Tuesday 7 August 2012

woyww 166 LOTS TO DO

Hi world... and WOYWWers
Don't know what that means? hop over to the  stamping-ground  to see JULIA, Queen of the desks , you could even join in.... go on you know you want to. Carefull though, it is very addictive.
Anyway here is my desk this week.
I actually managed to get some crafting done today.. thanks to GD Erins' nap, XX cutie.

 I have just finished making a gift tag for a swap, for a change I made a more masculine tag.
 I had the stamp out for the other project I am working on.... under wraps till next week.
On the left is my mask folder, on the right are the DI I used.... 3 shades of Wee, just for Julia!!
At the back is a big bag of purple sequins.... for the other project,  Mmmm mysterious.
If the recipient happens to look in (no chance, me thinks) there are a few other clues too.
Here is my messy other desk in sharp contrast to the other desk which is just as messy LOL.

 Lots of die cutting here, you just cannot have too many of these can you?
I didn't get to many desks last week as we had visitors from the states, over for the Olympics.
We had a great weekend, talking, eating, drinking and watching the sport.
We went to Weymouth for the day, look at these cheeky deck chairs, there were dozens of them and they were all different .... a fab day, the town nailed it, there was a great atmosphere.

All that and sightseeing too. Oh and it was Tami's birthday. A gold medal weekend in fact!!!!!
I will try harder this week so I will see yours later now that you have seen mine. .So please leave a comment.
If we can drag ourselves away from the sport that is.
Have a good week........ Go Team GB
PS. Please leave your Mr Linky number or I may not get back to you as hunting through 180+ links takes ages.
Happy crafting


  1. I decided that I'd start visiting desks even though Mr Linky has gone AWOL, because I have to use the time to desk hop when I can manage it.
    But then you don't have one desk you have two!!!
    Lots of creativity going on...so you must be in a happy place.
    I love those deckchairs...they look so summery and fun!
    I'm loving the Olypmics too even at the hour I have to watch most of the events.
    I'm so proud of everyone involved because it's been a spectacular show so far ;D
    Happy WOYWW ~ Neesie (no number but don't worry about finding me...I won't mind honest)

  2. Impressive desks this week, Janet!! *grin*
    How wonderful that you went to Weymouth - the shots of the action have been so amazing on TV..I'm envious that you got to soak up some of that fantastic atmosphere!
    Hugs, LLJ #13 xx

  3. Looking enviously at your file of stencils!
    Have a good week,

  4. Looks like a busy desk. Those deckchairs are fab. x Jo

  5. No you can't have two many dies...nor can you do any better with the wee colours, loving the tag! Great photo of the deckchairs, sums up the fun, huh.

  6. Busy bee desk going on there... love all those dies..great deck chairs.. Hugs May x x xx#40

  7. That looks a very messy, I mean BUSY desk! Love that tag. I must admit masculine is not my thing!
    As for the things on my desk, wonder no more as I have just posted them on my blog before the deadline tomorrow for the challenge.
    No need to curtsey, unless you want to!
    Thanks for visiting. I don't know what I am going to do once the Olympics is over. Never usually have the TV on!

  8. I am making comments during the comercials! i've noticed a drop off on everybody's blogs, but hey, it's the Olympics!! hooray!! Love those deck chairs! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  9. I have NO dies, but I understand they are very expensive. At least they are here in the States. Sounds like you must have taken in a bit of the Olympics with your friends from the States. How great that visit must have been for you. I'm #22 this week after the Linky fritzed.

  10. Nice tag on your desk there and I love the deckchairs. Weymouth is one of my favourite holiday towns, have been there several times, and lucky you for seeing some of the Olympics.

    Thanks for visiting me earlier. Bit late getting round this week - am addicted to all the Olympic sports at present and not getting time to do anything else.
    Ann B

  11. I would love to see that altered box when it's done! #44


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