Tuesday 5 August 2014


Hi Deskers
well its Wednesday again ... so soon?
Time to show what we have been working on in your crafty space, lots of us do it and its all the big idea of Auntie Julia see all the details here stamping-ground.  Its great fun
Anyway here's my desk....surrounded by little piles of stuff.

My desk left to right
Inky sponges.... happy mail from another documented life project member.....my reply to her....my DLP journal ... awaiting the next page .... big bag of zips ( I have plans for those.......) some Disney ribbon, Japanese paper for yet another future project and a couple of packs of ink pens.
Happy mail seems to be a big deal on DLP I have done much of it because of time limits  but it was lovely to receive it.... here is a close up  of the envelope I decorated.

The back

The front

A strange phenomenon seems to be happening around my desk .... there are piles growing.... something like this .... not sure where they are coming from .... its not me ... honest (snigger, snigger)

Crochet needle case and  frozen ribbon hair slide WIP

Left overs from happy mail making

Name sign WIP

The snippets box (oh dear)

A bag of marbles ?????  ......and sprayed stuff

There is lots more but would just be boring, so that's it from me for this week
I will try and get round  to visit all of you that are kind enough to  comment, it may take all week .... its time consuming, this blogging lark you know.


  1. ah Janet funny about those snippets and those piles that keep hatching themselves!!!
    ... seeing your masks makes me think I should get into mine.. wont buy anymore till start using them :D Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x # no number yet.

  2. my scraps box is full of snippets too.. must clear them out again. Great piles of stuff here.
    There were obviously lots of us linking at the same time, I thought I was 1 too... lol! Helen, 2

  3. Ah, the Pile System! I think we are all familiar with it, Janet! You leave the room at midnight and the next morning they have multiplied!! I enjoyed the visit and all you shared today! Happy WOYWW and have have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #18

  4. You can get cream for it, you know! At least you have productive piles and not a tangled heap like on my desk. But I did make a start on cutting some out last night...yay!
    Didn't think a Frozen hair slide was your type? ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 26 xx

  5. Piles of lots of stuff....... Oh how I know that so well!
    Lots of coloured sponges, seems very organised!
    Jackie 23
    Hope your daughter and grandson are doing well, it's amazing how quick they are growing up!

  6. I had to giggle, because I don't know how it happens either, but somebody goes into my space at night and builds these precarious pyramids on every surface imaginable!
    Love the envelope and all the other WIPs too.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #15

  7. Thanks - just reminded me of the marble background. Must get on with a sample as I am trying to find lots of ideas to put in a book of backgrounds.
    Love your envelope - we should all send a decorated envelope somewhere - it is such a 'lifter' when one drops through the letterbox. In fact I have friends in need of a "lift" so I think I will decorate envelopes first of all for them.
    Thanks for sharing your desk and for the inspiration.
    Hugs, Neet 27 xx

  8. Love the envelope - the colours are gorgeous and I particularly like the teasel stamp. Thanks for stopping by earlier, hope you have a good week,
    Diana #36

  9. Aha, the marbles will roll through inky paper and leave a lovely trail....or maybe Erin left them....but they're fair game now! Love the envelope treatment, happy mail indeed. These little piles of stash and used papers..it's a condition you know...I can't help or advise whilst Ihave it too.

  10. Great desk and beautiful projects! Gorgeous Lyns #35

  11. So much going on. the envelope is great. Where did the frozen ribbon come from?

    ~Kate~ #39

  12. Love decorated envelopes, they look so special.
    I started a scrap box and now have several and must get round to using some of it.
    Have a good week and happy crafting, Angela x 38

  13. I REALLY like that envelope you decorated, because I love art mail. That polka dot stencil you used is marvelous. The snippet box made me smile, because I have one too. It seems to grow like a weed, even though I use scraps from it for my projects all the time. Happy WOYWW and Blessings!

