Tuesday 1 July 2014


Hi peeps 

Well this week my desk has had a touch of 'push it all to the left- itis' but for a good reason. 
I am showing my desk  because of  the 'big idea' had by  Auntie Julia over at the     stamping-ground . . . . "Show us your desk "she says ...."and we will visit ".... And we do by the dozen. 
Anyway here is the push it to the left photo.

A paint mess, paper mess and piles of 'stuff' for my Art Journal.
All because I have swapped these; 

My foam board Distress Ink holders
For these;

My new wooden  DI holders made for me by my lovely handyman.... now these have been a long time in the making .... mostly because as we all know ... life just gets in the way.

To regular visitors it wont look much different but believe me they are Soooo much better.

Normal service will now be resumed.
I have even been getting inky, paint-y  and generally messy ...if not very productive...... give me time, that's all I need  ... Oh and life to stay 'normal' for a while.
Post some pictures and join in do..... its  great fun and very addictive.
Leave a comment and I just might even visit you back..... if you are very lucky.
Tennis anyone?  ( well.... watching anyway)
Newbury Stamp Show anyone ?
Have a great week
PS at  8.30am apologies to Andrea and Eliza I will show your fab ATC  next week as they are under the pile ... Thankyou I live them 


  1. Lol, I know how that goes. Mine is normally move it here, move it there, oh wait how about over here. I just made a huge foam board shelf unit. Thanks for sharing, I love desk hopping. I haven't posted mine yet so I don't have a number but stop by some time.

    Mindy - The Determined Scrapper

  2. wow quite blown away by your storage there, Janet how absolutely wonderful even if did take a while to get there.. used the push and shove method on my desk too :D . Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x no number yet...

  3. Love those new DI storage, wish I had some! Not that I have anywhere to set them out like that.... great shot of your desk too. Am off to Newbury too, on Saturday. Lets see who can buy most.... Helen 2

  4. Hi Janet...oh my your DI holders are great!! so easy to access...might have to work on a idea to take mine out of a box..mmmm. Tennis, yes and go Aussie ***Nick Kyrgios!!*** fancy beating Nadal- pity it's on so late a night here. Must be craft shows happening everywhere this month. Happy WOYWW and have a super week RobynO#8

  5. {sigh} While I am delighted to have a DH who can solve virtually any technology problem for me in a flash, I do sometimes wonder if one who could actually BULID something (without losing a limb) might actually be helpful as well. Love the shelves. I love my RUB box inserts for ink pads, but something about lovely warm wood is still appealing. Clever you, finding a handy man to marry :D

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  6. Oh hundreds of points to that fab Handyman. Only a more rigorous material could improve your DI shelves - aren't they handsome. Marvellous and worth a bit of pushing aside! Am delighted to see that you've found some playtime. Am not going to nobble it by commenting too much about 'time' and 'normal'.......

  7. Ooh, I 'm quite envious of your DI holders - my inks are squashed in a drawer and I can never face digging deep so I always use the two on the top, whether they are the colour I want or not! Your handyman is definitely handy - lucky you! Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #29

  8. I know that push to the left feeling but I must say, the other photos show a definite talent for organising!
    Have a lovely productive week!
    Gillian #28

  9. Weyhey! What a wonderful man you have there to make those for you. I do understand leftshove-itis! have it frequently. Glad to see you had resumed normal service after the inclusion of your wonderful new units.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #9

  10. That journal, that big fat chunky one, I would like a nosey through that it looks messy and very desirable x

  11. What a huge wonderful journal you have been working in! I too would like to ramble through that one! Love your space and the way you are storing your inks!
    Glenda #41

  12. Ooh fancy storage, it look great.
    I'm getting my main visiting done before the tennis starts ;)
    Happy WOYWW

  13. Wonderful ink storage! Sure does help with the mojo when things are in place! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #50

  14. Hi Janet, I love your new ink storage - it looks so neat and tidy! Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on. Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x #47

  15. I am soo envious of your ink storage. It looks amazing. I can so relate to the push everything to one side technique...I use it regularly! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#38)

  16. I know how you feel, push it to the side, mine is a dumping ground ATM will sort it when I am home long enough to use it. Love you new storage, so long in the pipeline but well worth the wait, it looks fantastic in the photo.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza

    No number yet, still need to post desk, I will later today.

  17. Yes! The famous shove to the left technique. Almost as good is the shove to the right. Out with the old and in with the new. I get that it is way better because they look much sturdier. And how nice that you have an actual handy handyman to make those for you. Judy #72

  18. Wonderful workspace - and I love your new DI holders! Happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 58

  19. I hope you convinced him to keep the pattern, you know they will add more colors someday... and those pads dont fit inside the cassette tape holders like the flip lid kinds. I think it looks so much nicer with them too! ( even with the push it to the left, mine is push it to the right) pretty soon you'd expect to read these piles have taken up square dancing or something. :)
    ~Stacy #63

  20. How fabulous to have your own handyman! My gramp used make all sorts and I just know he would've made me a super craft room if he was still here. Take care Zo xx 46

  21. It's been a long day full of fun for me but that means this has been my first chance to call by at my blogging friends to see what they have all been up to so I'm sorry for the delay this week.
    what a clever handyman you've got...bet you're thrilled to bits.
    Annie x # 17

  22. I'm envious of how much "pushing" space you have! Your new holders look great; they will definitely last a lot longer than the foam ones, although they look good too.

    I've been talking to myself a while about art journaling but I haven't gotten started yet. I honestly can't wait to retire so I'll have free time to play!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (60)

  23. The new storage is fantastic, you are going to be very organised now.
    Happy crafting and have a good week, Angela x #48

  24. I say !!! ... I simply love your creative room - Can I have it?? Thihi... You have most of your thing organized so well and a superb place to be creative any time you like. Thank you so much for sharing. :D

  25. Worth all the chaos to end up with such glorious DI storage, Janet! I love it. One day I shall get mine organised... Thanks for your lovely belated visit - I never mind how late in the week anyone appears on WOYWW because it spreads it out so nicely and makes it more of a perpetual experience rather than just one day. Thanks for your comment about my album - it's coming along nicely. If you scroll down to the previous post you can get a closer look. I'm busy at the moment editing a big backlog of videos and getting them uploaded to Youtube.

    Happy very belated WOYWW and perhaps see you at the next one tomorrow lol!!
    Shoshi #23


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