Tuesday 27 May 2014

WOYWW 260 blink and you'll miss it

Hi Peeps...... warning photo heavy post!

well what a week it has been.....WOYWW 5th anniversary and the WOYWW crop (I didn't go so, no pictures from me).

And the long awaited wedding of DD3 (on sunny sunday  )

sweeties anyone?

If you don't know what WOYWW is..... then shame on you and get over to the http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/ to check it out.
A big round of applause to Julia for organising this weekly amusement arcade  for the last 5 years .... did you ever imagine how it would turn out 5 years later?
Anyway enough chat here's the photos...... and lots of them

My desk on Tuesday evening.... carnage. . .  it looks worse in real life.

Both sides. . . . just finished making the WOYWW 5 sign at the top.
I am taking part in the ATC swap, I have a few spare so if you would like one and haven't told me yet please e mail me and I will see how many I have left.

I received this one last week  from our lovely leader Julia Dunnit herself

And this one from non other than LLJ

This is mine ..... the theme is mess is more . . . . . fun
Finally a few crafty makes from the wedding that have been under wraps

My beaded bag and hat
Necklace and earing, which I finished on  the day!

The menu with a fabulous picture drawn by Erin's half sister.

The sweetie themed table plan.... names have been removed to protect the innocent ha ha!

The hot pink leopard print chest to put wedding cards in

The card I made for the happy couple (made  this afternoon....!)

Finally a picture of my beautiful Daughter and GD

Don't you just love the hot pink suede shoes..... and the chair.
All those months of planning, then..... blink and you'll miss it.

Oh well that's done,
 I'm off to visit as many of you as time allows. Thanks for visiting.........
Please leave your linky  number and I visit you back.
Ps I will be posting out my ATCs today and probably Friday or Saturday for late comers :-)


  1. ah so much to share there Janet some lovely times and memories .. thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW5 no number yet, Shaz in Oz.x

    May 27, 2014 at 11:30 PM

  2. Janet, I love the sweets table. You went all out on the candy and goodies. And those pink shoes are adorable. So is the dress and your beautiful daughter.

    Saw your comment. I made it clear to Julia, I want NOTHING in return. This is my way of giving back. I can only afford to do this once a year, so I do it up as big as possible. So, please, you made the ATCs possible this year with your awesome rocking horse stamp. That was more than enough, let alone all the other wonderful goodies you gifted me with. So, please, I really don't want anything in return. BTW, the ATC you get will look very much like the one in the photo.

  3. Lovely pics from the wedding - the sweetie table was amazing!! As were your bag and hat...clever gal :-)
    Thanks for your ATC too, I love it...long may the party continue!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  4. Oh Janet what gorgeous pics of a happy day....and what fun too :-) thanks for sharing them. Happy Anniversary today....here's to many more.
    Annie x

  5. Hi Janet, sweetie heaven on your post today. Lovely picture of you daughter & Gd . Two princess sitting on the throne. Happy 5th Anniversary of woyww jill

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Too much to see! Doesn't DD look gorgeous! Best reason ever for missing the crop, although we did miss You. Tucked an ATC into the envelope and thank you for mine - its lovely.

    After all that excitement, have a relaxing day :)
    MA (2)

  8. Lovely pictures from the wedding. So glad you had a sunny day. I was thinking of you, as I drove through the torrential rain on Saturday! A very Happy 5th Anniversary to you x

    Fiona #19

  9. Oh Janet, Lucy and Erin looked beautiful! I saw a blink of a phot of you and the Handyman on facebook and you looked gorgeous - what a fab dayit must have been. Stress not about Elizabeth's comment..one of yours went in the envelope to her . Going back for another look at the hot pink accessories!

  10. What a pretty bride and what a 'fun' themed wedding.
    Mother of the bride did well to get her outfit ready in time (thinking necklace and ear-rings here) but I bet she looked stunning. Nothing like adrenelin to get you there in the end.LOL
    Hugs and Happy 5th WOYWW - Neet 11 x

  11. Nothing wrong with a messy desk, it means you've been productive which is obvious from all the lovely goodies on show, great atc's and other wedding makes.
    Happy Desk Day xo
    Hugs Minxy #4

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lovely wedding photos! I hope you were able to enjoy yourself. I would love to trade ATC's with you! Pop over and let me know which one you would like to have and I'll get it out in the mail. Diane # 58. dianebakerwilliams@gmail.com

  14. Great desk and I love that beautiful necklace. Happy WOYWW!

  15. Super celebration post! For WOYWW and also the WEDDING! Fabulous makes and pics and I look forward to seeing more pics of the special day.
    Happy 5th WOYWW Birthday and thanks so much for your friendship and fun through it all.
    Lots of love Jo x

  16. Thank you so much for your lovely ATC. You put so much thought into your design and I am amazed at how many very varied crafts we all have within the group. I hope that you will be getting mine in an envelope from Julia. If there isn't one from me, please let me know and I will send you one separately. If you think your crafting area is mayhem, you should see my craft room and the centre of the living room (in fact, the whole room) where I have just dumped all the things I took to the Crop on Saturday. Have a great week. xx Maggie #49

  17. Happy WOYWW 5th Anniversary.

    Fab ATCs.

