Wednesday 14 December 2011

WOYWW132 is that my mess?

hi world
Not sure who made this mess on my desk but i dont think it was me 'coz I have been downstairs in the kitchen.
No I confess, this is the mess I made not working at my desk yesterday. Pop over to head peeker  JULIA DUNNIT 'S blog to see some more interesting desks.

I have been working in the kitchen this week (no, not cooking, although I made a mean batch of flapjacks on sunday). Sewing! I made a stocking for my granddaughter, so santa could leave her some pressies

She went to see him at the weekend.
Cute eh! I dont think she is very impressed.

This week I have been busy making some new decs for our tree ( handyman amazed me by announcing that he is going to decorate it this year , so that should be interesting).
 These were inspired by Mollie Makes magazine (not Kirstie Allsop, more on her later)

The heart shapes were cut on the big shot.They are simply decorated with cotton Perle thread, stuffed and finished with a button and ribbon. I'm enjoying making these, even at 3 am when I cannot sleep. Dont ask!!
Kirsty Allsop make a heart shaped garland on her homemade Christmas programme the other night. so I cleared a small space on the desk.

And made these...... not for Christmas but to put over the window in my craft room..... they still need decoratring  and I had to ask myself why I was making them when I still have a lot of Christmas stuff to do. . .  the answer... why not.

hope to see you on your desk later . . . after work. . .  and shopping. . .  and dinner. . .  and washing up...... so much to do , I still have a huge pile of wrapping too!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow - so many beautiful things on your desk! I adore those tree decorations. Your embroidery stitches are so even :) I'm envious of that skill for sure! And I love your heart garland too, great combination of fabrics. How are you going to attach them to the tape?
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx
    PS Good luck with all the wrapping!

  2. Wow you have been busy love the stockingh and the garland looks lush love those colours.
    Santa didnt seem to impress her ,maybe next year when shes older love the cute expression on her face says it all!
    hugs happy Woyww
    judex 10

  3. That desk! That heart banner - love it, love it! I still miss having a stocking at Christmas (never grew up maybe!!) have a great week.

  4. Lot of fun stuff going on at your desk and not this week. Love the grandbabes stocking and that picture with Santa is priceless. Don't know whether she likes that jolly old elf or not. Thanks for sharing! Have a great week and Happy Holidays! Vickie #35

  5. I think Father Christmas is pretty odd too! I really like those Christmas tree decorations, great memories of my own childhood there. That heart garland is wonderful, my boy said it nearly blew him off his feet!

  6. Good morning; thought I'd pop in to say Hi quickly. Hope you have a fabulous and creative week. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us today.
    Neil #13

  7. Beautiful work on your desk this week - love the green fabrics. Think a lot of little children must wonder who on earth the hairy fellow is.
    Ann B

  8. Busy desk!!
    Have a great creative Wednesday!!

    Hugs Marleen #12

  9. What a great post! Your granddaughter with Santa reminds me of a photo I have of me and Santa. I'll have to dig that up. That stocking will be a treasure for many, many years.

    The ornaments are very nice too.

    505whimsygirl #82

  10. You have been busy! Love the little tree ornaments, you have inspired me, if I get time which is running short!

  11. love the heart garland, it makes sense to make things that last all year round...

    Dx (90)

  12. love,love,love the heart garland super cute, happy Weds, Hugs May x x x x

  13. I am very jealous of all your beautiful work this week... and loved the Santa Pic... she looks as though it was all a bit much doesn't she... very cute... have a great week...xx

  14. oh the stocking is beautiful! Well done, a hand me down for future generations!
    Bit late getting on this week due to various disasters, but belated happy WOYWW
    Lou #102

  15. Absolutely beautiful stocking, really love the fabric. You GD is so sweet, but no, she's not really into the whole Father Christmas thing yet, is she??

    Brenda 68

  16. Love all the creativity that is happening in your house. I want to poke around in all the drawers on your desk--filled with fun I'm sure!

  17. Love all the things you've been making.


  18. I'm in love with the trees. Of course, I like all the decorations, but I have a real love of trees. Happy belated WOYWW from #5.

  19. Awww. The grandaughter is gorgeous! Love the pic! The festivities look like they are in full swing there! Thanks for the peek! -Amanda 29

  20. Beautiful! :) Love the tree decorations.

  21. Love your tree decorations and the heart banner - it is going to look fantastic I think. Yes, your granddaughter doesn't look too impressed by the bearded man in the red suit, but she will in time :) Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #66

  22. The stocking you have made for your granddaughter is fabulous! That is something she can treasure for years to come! And I adore the tree ornaments you have made! They are so sweet!
    I have to say I agree with your granddaughter about that Santa, lol!
    xoxo Karen

  23. I see you have the same trouble with Elves making a mess in your room! I keep hoping that they will be off back to the North Pole after next week and calm will be restored in my room!!


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