is my lap tray with some beading on it. I decided to make something to go on a handbag I am making ( yes!. ... for the wedding).
I'm not using all the beads just the ones at the front.

I have also been working on my Documented Life Project journal and have caught up 2 weeks, the first one is to use some cardboard food packaging. Chocolate! What else.
The next page is mono tone .... It had to be red.
The rest of my room looks like this. Much the same as last week.
So join in if you dare, there are lovely crafters and artists out there waiting to share their creative space with you.
Sorry if I didn't get back to you last week I will try harder this week.... promise
Ps please leave your number it really is quicker to find you TA ;-)

Friday 2 May 2014

Friday smiles...... Happy birthday mum

Hi peeps
This week I'm smiling because it's my mums 85th birthday. 
She's a bit of a crazy old bird and sometimes drives me crazy too. ( of course that maybe where I inherited it from).

I am taking her out for lunch she wanted to go to the harvester but when we get there she may well change her mind and want to go somewhere else LOL. 
  But she is still fit and well, still drives her car, cooks all her own meals ..... From scratch, knits, sews and does exercises everyday. 
I am very thankful she is still with us.... Even if she doesn't always wear her hearing aid.... Grrr!  But she can talk for England when she gets going. 
So here a big cheer for my mum yay!
Love you Mum
Hope you are all smiling too, there are more smiles over at Annie's so take a look.