Wednesday 28 December 2011

WOYWW134 lonely and abandoned

hi world,
I hope your Christmas was wonderfully fun and festive. mine was!!! if a little hectic

All back to normal in workdesk world, assuming Julia has survived the festive season and snuck away to her desk too. desk world head teacher

The last thing I made were 2 cards I made for my Mum (yes, of the Ironing fame!) and my Mum- in- law.

The cards are to put their Panto tickets in and to invite  them to afternoon tea afterwards
We have brought them tickets for the last few years.

I also made a lot of these Calendars for friends and family and can finally show them, they were fun to make.

My desk has been a bit abandoned these last few days and very messy as you can see. 
The naughty little Christmas Elves have left stuff everywhere.

Some of it is new stash (thanks to my lovely family for that) especially the Inca Gold which I have been wanting for a while. Look out for all things covered in it in the coming weeks.

I dont get many homemade pressies as I do the making in my family, but daughter no 3 (she became engaged on Christmas Day ...yey!) Mum to my gorgeous Granddaughter, made me this lovely wall hanging to put inmy kitchen.

She still has a house key and  crept into my craft room when I was out and liberated some of my stash, but I think she did a grand job.
So did Erin
Well I'll be seeing you in your place soon . . . .Here's wishing you a Happy and Peaceful New Year

 aka fairy thoughts


  1. Ohhh such lovely goodies on your desk and a beautiful santa baby.
    Wishing you a happy new year.

  2. oooh Janet what cute little blossom at the end of your post and love the calendars and all the stash wow! . Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24

  3. The calendars are fantastic, and the little cutie in the santa suit is beautiful, Happy 2012, Hugs May x x x x x

  4. Oh my word I love your calendars, given me ideas now, I have 20 of those itty bitty calendars to use up
    Bridget #14

  5. I love that card! Happy WOYWW! Tango, #37

  6. I love your desk calendars- I think I might be copying that idea next year- assuming I remember it for that long. That might be reaching a bit tho, lol.Hope you had a very enjoyable Christmas, and that you have a wonderful New Year, Shaz xx

  7. I love your calendars! I want to do some of these, but just haven't gotten around to it yet!

  8. Love your notice -so very true - and your Grandchild is cute as a button.
    Have a great 2012
    Ann B

  9. Lovely post. Glad you had such a nice happy Christmas. Wishing you all the very best in 2012.


  10. Oh bless that beautiful child! Isn't she sweet! I think your daughter did really well,it's a lovely and so true saying! My desk is neglected getting other bits straightened up before tackling its defacing up to new year jobs!

  11. great desk, are those £1 shop drawers? i have aload of those too, very handy.

    Fabulous calendars, i bet they recipients loved them.

    have a great new year.

  12. I think that naughty elves have been piling ...stuff...on all our tables lately. LOL! Love the gift from your daughter (and congrats to her on the engagement!). Love the last pic too! So Cute! Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year!-Amanda #9

  13. As one of the lucky calendar recepiants I can say that they are fab! Congrats on the family engagement and what a cute photo of Erin. Happy crafting in 2012! x

  14. What a fab sign - lovely daughter for making you that! And what a sweetie in the Santa suit, too cute for words :)
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ #35 xx

  15. Wow, those calendars look like a TON of work... and you made so many!

    Handmade presents are the bestest. Yay to your daughter!

    Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year!

    Sandy #73

  16. Now that's a bunch of calendars you made there girl!!! Each one is different to.... Very Cute!!
    Thanks for sharing some of your Christmas with us...
    Have a Happy New Year!

  17. Hi Janet, Your daughter did a great job on your surprise sign! I've been working on my wreath (almost done) and then snuck out to see a movie so am just now getting around to blog hopping. Thank you for visiting me earlier today. You are right, I've already bought two Tim Holtz dies and several of the Cuttlebug embossing templates, but they were on sale. Also got the Cuttlebug at half price!!! Yipee. Still need to take it out of the box!!

    Happy New Year to my blogging friend!

  18. Beautiful homemade gift from your daughter Janet, the sign isn't bad either, lol!! Congrats all round for your family news. Love all the calendars you made, and don't worry about the mess, that's half the fun!

    Brenda 58

  19. Love the calendars! And the clutter. It is a very creative place. How cool that your daughter snuck in and made you a sign!

  20. What a lot of calendars! looks like you did have lots of fun making them - please let me know if you make a distress ink holder - its nice to know if I have inspired someone! Mine is looking a bit tatty now so might have to be redone (in fact I think I have the dimensions somewhere if you need them let me know and I will dig them out!). Thanks for all your lovely comments over the year and I hope you have a lovely New Year.

  21. Fabulous Calendars! The page was done with Dylusions sprays which as of the 31st are no longer available in their currant form :( boooooo. not sure which I used I just grab and spray LOL

  22. Hi Janet, lovely post - I did enjoy reading it and especially love the gorgeous photo of Santa's little helper. The wall-hanging is ace too. Love your desk with all the little sets of drawers lining the shelf above and your cards and calendars are super - a lot work and time must have gone into them. Thanks for all your lovely comments throughout the year and I wish you many crafting hours in 2012. Elizabeth #65


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