Tuesday 22 May 2012

WOYWW 155 Can you guess what it is yet?

Hi world and wonderful wednesday peepers

I have been busy, busy, busy, this week, so I will be really brief .
On my side desk is the finished secret project from last week..... can you guess what it is yet?
 he! he! A clue is it is a first birthday present  for GD Erin

She is very fond of Noddy (so is her Mum), so I painted this 3 legged stool for her.

Anyway here is my main desk, all be it, slightly abandoned:

 I had a bit of a clear up so it is quite tidy, not even one pair of scissors! on view.

In the flat box is a set of alphabet stencils I used for Erin's name. 
2  button bracelets I need to repair and some note holders I altered for my craft stall in a couple of weeks.
Well, I'm off to do the ironing before bed :(
 It's tuesday night and I need a blouse for work tomorrow. Many of you may remember my on-going dislike of ironing!!!!!!

Like my desk? you will see a lot more interesting ones over at the stamping ground....... all organised by blog hopper in-charge   Julia dunnit
Hopefully this week I will get some more ATC's done for next weeks swop.

Thanks for all the lovely comments last week, they really are appreciated.
Please leave a comment and Mr Linky no. so I can find you and visit you right back.
night night
janet aka fairy thoughts


  1. Hey there! Hope the ironing hasn't drained you too much, lol! I hate doing it too...would rather clean the loo!
    Yep, there's bunting, bunting everywhere - glad C&H is doing well out of it all. I haven't been down for ages, must rectify that.
    Love Erin's stool btw - you've done a really good paint job on that. She'll love it :)
    Thanks for all the lovely supportive comments, much appreciated...
    Love, LLJ xxxx

  2. Fabulous little stool for Erin... I'm sure she will love it.. Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x... No number as yet...

  3. Hi Janet,

    What a cute stool! I bet Erin will be thrilled with it (as will her mom).

    I'm joining in this week but don't know what my number will be - usually in the triple digits.


  4. Wow, did you handpaint that stool? Noddy is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. Ali x #43

  5. Such a fab stool!! it almost makes me want to be a little girl again:D
    Happy WOYWW day
    Lisa #16

  6. You have created such a lovely stool I am sure Erin will be thrilled.
    Have a lovely week.
    Sandra @57

  7. Another great desk, what a great stool. Happy WOYWW, Helen @17

  8. Hi there, just popping in to visit for WOYWW. It's lovely to see so many creative spaces! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us curious folk! I hope you have a good week.
    Neil #70

  9. ...what a fabby creation it seems an age since my eyes last saw Noddy...great work...Mel :) #21

  10. How perfect is this for your GD!! Erin will love it hugs Susan x

  11. ooh now theres a thought .... Doodly Birds on stools.
    Lynn 48

  12. What a fantastic present that stool will be - I bet she loves it. I grew up with Noddy but didn't know he was still around.
    Hope you have a great week

  13. Happy WOYWW Wednesday!!
    Quickly to the next desk ;-)
    Hugs Marleen #19

  14. Oh Janet, the Noddy stool is awesome! She'll love it I'm sure. My brother was obsessed with Noddy and Big Ears when we were young, I'm glad Erin is keeping Noddy alive. Much better than telletubbies or the like!!
    Laura 138

  15. Your stool is amazing! Take care and enjoy this sunny & warm WOYWW. Zo xx 80

  16. The stool is fab, what a lovely pressie that will last and last. I too love Noddy and always will!

  17. I hate ironing too, I mean anyone who actually likes it can't be right! lol LOVE the stool you are painting for Erin, she is gonna love it too! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  18. Cute stool, although I don't know what Noddy is, is he a storybook character? I'm sure she'll love it. Barb #170

  19. Janet that stool is adorable!!!


  20. Oh the Noddy stool is gorgeous - I'm sure it will be much loved!!!

  21. What an adorable stool!! Bravo! I love your fun work desk too.

    Jeannie #75

  22. great looking desk and I really like the way you painted that 3 legged stool. Have a great week. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Vickie #28

  23. Your GD will love the stool I am sure. You have a great work space too.

    Have a great weekend.


  24. Hello!

    Wonderful gift for her birthday! You are the best kind of GM! I love all of the interesting little drawers on your workdesk! Wishing you a happy weekend!


    Barbara Diane

  25. Gorgeous stool there and well worth messing your desk up for!
    As for my two tidy desks they are no longer! Knew it would not last long!
    PS I hate ironing too!


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