    I hope you have a good WOYWW. Sue 59

  18. Beautiful bride....love her shoes...precious GD. Love the mess is more theme...so fun Thanks for sharing Carole #68

  19. Aw fabulous photos, what a gorgeous dress and shoes! Glad you all enjoyed your day, weddings are wonderful family events aren't they?! Everything looks perfect! Enjoy your day & take care. Zo xx 80

  20. OMG OMG your daughter is so beautiful and those pink shoes are to die for, sounds like a fantastic time had by all and I love that candy table, pity I am allergic to mostly everything on it. Eat some for me will you.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #8
    Happy WOYWW 5th Anniversary

  21. Hi, Janet, there's lots of awesome eye candy on your blog today! Congratulations to your family on the wedding of your DD. The sweets table looks mouth-wateringly delicious. Happy 5th WOYWW anniversary! ~ Laura #103

  22. Hi Janet, what lovely pictures of the wedding. A truly beautiful picture of the bride. So glad the weather stayed nice for you, Happy 5th, Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz # 72 xx

  23. Gorgeous photos...the bride looks stunning and I love the idea of all those sweets! Thanks for sharing and joining in the anniversary fun! Happy 5th WOYWW Anniversary. Caro x (#43)

  24. I'm so pleased the sun shone on Sunday for you all - and so glad that we got to see the photo - what a beautiful bride! I'm sure you'll soon be back in the swing of non-wedding crafting and your desk won't know what has hit it!! Helen 7

  25. I love the fact that they both have hot pink shoes...if I was not already 6ft tall, I would add those to my wish list! #61

  26. What a wonderful week you've had! Congrats on the wedding (love the shoes BTW) Have a great week, Chris # 15 xx

  27. How exciting for you. They could have planned the weekend better so you could have been at the Crop. I was looking forward to some Orgasmic Cake again! Next time ey!
    Got your ATC right here. Hope you got mine.

  28. Love the sweetie themed wedding and those hot pink shoes are to die for :) Just as well there are plenty of photos to keep as reminders of a day that was over in a flash ... and lucky the bride the sun shines on. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #97

  29. Gorgeous bride, bet you had a great time.
    Happy WOYWW Anniversary, Angela x #41

  30. Love all your accessories and DD3 looks gorgeous! (Those shoes!!) You did a great job - whatever are you going to do with yourself now? No worries on the ATC front - they are fun tho! I truly can't remember if I put one in the envelope for you at the crop - I recall dithering at the time. But I have plenty so just shout if there isn't one and you would like one. Happy WOYWW5, Cindy #5

  31. Congrats on your daughter's wedding. Love the hot pink theme, and that candy table is gorgeous!

    Happy 5th Woyww-versary,

    Sandy #33

  32. Love the ATCs you've received. A beautiful bride and cool shoes. Now about that necklace!!....I enlarged the pic and boy am I glad I did....wowzer! Love all those little beaded squares all beaded to together! I'm just learning bead weaving and love seing stuff like this. Maybe one day I'll be as capable as you! Thanks for sharing. Hugs and Happy WOYWW5! Nan G #77 guess I'm now 73 :)

  33. Hello, I enjoyed your post today with all the photos! You have a lovely daughter and how wonderful that her wedding had a lot of one of a kind handcrafted touches! Your name is below mine on the anniversary list so I'm going to send you an ATC. Please send me your address. Let me know if you will send me an ATC since you offered to trade and I will send you two ATCs! Happy 5th WOYWW anniversary!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  34. Fabulous ATC's you ahve acquired there and love the wedding photos... those shoes are fabulous!! Happy 5th WOYWW Anniversary to you, hugs from Annette #3

  35. What a momentous week. Congratulations on the wedding. I can't believe you had time for anything else.

  36. Those are some hot pink shoes they are fabby You had a busy week it seems but a lot of fun
    Happy WOYWW 5 hugs Nikki 32

  37. Fab photos and I love the pink shoes! Happy 5th WOYWWaversary. x Jo

  38. Looks like a fun wedding! Your card looks awesome. Happy 5th anniversary WOYWW! Lindart #113

  39. thanks for sharing the very happy special occasion with us all ...what a stunning photos and it looked like a fab wedding very personal and relaxed bet you will have loads of happy memories of the day if these photos are anything to go by. Those shoes where defiantely hot.. what a beautiful photo on that fab chair. Belated woyww anniversay wishes and would be very happy to swap ATCwith you if im not to late my email adress is artyandreac@gmail.com if you still have any ! hope you have a fab week ahead,and heres to friendships old and new ... Crafty hugs andrea#91

  40. What lovely photos of a memorable occasion. I did receive a lovely ATC, waiting for me when I got to the Crop on Saturday, so thank you so much for that. By the way, you will find Shaz's work on the Northern Lights at http://silverwolfcards-shaz.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/northern-lights-la-pinterest.html There are also loads of YouTube videos out there to look at. Have a good week. xx Maggie #49

  41. Great ATCs that you've received! I must say that your daughter is a beautiful bride! And yes, I love the pink suede shoes!!
    Thank you for visiting me already. I can't believe it's already Sunday and I'm just now getting around.
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (89)


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