Wednesday 7 December 2011


Hi world
oh my goodness it's wednesday again so quickly,
 I'm sure someone is stealing my days!!
 What is so special about Wednesday? see Julia Dunnits fab blog hopping phenomenon here
Anyway another busy desk today I have tried (and failed) to finish my card making.
On the left you can just see the mad reindeers I am working on..... lots of them   (I love this stamp). Not quite 101 but It certainly feels like it.
On the right is a small empty box. I am well know to my family and friends for being a bit of a muppet, I often say the wrong thing, forget things and am sometimes just a bit 'dippy' I freely admit it!
 But on Monday I suprised even myself. It was Christines 50th birthday, she didn't want a fuss or any presents (I remember being the same 50 is not funny when you hit it). Anyway I took her a present I made, when she opened it there was just an empty box . . . I had forgotten to put the pressie in, DOH! But  she thought I did it on purpose, it was very funny!!!
Poor Christine I will give her the real present on Thursday, hope she likes it.

Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend showing some sneak previews of some Christmas presents I have been working on, can you tell what they are yet

This is how my handyman left my messy side desk on Sunday. It's not so much that he left his tools here, but more that he left them on top of my mess too.
He was making up my wooden letters (they will be decorated later, probably much later lol) so I had to forgive him. But I might 'borrow' the odd tool that looks useful.
Anyway I might pop by later so here's lookin' at your desk too


  1. Awww. Love the Smile on your stuff! If that is not a WOYWW pic, then I do not know what is! Thanks for sharing your sneak peeks! Good luck corralling those reindeer!-Amanda

  2. Cute reindeer, very you! Love the idea that you forgot Christine's present, would have loved to see it! That "smile" is wonderful, it would cheer up any home, please take a photo in situ when it is done. A tutorial would be good too!

  3. Was very funny when Christine opened the box! As she had said, 'she didn't want any presents!' Good to see lots going on, on your desk!!

  4. I love your S M I L E letters! What great Christmas prezzies you have going there too, I hope we get to see the finished products! Thanks for sharing your workdesk with me and have an amazing week!

  5. I could join the Muppet club too!! Have done many a daft thing in my time and it's getting worse....
    Like the big SMILE in your last shot. Actually, it's more important than ever to remember to do that in this season of self induced hassle. I'm chilling this year, if it doesn't get done, I ain't worrying about it :)
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  6. Oh I bet that was funny when she open her gift... even thow it was a mistake, it's really a great idea! I'll have to use that sometime!
    I've enjoyed looking at all the Fun things your working on today, thanks for the inviet!

  7. I remember once...wrapping up my Brother in laws pressie and my neighbours...with the same them out...only to realise that Brother-in-law got a cheap bottle of fizzly stuff and my neighbour (who doesn't drink and loves the fizzy stuff) got a very expensive bottle of best whiskey!! She never said, and he tried to not look disappointed! very busy desk this week! Thank you for my snoop!Have a great crafty week,
    Happy WoYwW
    Lyn #31

  8. Great reindeer, and laughed at Christine's empty box story! I'm sure it's hormones! Nice SMILE , at least he left the finished stuff and in the right order..good for him!

  9. Your cards may not be done, but it looks like you've got yourself set up to assemble a whole bunch of them at once!

  10. I love the SMILE message....... certainly makes up for leaving tools about.

    Oh, and an empty box for a present. Seems that I've done that one myself ;-)

  11. That empty box gift was priceless, I must remember that. Good luck with your card making, i recognise those reindeer, very cute.


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