Wednesday 21 December 2011

WOYWW 133 Ironing update

Hi Wednesday peepers,

Wednesday again so soon, time to blog hop over the worlds desks under the leadership of head hopper the very chatty Julia Dunnit.
This is my desk on Sunday evening, sadly abandoned mid making because of present wrapping commitments and the ironing, well someone has to do it !!!

Talking of the ironing; 
A couple of weeks ago I posted about my Ironing and the things my mum thinks I should be ironing, which varies greatly to my ideas Share my Pain

Well the other day she and I were having a conversation about it, apparently I should not only iron my handyman's (my husband ) pants, but my tea towels and dishcloths .... yes dishcloths!..... why?

Well, my mum is a grand old bird of 84 who does all her cooking from scratch, bakes her own bread, shops, walks the dog, drives, surfs the internet, knits, sews, makes  her own greetings cards and irons all things fabric.
Moral of this story. . .  If you want to live a long and fruitful life. . . 
. . .  Iron your dishcloths
Here is the Christmas card she made me

I have a lot of comments about my drawers, so here is a little rummage through them,
They are wonderfully useful as the things I use most are right to hand.

They are all from 99p and £1 shops, they still sell them but now they only have 2 drawers.

Well I've shown you mine now it time to look at yours but first I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year


  1. Great desk and some very organised drawers there!
    Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas,
    Cathy #23 xx

  2. gorgeous makes...thanks for the 4 days to christmas peek of your workdesk...wishing you and yours a wonderful christmas...hugs kath xxx

  3. Very organised i must say !Thats what i must do in the new year maybe a resolution as time i started.organizing it seems to get more messy my craftroom after christmas must be the rush!
    Have very Merry christmas and please pop by i have candy on offer
    hugs judex 22

  4. Love your drawers!! Can't say I've ever ironed (much, truth be told) dish cloths, what a different time it was for our mum's generation! Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  5. hahahaha the ways of the old, I actually like to iron my pillow cases and if I am really really bored-teatowels-but I am not as old as that. Now I just buy work clothes that dont need ironing cos hubby does the ironing at our house.
    BRIDGET #21

  6. Fab post - ironing dishcloths?? Lol. Ain't a chance that's ever going to happen in this house :) I've got parents in their late 80s and they're the same - I think the key is enjoyment of life, simple as that!
    Wishing you joy and happiness this Christmas,
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  7. busy and organized desk. I love the little drawer set up for keeping things close at hand. Hope you and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas holiday. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  8. I have never ironed a dishcloth and am not about to start either but lovely story all the same! Love the card she has made for you and thanks for the snoop in your drawers! Have a wonderful Christmas. Sunshine Girl – No 38

  9. Lol, ironing for longevity, that made me laugh!! Your mum sounds amazing and it's obviously working for her. Have a great Christmas.

    Brenda 71

  10. You’re so organised Janet.
    I have lots of drawers too but none of them have labels on them like yours, so when I’m looking for something I end up going to every drawer to find what I’m looking for. May be my new year’s resolution should be to clearly mark everything so I can find things!

    As for the ironing, it a job I loathe with a vengeance and I iron as little as possible so hell will have to freeze over before a dish cloth ever comes into contact with my ironing board, Lol!

    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.


  11. So excited to finally get a peek inside your drawers! Too organised though!

    Life's too short to iron dishcloths, your Mum needs to spend her dishcloth ironing time on making more fabulous cards like the one she made you!

    Merry Christmas x

  12. When I was little my mom would pay me 10 cents for every item ironed. That meant that I would iron pillowcases and even my dad's hankies!!! hee hee Now I don't buy anything that requires ironing -- or if I do somehow it ends up at the back of the closet and is never worn!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    WOYWW #82

  13. You must be very proud of your mum, great card - hurrah for creative genes. Personally my mum irons, I pull one out about once a year, well I did until I started sewing, I must have ironed more in the last 3 months than I have for the last 10 years! Merry Christmas to you and all yours x

  14. Bless your mum her card is great, I avoid ironing when I can so don't let your mum read this ( lol) Merry Christmas, Hugs May x x x

  15. All beautifully organised in these drawers.

    Have a great Christmas.


  16. Nice rummage through your drawers surprise to se them all neatly labelled! I've conquered the mountain of ironing, but am feeling a bit like I should go back to the board...I pulled out two clean dish cloths and put them straight in the kitchen drawer without so much as showing them the iron!!!
    Happy Christmas!

  17. Just dropping by to greet you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Christmas season! Your craft drawers are wonderful! Thanks for sharing your life and projects with us in your blog!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  18. at least put some good music on if you have to iron them! Thanks for sharing in such a busy week! Hope you have a very festive and wonderfully merry time - see you in 2012! Sarah at 11.

  19. Now I love a nicely ironed tea towel.... and pillow cases are essential... but dishcloths is a bit far I think... have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for showing your desk...xx

  20. I have loads of those drawers lol, but no where near as organised as you, lol.

    Well I think I should start Ironing my dishcloths then, erm where do you buy dishcloths, as I only use the sponges?

    Happy belated WOYWW and if I dont pop back before, Merry Christmas,
    Lou #34

  21. God Bless your Mom! I have to say I do love all those little drawers! Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas with family and friends and All The Best for a Safe, Happy and Healthy New Year!

  22. I too have those plastic drawers, and they're great!
    Love the story of your Mum, Bless! I have an old friend who irons socks, towels, tea towels and ....... tights!!!! Her milk bottles go out sparkling on her step for the milkman.
    Happy Christmas!
    JoZarty x

  23. Just popping in late to say I've really enjoyed visiting your blog, and admiring your handiwork throughout the year and it's been fun virtually getting to know you. Your mother sounds wonderful, although I draw the line at ironing dishcloths too. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Elizabeth x #46

  24. I missed your post last week and the peek into your drawers... er.. the drawers on your desk. Does bachelor ironing count for anything? Bachelor ironing is when you spritz a wrinkled item with a spray bottle and shake it out. That's about as good as it gets here and never on a dishcloth.


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