Wednesday 15 August 2012

WOYWW167 It wasn't me

Hi World and WOYWW ers
Time again to show our desks to the world, warts and all. See what it's all about at the stamping-ground  .  But be careful it is very addictive.
Julia says keep it brief so here's my desk

Did I really make all that mess, Yes I did. Actually I moved most of it before I took the photo.
  I am in the middle of making envelopes for D2's wedding  favours next month. . . . I am using a Sizzix die cut. We are going to put wild flower seeds inside.
I am determined not to leave everthing to the last minute..... yes, you read it here first folks!!  We'll see.There is still a lot to do ... But then when isn't there?
In the top right corner is a veil pattern.... see so much to do, at least now the Olympics have finished I can get stuff done, but wasn't it brilliant. Well done to everyone involved.

This is my normal desk, it has seen a lot of activity this week, but I didn't get time to photograph it. The sequins are still there I will use them this week to finish an album I am working on.
On the left are some labels for the wedding favours. On top of that is a card for a work collegue and a box I am hoping to alter at the weekend.
 Still haven't used those DI markers! Maybe one day
Anyway time to see what you have been up to. If you leave a comment I will call you back but please leave your Mr Linky no so I can find you. I have tried blogging on my phone  at work but it takes sooo long. so I wont be back until the evening
have a good day


  1. wow two very busy desks thanks for sharing


  2. Wow, another busy lady doing wedding stuff! I've just come from Bernice's blog. Your desk looks very industrious, and I love the colour scheme!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #10

  3. Lovely colours on your desk. Lots to do.
    Famfa 16

  4. I can comment this week! yay! Your desks looks very colour coded all ornagy and green...but I have lost my reading glasses so it might not be! Have a great Crafty week Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #13

  5. seed envelopes? how lovely! Happy WOYWW!
    Lindsay-Frugalcrafter #25

  6. A craft mum must be every brides dream. I am sure the wedding favours will be gorgeous.
    Sandra @32

  7. Hi Janet, lots going on on your desk this week. That is really great paper you are using there. #22

  8. great desk! Mine was a lot worse too before I got rid of a bunch of the papers etc! I try but drawers are always open stuff is always strewn about! Oh well...I have fun! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #38

  9. Hi Janet,

    I like the orange/yellow papers on your desk. What a great idea to put wildflower seeds in the favors.

    My blog candy is posted so check it out!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #37

  10. the wedding favours sound great - what a lovely idea. hope it goes well. Love the desk, too! Helen 3

  11. Second post full of wedding ideas! love the favour die and what a great idea. good luck with the wedding bits and bobs - I hope you share the finished projects. happy woyww jenx

  12. I think we are suffering from OWS - Olympics Withdrawal was so fab and I really enjoyed it!!
    I like the wedding favours box. I'm looking for a template to do something for the 13th Oct. Do you know of any good tutorials online??
    Hugs, LLJ #13 xx

  13. I'm with you Janet - the phone experience is just too painful...not far off the ipad actually! I'm on the trusty old PC this morning, far speedier. You are busy gal. Lovely idea for the favours, and I love the paper choice for the envelopes.

  14. What a lovely idea for wedding favors - and the colours you've used are very appropriate for flower seeds.
    Bernice #8

  15. everyone seems to be so busy thie week you are among the greatest Have a great day

  16. What a busy space but lots of creativity going on.
    Blogging on the you've lost me! ;D
    Enjoy your day and have fun desk hopping however you do it!
    Neesie #30

  17. Oh lovely news a wedding!!! I had to ask my DBF what wedding favours were??? Now I know!
    Love your colorful desk!

  18. Good luck with the wedding favours, you must be super busy. Great idea with the seeds too.

    Jan S 103

  19. Good luck with all the wedding prep. You seem very busy already. x Jo

  20. This looks very interesting. I see a sewing pattern in the back too. Have fun!

  21. Your are very busy, and you are making the veil? Wow! dani #33

  22. Love the idea of seeds as a wedding favour, and even more special in hand made envelopes.
    Laura 82

  23. How many envelopes do you have to make?, sounds like a labor of love. I really enjoyed the Olympics too! waving hi from the sandy beaches of Florida ;0

  24. ooh what a lovely idea for wedding favours.
    Bet they will look fabulous.

  25. What is this bizarre concept you talk of--"Not waiting to the last minute"? I know I myself have entertained it from time to time but I always come to my senses. I'm glad to see my mess is in good company today; however mine is due to ennui and not creativity like yours.

  26. Happy Belated WOYWW. Late getting round this week. Love your busy desks. I am missing the Olympics too. At least the Paralympics start soon. Ali x #104

  27. I don't like to leave things to the last minute either, but it always seems to happen anyway. LOL Hope you get done with plenty of time to spare. Looks like you have had a lot of fun creating.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #116

  28. Looks like you're having a lot of fun here. Let those creative juices flow!
    Kisses from Egypt. ♥
    Roudi # 129

  29. Wow, you have so many projects on the go! I love the idea of putting wildflower seeds in the envelopes! That is so lovely! I hope you get everything done ahead of time!
    xoxo Karen #127

  30. Oh, I'm so with you on the phone thing ... have tried it and gave up totally exasperated. You seem to be uber-busy with wedding preparations so not surprising you haven't had a chance to play with those lovely DI pens yet. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #54

  31. Thanks for your visit Janet, and lol at your comment! A warehouse! It's also been described as a cockpit this week, so I'm enjoying all the different descriptions of my ARTHaven!!! Actually you wouldn't recognise it now. I'm about to do a blog post about my strenuous activities yesterday. I can actually move in there now!

    Shoshi #10


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