  14. I've got piles too :D
    Love the envelope - why doesn't all post come in envelopes like that?!
    Happy Wednesday

  15. ALL? That's plenty! I can't decide if I like the envelope or the wast paper better LOL! So often the case for me - I work and work to get something perfect and when I lift it away the scrap underneath it is perfectly, artfully random and by far my favourite. {sigh} Love the colours together. I must have a bag someplace full of marble rolling pictures DS did in playgroup 20 years ago - might be worth revisiting that technique one day soon...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

    And PS I had no idea I was actually Number 1! For a long time it just said You're First and then "This link has already been added", but I couldn't see a list at all! :)

  16. Hi Jan, I've got piles too - lots of them - and no amount of ointment is going to make them disappear :) Love your decorated envelope ... the postman must enjoy delivering that. And that basket of snippets ... you're going to have to try better than that to beat my snippet mountain :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #33

  17. Oh Janet, you seem to have the same gremlin dumping stuff on your desk as dumps stuff on mine, where does it all come from.
    Love that decorated envelope in particular but all your stuff is great.
    Well done.
    Chris #6

  18. Uh oh. You may have contracted "piles of stuff" disease from my desk . . . it's supposedly quite contagious! But you know, the piles on other desks are always so much more appealing--you have some colorful and fun ones, Janet!

    Happy WOYWW to you!
    (are you surprised to see me? It's been a long while!)
    returning to the WOYWW fold
    #62 this week

  19. Yep it is a condition that is incurable and highly contagious. Oh and marbles for a background, brilliant and I do love the background you have showing next to the craft stamper mag. We all have a snippets box that continues to breed.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 66

  20. Hi Janet - just like me - I can't bear to throw things away. Can't wait to see what you do with the zips - I need some ideas for using mine. I love the envelope, BTW. Have a great week, Chris # 5

  21. Super pictures, love seeing all your bits going on. Scraps. Now they are a problem, I tend to keep them until I just can't cos there's no room. I never can find a piece in my scraps that is big enough so also end up cutting more. Oh well my nieces benefit from this as I give them my scraps. They stick them on boxes pages you name it!! Take care Zo xx 57

  22. Thanks for the visit earlier..yes indeed we are all friends here :) I LOL at the marbles, please can you revist me Janet and tell me why you have a bag of marbles on your desk. Love, love, love the decorated envelope. Cx #64

  23. It's the evil desk gremlins that come in the night and pile things up. I have them in my house too. You have all sorts of random interesting things on you desk and various spaces. Lots of creativity happening along with the gremlins! Thanks for the visit earlier. Judy #70

  24. Oh dear, Janet - where do these piles come from?? Answers on a postcard, please - 'cos I'd love to know, too!! I like the hexagon-y patterned paper/card/page in your first picture - the colours and patterns are lovely.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #10

  25. I don't know where those pies come from, but they are breeding here, that's for sure! I'm very interested in the plans for the zips. I'm tackling them head on this week. Gotta get over it.

    Fiona #31

  26. I have the same problem with growing piles. I think my cat does it.... (if you believe that I have a bridge for sale). LOL! Great stuff! Happy WOYWW and thanks for popping by!
    Carol N #53

  27. Go punch those snippets and you could find yourself surrounded with flowers!!! Piles of them! he! he!

    Bishopsmate #47

  28. Janet, I love LOVE your envelope. A busy desk, is a creative desk. I also, have no idea how the piles get there. This week, I spent most my time on my scrap pile...11 years worth of scraps. Tell me, why do I save every scrap of paper? Lord have Mercy on me!

    Hugs, Robin (State of Serenity) #74

  29. Hi Janet, love the way your piles are growing! And fascinated by the bag of zips - what do you plan to do with them all??
    Debs #26

  30. Pile Cure Ayurvedic Capsules are 100% Ayurvedic piles medicine that gives relief from piles of blood and stool. It is a certified drug by the Department of AYUSH and is available in convenient capsules. These Ayurvedic tablets are easy to swallow and can be easily used by people. These Ayurvedic pills have been clinically proven effective in the treatment of piles.
    Pile Cure


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