Tuesday 7 October 2014

WOYWW 279 I wont keep you long

Hi deskers
Well here we are on another chilly WOYWW morning... Autumn seems to have arrived with a bump..... especially here in the fairy grotto as I have another cold (aghhhhh). Therefore  I wont keep you long and without further adieu....... here's my desk.

This was taken Tuesday morning before I had a bit of a tidy up while GD Erin was at pre school.
Lots of stuff..... just dumped

Later on it looked like this..... a bit tidier don't you think?
I still have a big pile of craft magazines to catch up on..... at least I have sorted then out to stampers and sewing ones.... on the right is a basket full of free sewing kits from said magazines..... my intention is to make them up ...... soon.
I did manage to make a card today ..... just the one .....  woohoo!

The  background is just stamped and the flowers are embossed with silver...... simples!
Do pop over to see Julia at the stamping-ground.    stamping ground, she has all the details about how to join in .... go on you know you want to.
I will visit you back after work if you comment and leave your linky no...... cold allowing obviously
see ya


  1. Wow that cad looks amazing it maybe simple but its so stunning love that massive background stamp who is it by?
    Have a great week crafting


  2. I have had a tidy up too. Not showing my desk today as there is nothing to show...rather showing my distractions on the week-end! I love your card. #17

  3. love that card! had the heating on here this morning for the first time - but then it got me too hot so I turned it off! Oh the joys of growing older... helen 3

  4. I like simple! That a very elegant card :-)
    I'm not surprised you've got a cold...combination of air flights and turn of the seasons. Eat lots of oranges!!
    Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

  5. Great card I love the colour combination. Hope your cold gets better soon. #34

  6. I think you did well - often a sort-of tidy does the trick when there is no time for a full-blown one. Love the card as well - I think I must have that stamp someplace....

    feel better soon!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  7. Hi Janet,you'll have to fill up on home made soup( Fiona, Staring at the Sea) has a great recipe. Where would we be without somewhere to dump all our piles of 'stuff' eh? and sort-of is better than none, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #36 xx

  8. Your card looks fab! Thank for haring your desk! Have a craft day! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #22

  9. My space needs a good clean up. Love the card. Have a great WOYWW Peg 44

  10. Beautiful card, and congrats on the tidying up! Hugs, Chris # 23

  11. That is one really amazing card, I so love the background stamp and like the others want to know who created it. Simplicity sometimes is perfect like this card, thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan #12

  12. Beautiful card, good luck with all your planned projects! Happy WOYWW Cindy #41

  13. What a lovely card! If I saw that background stamp I wouldn't look twice at it but seeing it on a card... it's beautiful! As you say yourself: so simple...
    Thank you for letting me peep over your shoulder.
    Have a good week.

  14. Super desk pics, lovely make too. Take care Zo xx 57

  15. awesome desk and I love that card! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #25

  16. Hi Again Janet, that did make me laugh! I've not got glitter in it yet, I don't think Sid would be amused! But I'm quite sure that if I glitter long enough, its a distinct possibility, lol. Doug has been taking a picture of him every week, so we could see how much he shrunk by as the swelling went away- I shall be checking carefully for any sparkly bits in the next photo. :) That was partly why I am trying to be as honest in what I'm writing as I can, Janet, in the hope that anyone who comes across it will find my narrative helpful, and I have had a message from the last lady who commented on it, as she has just found herself with this diagnosis. I did also send my hospital Stoma nures the pictures of me after the op, as she asked for them to show others, and I also took some 'selfies' so they could see that you really cannot tell when someone is wearing a pouch. They told me you would never know, but I have to admit that I didn't totally believe them.Hugs, Shaz xxx

  17. Arrrgh, no, not a cold! (I'm just getting over one, so am much sympathizing with you!) I hope you're feeling better soon, Janet.

    Very pretty card!

    Happy woyww!
    #77ish this week, working on
    an Alice themed altered book

  18. Hi it's me again. Thank you so much for visiting. I feel honoured that you will be following me.If you are interested (and your DH might be too) I have some photos on Flickr of our first cave house we bought 8 yrs ago. We bought it as a holiday home. It was a ruin and my DH did it up over the years. We have been living there since the beginning of 2012. It's out in the sticks and we are retired, no problem. But there will come a time when we might not be able (or don't want) to drive half an hour for a loaf of bread, so we have bought a property in a village. It's a cave house plus a site next door. That is what we are now constructing. It will become two apartments over 4 levels (with magnificent views). When it's all done all our children and grandchildren can come and visit. We have sold our house in the UK so there's no going back for us. (not that we want to. We're very happy here)
    The only downside is that there are no craft shops! Actually it might be a blessing in disguise! I'd be spending my whole pension on supplies.....
    Here is the flickr link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/113208606@N08/

  19. Beautiful card. I know all about dumping grounds - my poor ARTHaven suffers this fate on a regular basis and requires regular tidying!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32

  20. Err...did you really tidy your desk? Hope you have got over your snuffles by now.
    Lovely card.


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