Tuesday 29 May 2012

WOYWW 156 I've lost my crown !

Hi world
Yep that time of the week again, time for  the creative show  that is 'what's on our work desk wednesday'.
You must know what it is all about by now otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.
If not check out the madness here stamping ground

Anyway, it is the 3 year anniversary this week.
I first discovered the blog on week 80, I know this 'coz I looked back.... out of interest.
I also tried to track down the first post, which was a little sketchy I must say.
I don't think Julia knew what she had unleashed back then  check it out here  the first post   It is the same crazy Julia,  just with more chat (too little time now for much chat.... Please keep it short she says now... ok I will try so here's my desk

Not much going on, just the end of making my ATC's for the anniversary swop.
They are un-ashamedly patriotic (well it is  jubilee weekend )

It you would like one please e- mail me your address and I will send you mine for the swop.
They were all going to have the stamped crown on, but you know what those pesky clingy things are like...... they get lost, hence my ATC's are all slightly different.

The bracelets from last week are still waiting to be mended
 craft stamper is still waiting to be read ... before the next one arrives on Friday.
There is a book on making a Tiara...... for D2 's wedding.
 Oh, and  yes that is a bucket of Tim Holtz distress markers in the background....waiting to be played with. . .  but don't tell the handyman, but they were a bargain. . .  what's a girl to do !
I hope it was brief enough
Well, lets see how many desks I can get to this week, I know it won't be all of them, please leave a comment so I know you called by, I will try and get to everyone and some extras especially if you are joining in the ATC swop.
happy hopping ......janet


  1. Oh this day is all very exciting. I see I get to send you my ATC for today's PIF! Can I be cheeky and ask for one of those gorgeously British ones in return? I think they are fantastic, crowned or not, they are lovely. I will email you to get your postal address.

  2. Well Janet you have been busy! Gosh all those ATC's I have never ever made one. Well you will be pleased to know you have shamed me into it at last! Hugs Susan #81

  3. now THAT's a pile of ATCs!! just wish i had more to swap - i'd love one! it's a really great design :) sadly, i only have the one as i can't work that small anymore...
    enjoy your week!
    no. 59

  4. Gorgeous ATCs, Janet - have lots of fun swapping them!! I'm really enjoying all the Union jack stuff around at the moment - hooray for the Jubilee!!
    Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

  5. ATC's look fab, have emailed you for a swap!! Laura 92

  6. I love your desk today - such colour!! What a fabulous pile of ATC's. Happy WOYWW, Helen 8

  7. Lovely ATC's

    Happy WOYWW birthday!

    Zoe #44

  8. Hi Janet would love to swap with you - we went for the same theme! I will email you my address if that's ok. I am going to follow the link to the first post as I am a recent convert! Happy WOYWW Birthday to you Helen 83

  9. Such super Creative ATC's ! Take care & enjoy this special WOYWW. Zo xx 37

  10. What Fabulous ATC's... love them!! Hugs May x x x #4

  11. I hope you are having a great WOYWW day and hopefully you will show a picture of all the ATC's you get, that would be great fun to see! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  12. Thanks for the peek at the first WOYWW post. Somehow never thought to sneak past and see what it was like "in the day." Love the patriotic ATCs! Darn that crown for going into hiding. I'm sure you'll find it in the most ridiculous of spots. Great desk shot. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with things still waiting to be done on the desk. It happens all the time! In my tidy piles I have things from many, many weeks ago!

  13. Fun ATCs! Enjoy this week's WOYWW!

    Katie (38)

  14. Hi janet! How wonderful to be working in the craft dept of a department store! Are you playing all day? :^) I would love a souvenir of the jubilee weekend! (Pls email me your address at patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com. ) Patsy from

  15. I LOVE those patriotic ATCs and am thrilled I was given the chance to "meet" you through this wild and fun blog hop we take each week. I had to read the first WOYWW from Julia again, too. Happy 3rd WOYWW Anniversary from #2.

