Tuesday 12 June 2012

WOYWW 158 all good things

Hi nosey people,
Happy WOYWW (I know it's tuedsday, but I have to get to bed early I have a long day tomorrow)
Well,  I have a desk full of 'all good things' this week, none of them made by me and none of them edible. Yes, I am showing my stash of fab ATC's from the swap the other week. Everyone is a little piece of art and so individual, I love them all.

It is all thanks to Julia over at the stamping ground, so pop over and have a peek at the creative world of  WOYWW

The only other thing on my desk is a big pile of magazines, waiting to be read! . . . . what can I say . . . .it's a harmless addiction :)

My biggest thank you goes to my PIF partner Belinda Basson, the piece she made was awesome... It is an ATC book,  there are so many elements, beautifully made as you can see in the picture.
She also made the lovely elephant card as well.
I have 3  of my ATC's left from the swap if anyone would like one please e mail me your address and I will post it off asap.

Now, last week I posted that I was just cooking fish fingers for my dog. I had a lot of comments about that. I know I said dont ask but lots of you did, so here's why.
 My poor Rosie has had a very poorly mouth lately with an ulcerated cheek, she finds it uncomfortable to eat anything, the vet recommended fish fingers  and pasta (with the crumbs taken off), she loves them, so here she is enjoying her breakfast, at least she is eating.

I haven't done anything crafty this week as I have not felt very well, so here is my Tuesday 'work'.

Cute huh!
Erin (my GD) is sat on the stool I painted a few weeks ago for her birthday, she is playing with her buttons, her favourite 'toy' at our house!
Not sure if I will get back to anyone this week as I will be out quite a bit, But I will try to visit you back.have a lovely week
janet aka fairy thoughts


  1. First, I hope you get to feeling better soon, secondly, I hope Rosie does too, I'm so glad you shared a picture of her, she is a cutie pie! I love the idea of an ATC book, was wondering what to do with mine since I have never collected them before. And last but not least, love the picture of Erin playing with the buttons, adorable!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. Oh so cute!!!! Love your desk with all those ATC's! Have a great WOYWW, helen, 3

  3. Ah, the fish fingers thing makes sense now... I do hope she feels better soon. And you too, but how can tuesdays work not make you feel better - that grn is fab!
    Thanks for the new project idea. I need to make an ATC book!
    Laura 78

  4. Happy WOYWW. Hope that Rosie is feeling better soon. Your collection of ATCs is amazing. Ali x #84

  5. Hope poor Rosie is back to herself soon.

    Happy WOYWW

    Zoe #12

  6. Hi Janet - is it afternoon already. Poor doggy hope Rosies better soon. Mind you she might not like to go back to normal food!! Fab ATCs. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 14

  7. Those ATC's are fabulous, truly. I adore your GD, she is so beautiful. Her playing with buttons brings back memories- I can remember my Mother having a button tin- an old sweet tin. It was full of the most glorious array of shapes & colours-I'd spend hours just looking through them, sorting into piles- blimey, I'd love to have that tin now!Happy WOYWW, Shaz #75

  8. Some lovely ATCs on your desk Janet and the ATC book is brill.
    Poor Rosie, nothing worse that a sore mouth, especially if it puts you of your food. When Sorrel was ill at Christmas we tried her with fish and pasta - didn't work until I added gravy - what a combination!
    Ann B

  9. Hi Janet,

    Happy WOYWW. I can see how much Erin LOVES her stool. She's a sweet little girl.

    I see my card kind of came apart - but it did arrive. That mini book is VERY cool! I'm blown away by all the talent!!

    Thanks for swapping with me - it was so much fun!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #124

  10. Ah Janet, a treasure of a collection and another fab make from Belinda, aren't WOYWWers fab! Love the pic of Erin, my how she grows. Hope you have a chance to recover a bit, keeping going when you feel a bit off is grim. Take care.

  11. Beautiful ATC's.. I know I got one of yours and it is Gorgeous!! beautiful cards and your little GD is having fun on her little stool...Hugs May x x x#20

  12. I understand the ulcerated cheek bit! Truly I figured there was health issue with the pup, not that you were really that much of a doggy slave. I HATE ulcers in the mouth. Is there a doggy version of Valtrex (the herpes med)? It works wonders for me. Thanks for sharing all that great artwork even if you didn't make it. And how happy is the granddaughter playing with her buttons?!!

  13. Great ATCs and a lovely snap of little Erin. have a great week. x Jo

  14. Very nice cards on your work space....your GD is adorable and then some! #99

  15. Hello!

    You have some wonderful treasures there! Love the photos of Rosie and your GD! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  16. So glad you like your little book. I had such fun making it and it is all from one piece of paper cut and folded in a special way that I learned from Minxy. She did such a good video on it a while back that I got quite hooked on making them. Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Lots of goodies & such a cutie your GD is! Take care & enjoy snooping, am going for the better late than never approach this week! Zo xx 56

  18. Sorry you've not been feeling well :( Hope you're on the mend now...
    Your ATCs are fab - hasn't it been a lovely couple of weeks. I've really enjoyed it and I don't even make the things!!
    That's a lovely pic of Erin - what a cutie. Good girl liking buttons, she'll go far!
    Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

  19. So many nice cards and gifts! :)

  20. Lovely collection of ATC's that was fun! Would love one of yours if you have any left. Barb #106 kingb52@comcast.net

  21. very pretty ATC's! Glad you found something your puppy can eat! Your granddaughter is so cute! Valerie #26


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