Tuesday 19 June 2012

WOYWW159 somewhere different

Hi world I will be very quick

Here is where I was `working ` night . Nice work if you can if you can get it
Hope this works will add more later
Check out more inspiring desks at the stamping ground . . .don't think I can work out how to link here sorry Julia


  1. Now that is a place I have always wanted to visit. In fact, only saying to hubby a couple of days ago that we must visit Italy soon - we were in our local Italian restaurant, love the food - and the country/weather would definitely suit us too! Happy WOYWW. Ali x #61

  2. Brilliant, we flew to Pisa when we went to Florence last year. Just love Italy you lucky thing!! Hugs Susan x

  3. Love love love Italy - have the best time on holiday and come back refreshed :)
    Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

  4. Have a fabulous time! I think the leaning tower has leaned too far today!

    Please pop to see Angenita (89) as she could do with a WOYWW hug today (pass it on) Hugs from Helen 107

  5. Have never been there - looks lovely. Thanks for sharing - trying to make a few visits early this week! Hazel, WOYWW #87 x

  6. Oh how I miss Italy! I must go again soon.

    Happy WOYWW

    Zoe #57

  7. I have never traveled abroad....heck, I've never traveled much of anywhere. Lovely pictures and thanks for sharing!
    Glenda 101

  8. How gorgeous - Pisa is on my must see list!

  9. Looks like you are having fun!!

    I've been AWOL for a while, so have no work-table to photograph this week, started updating my blog and hoping to get back crafting soon. Hope all these peeks at other people's workspace will inspire me!!

    I took your advice and renamed my blog too!!

  10. Well.

    That may very well be the best woyww EVER!

    Enjoy your time!

    I didn't have much to show this week, so did
    WOYWW--The Daughter Edition!


  11. Wow! Now I knew that tower leaned, but......!
    Fiona #132

  12. Fabulous.... Love Italy!! Hugs May x x x#62

  13. Love Pisa but when we were there I'm sure the tower was much more upright.
    Ann B

  14. wow, the leaning tower is leaning a lot more these days ;)
    happy woyww, mark

  15. That tower leans more and more every year!!!

  16. happy WOYWW! best desk this week! i heard the tower was leaning more and more every year but i never realized it had gone that far, LOL!
    hugs, #15 peggy aplSEEDS

  17. Don't know that I could "work" there. I would get NOTHING done!!! Lucky you!!! Have a fantastic time!

  18. The tower always looks like that after a few Italian wines!

  19. I am seriously going mad, really I want to go to these places but I just don't understand. I do get around to many different places to work too. Please help me understand.

    Eliza #163

  20. Oh wow! Take care, am snooping still on Sunday, late but determined to get round more than I have for a few weeks! Zo xx 73

  21. the pictures wouldn't load for me last week, so I've popped in again to see!! Yep....a very wonky tower!!


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