  16. Great post, loved the link to the first WOYWW as I never did see it. You joined in the week before I did. Your ATCs are brilliant - I've gone down the patriotic route too ... it's all this Jubilee frenzy, you can't help but be influenced :) The latest issue of Craft Stamper dropped through my letterbox this morning and just had to leaf through it ... I've promised myself a more thorough read through at the weekend. Hope today has gone well and that the rest of the week will be good too. Elizabeth x #96

  17. I love love love your ATC's, wish I was taking part now.
    Famfa 123

  18. Your ATC work looks like tons of fun!!
    A Sale is a Sale, you have to do what you have to do, my lips are sealed in a smile for you!!
    Keep smiling and creating.

  19. Very cool desk this week and oh my...so maany ATC's! Happy 3rd year! Sue Kment

  20. I just e-mailed my address to you... and WOW, I really like your ATCs! It´s only good, that they are patriotic. It will be a nice memory also from your jubilee.
    Happy belated 3rd Anniversary!
    Tuire #21

  21. ...hmmm I seem to be #17 today... something has happened during the night :D

  22. Lovely post - like your very jubilee ATCs - if you would like we can swap - send your address to my email dolores.kerec@gmail.com and I will send you an ATC!
    Isn't WOYWW great?? So many lovely people gather and have a good time!
    Lots of hugs,

  23. Love that you have been so patriotic...Happy 3rd WOYWW Birthday

  24. Love you patriotic ATC's, I'm an ex pom so love that Union Jack. Sent out all of my ATC's so can't swap (bummer).
    Happy 3rd anniversary and have a great week.
    Von #20

  25. I don't live in England but I am from 2 commonwealth countries and she is also my queen, I even have a slight English accent lol and I am in love with the royal family so i am so glad we are swapping. now I think of it I should have made an australian atc. next year
    Bridget #25

  26. Seems like you English people are up to some celebrating?

  27. Lovely ATCs you have made! And so many of them too! Thanks for visiting me earlier and Happy WOYWW Anniversary!
    xoxo Karen

  28. Happy 3rd WOYWW! Sorry I am so late getting around but better late then not at all. Hope you have a great week. Vickie #178

  29. Hi Janet, I thought I was here before? But I guess I wasn't. Did we already agree to swap ATCs? (If we did, then I have your address, if we didn't, then there must be another Janet.) Sorry, I've been visiting so many desks I'm quite confused now :)
    Happy 3rd Birthday WOYWW!

  30. Fab ATCs. I'm happy to swap with you. I've made a few more yesterday and hope to get them finished today to send so please send me your address to wipso@toucansurf.com and I will then return the favour :-)
    A x

  31. Lovely patriotic desk this week - sorry you lost your crown but you can't be the Queen all day - you have to give others a chance (lol). I have a rubber stamps that says something about that - now that would be good on an atc!
    Happy Blogaversary - Hugs, Neet #15 xx (late because she had a shed load of visitors yesterday)

  32. Love your ATC's I have stuck with the one this year as it's my first but I hopefully will be more organised next year. Love your red, white and blue theme very on trend just now. Have a great weekend and thanks for popping by my place. Hugs Erika. #101

  33. Hi there Janet thanks for popping over and yes can see that you have been very busy indeed you are very patriotic and why not be - something to shout about with the dear queen having a diamond Jubilee, wow!! happy 3rd WOYWW and see you next week all being well! Shaz in Oz x #30.

  34. Very British you desk is and creative for sure, thanks for sharing.

    Eliza #140

  35. wow looks like you went all out on all those ATC's well done you
    Sorry i'm late, Happy WOYWW Anniversary
    Minxy #3

  36. Happy belated 3rd WOYWW anniversary. Thanks so much for the visit to my desk. Your ATCs are fabulous! When art supplies are on sale...a girl's gotta do... Have a great week!

  37. What a great desk: organised and covered in beautiful ATCs. What more could anyone ask?

    Hope you're having a great weekend,
    rachel #7

  38. I love how you have used old stamps on your ATCs. So just wondering if I am too late for a patriotic SWAP or not? BJ #35

  39. Hi Janet

    We all love a good bargain and I promise not to drop you in it with the handyman...LOL. Lovely ATCs, you've done a great job and patriotism is something this country needs more of.

    Sorry to be so late getting round this week - the Queen's Jubilee got in the way!

    Happy WOYWW!

  40. Oooh love your patriotic ATCs!

    Happy WOYWW anniversary! :)

    Ali #86


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