Wednesday 4 January 2012

WOYWW 135 never to be seen again

Happy New Year wednesday peepers

Well  now all the festivities are over Its down to some new year crafting and maybe use up some of the stash you had for christmas, let's see what you are upto on your workdesk. Pop over to Julia's  workdesks to 'play along' with the nosey stuff.

I decided to have a tidy up  (I know, I know ... boring!). So here is the tidy desk. . . take note , it will not look like this again for a long time. Note the DI pads randomly stacked up under the shelf.

Ah!! look that's more like it. Writing  new stuff in my stash diary. Handyman tried to start my car (which I had not used since Christmas). The battery was flat so he had to jump start it. "You had better go for a little run" says he. I went to my fav local craft store who had a sale on. . . It would have been cheaper to buy  a new battery LOL.

 Well It didn't last long I had to make an engagement card for daughter no 3 who became engaged on Christmas day.

 I also made a card for D no 1 and her hubby who stayed and  we had a lovely time with them.

I'm also feeling a little bit smug this week. I made something I was very pleased with.

Can you tell what it is yet !!

For a while now I have been stacking my DI on top of each other, but the one I need is always at the bottom and it's a painwhen they fall over. 
I saw something similar on   sunshine girl 's  blog.last week.
 So I made it my New Year Mission. I  made mine from foam board.

The pads can be removed singularly without the others falling down, they are brilliant.... If I say so myself  . . .  I made 4. Im going to make some to fit the stazons next!

Anyway that's enough about me, I'm off to see your place now . .  well later after work  
Also see these challenge sites
critter challenge blog.  celebrations
craft your passion challenges.  distressing
crafty boots challenges.  celebrations

take care and happy crafting
janet . . . .  aka fairy thoughts


  1. Awesome stashing idea, Janet - as dont have that many dont have the bother and all my ink pads are in one drawer and this works for time being - but like this idea - just hope I remember it for future use - thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24

  2. Oooh! Love the ink storage! How very very clever! The cards are awesome too. The one for D3 is so lovely, and the gingerbread on D1's are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on the clean up! -Amanda

  3. What a fab idea for the DI's. I need to make some now.

    Happy New Year.


  4. Oh, that's clever!! Love the fact that you made the storage yourself - now you can see what you need at a glance :) Congrats on your daughter's engagement, what a lovely Christmas surprise!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  5. What a great idea for inks, love your cards, congrats to your daughter, Hugs May x x x x

  6. Great creative space and fab crafting going on there. Love your storage idea for DIs.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  7. Love the tidy desk shot, well done for achieving it, at least you can look back and say it was tidy in 2012! Great idea on the ink storage, I'm getting to the point where I have quite a few too and need to do something with them.

    Brenda 76

  8. It is always good to have something to aspire back to don't you think! I have this bookcase all neatly ordered with belongings, I wonder how long before it becomes a shove in and piling up space?..... Quite right you should be proud of your DI storage system what a way to start the year :)

  9. Now that's what I call clever, mine are in one of the Really Useful boxes stood on it's side but the one I want is always at the bottom.
    Congratulations on your daughter's engagement - lovely card as well, bet she loved it.
    Ann B

  10. Lovely cards you made and such a clever idea to store DI.
    I think buying a new battery would have been way more boring and I do not do boring.
    Happy WOYWW

  11. Great idea- I may use up the bit of foamboard I have left over from doing my ribbons for this. Happy new Year, Shaz x

  12. great storage idea hope it works for you. Happy Crafting X Sharne (Fresh as a daisy)

  13. Where's your local craft store then Janet...what have we missed within driving distance?! Great solution for your ink storage, well done you...reallly those lids not coming off each time you pick one up will be marvellous!!

  14. Great tidy desk Janet I am suitably impressed! Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement, your card is gorgeous I bet she was so pleased. You are so clever making the storage for your DIs - great job. Happy 2012 to you and your family x

  15. A great first crafty peek of the year, and what a great idea for ink storage, haven't seen that before. Happy new year!

  16. Glad to see that the desk didn't stay bare for long - beautiful cards for your daughters. And the housings for your ink pads are brilliant (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  17. I love the storage idea! And the clean desk (mine never looks like that - at least, not for very long!) Congratulations on your daughter's engagement :)

    Katie #81

  18. Wow, that was one clean desk! Good to see it back to normal right away, lol!
    Gorgeous cards you have made! Love the gold lettering on the congrats card!
    And look at you making storage units for your DI! I need to do something like this too!
    Thanks for the visit earlier! Happy 2012!
    xoxo Karen

  19. Hi Janet,
    Thanks for the visit. You asked about the heart ornaments. I used pages from old books that I've found at our library bookstore (for free). I have two german books and absolutely love the scroll. Just fold the pages in half, cut the heart, watercolor, glue most of the heart together, stuff, glue shut and add a little ribbon hanger. The photo is dark so I might try taking another photo. They were fun AND simple!!

    Love the distress ink holder!


    WOYWW #92 (you've already visited)

  20. Clever idea for storage, although I though it was going to be a new CD rack!

  21. What a wonderfully organized craft space! I love your storage idea!

    Katie (138)

  22. Congratulations on your daughter's engagement. They will be charmed by this card.

    I also love your storage solution, I need one.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Crafty Boots Challenge.


  23. Great cards, congrats on your DD engagement! Happy WOYWW #5 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  24. Gorgeous cards and many congratulations on your DD's engagement :) A clever idea for the DI's, the new storage looks fab.

    I hope you have a happy and healthy 2012, and although a little late this week I also hope you had a great WOYWW, Karen #108.

  25. Lovely cards and a great idea for the ink pads. Thanks for sharing and a Happy New Year. Annex

  26. Whoa! That was one clean desk. I'm glad you've restored it to proper playtime order! That is a great idea for the ink pads. I have a bunch stacked too and what a pain that is.

  27. great solution with the inks... pretty handy on the making too... happy woyww...xx

  28. What a great idea...I will have to go off and make my own ink pad holder! Thanks for sharing.

  29. Fabulous ink pad storage - will show this to the EM and see what he can come up with. Because, it is a pain having to take a whole stack out just because you want the pad at the bottom :) Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best for 2012. Elizabeth x #60

  30. What a brilliant bit of storage - I might have to think about that when I get a few more inks. My collection is rather small at the moment, and as I have signed up to the "Use it Up in 2012" challenge, I can't allow myself to buy any more for a while. Maggie #72

  31. Such beautiful cards.Love your style.Great storage for your DIs - clever idea.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion.Hope to see you again next week :D
    Lisa x

  32. Glad I inspired you! You will probably use your inks a lot more now I know I do! love you cards too - congratulations to your daughter.

  33. happy new year to you! i enjoyed my peek of your desk. good job on our cards and your ink storage! such a good idea! thanks for sharing! hugs,
    peggy aplSEEDS

  34. The engagement card is lovely and I applaud you for your innovative new ink storage! I currently have my distress inks in a drawer and have the same issue as you -- whichever one I need is always on the bottom.

  35. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P


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