Friday 2 May 2014

Friday smiles...... Happy birthday mum

Hi peeps
This week I'm smiling because it's my mums 85th birthday. 
She's a bit of a crazy old bird and sometimes drives me crazy too. ( of course that maybe where I inherited it from).

I am taking her out for lunch she wanted to go to the harvester but when we get there she may well change her mind and want to go somewhere else LOL. 
  But she is still fit and well, still drives her car, cooks all her own meals ..... From scratch, knits, sews and does exercises everyday. 
I am very thankful she is still with us.... Even if she doesn't always wear her hearing aid.... Grrr!  But she can talk for England when she gets going. 
So here a big cheer for my mum yay!
Love you Mum
Hope you are all smiling too, there are more smiles over at Annie's so take a look.


  1. Happy birthday to your mum Janet. Hope she has a wonderful day. Fab pic.
    Annie x

  2. So wonderful you still have your dear Mum and here's wishing her many more healthy, happy, years. She sounds a great character too.
    jo x

  3. Oh how marvellous Janet, happy returns to your Mum and yep, i get the grr parts, and I know that underneath that, the part where you do all the cherishing....HUGE!

  4. It was my Mum's birthday too...she would have been 89. So can you give your Mum a specially big hug from me, cos I miss mine :-)
    LLJ xxxx

  5. Janet, what a great smile this Friday. Happy Birthday to your mum. She's so fortunate to be 85 and still going strong. Though, I'm a firm believer that still doing all those things (driving, cooking, hobbies etc) is what keeps you young! Cheers to all mums!

  6. Happy, happy birthday to your mom. She's a lovely lady, and sounds like just the type I'd like to know. Happy smiles.

  7. I'm definitely smiling. Lucky you to still have a mum to treat on her birthday. I hope you have a lovely meal together, wherever you end up going for it. Kate x

  8. Happy birthday to your Mum - lovely photo. x Jo

  9. What a lovely photo and nice to hear about your Mum. My Gran is still going strong at nearly 90 - I bet she and your Mum would have a lot to talk about! Thanks for the smiles. Caro x (#12)

  10. Happy birthday to your mom! Mine was 80 in January and after the fall she had is now up and running driving, cooking and even gardening! So good on all these ladies hope they are well for a long time to come!
    Lots of hugs,

  11. How lovely that you were able to take your mum out on her birthday. I hope she had a very happy day. Mine was 93 at the beginning of April and we had a nice lunch party for her here at home. She is very deaf and wears hearing aids in both ears, and she is always moaning about them! I go in and clean them for her every morning and they do seem to be working better as a result.

    Thanks for your visit and your comment - yes, it's a lot of work making this book but I don't mind that. As the pages were made from old Christmas cards they either had to be painted, or covered with different paper, and I thought that painting them all would leave me free to make whatever choice I want as I work on the pages.


  12. Happy Birthday to your Mum! Good on her for being so independent at her age. I do hope she had a lovely day wherever you took her.


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