Tuesday 2 October 2012


Hi wednesday peepers
Well, this weeks desk is post  wedding ,,,,,, yay. Everything was fabulous on the day, even the sun shone. The bride was absolutely beautiful. I might post a few more photos next week from the reception that other people took... Nope I think it is time to move on. . . .  enough
Anyway lots to show so I won't waste your time by writing too much ..... just show the pictures!
This is my desk Tuesday afternoon...... lots going on

I am on holiday this week so I am catching up on stuff that was left before the wedding
 Trying to finish D1's wedding album from last year.

Some of you may remember the last minute necklace I started last week. Here it is finished, plus earrings and a bracelet. See, I said I had loads of time hee hee.

These are the original wedding geckos, they are made from  MDF, I painted them with crackle paint and decorated with papermania gems. just to explain D2 has a real gecko called Tango

As you can see geckos are a bit of a theme, these are from the top of the wedding cake. Cute huh!

I finished the album, this was the last page. Later on I started  making some more boxes to stack my DI pads in.,
This is my desk later in the eveining

 They are made from foam board, they work really well and are quick to make. But now time for a little glass of something red, a bar of something brown and nutty and a rest ZZZZZZZZZZZ

If you dont know why I am showing you all this, where have you been, it's the nosiest blog hop around. hop over to   http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/
I hope to visit a lot more desks this week . . .  no wedding stuff to do.
Well I'm done with all that ... well for a couple of years anyway!!!
If you are kind enough to leave a comment I will visit you back so please include you Mr Linky no.
See ya


  1. great wedding makes! Love the gecko theme! WTG! making your own Distress ink pad holders. I need to do something cause I am tired of having to pull each one of mine out to get to the one I want! Have a great week. Vickie (no number yet)

  2. So glad the sun shone on the day!! Julia and I both commented at her card marathon that we were glad for you and your family! I LOVE the gecko cake, so personal and humorous - why have a boring, run of the mill one when you can gecko it up?? Hope you had the best day and you're not too shattered after all the hard work :)
    Love, LLJ #1 xx

  3. Your jewellery is so pretty...I will look back in your blog to see how you created it..brilliant:)

  4. You have been busy. Glad the wedding went well and I must say I do love the gecko theme.
    Neil # 23

  5. Jan and I thought of you all day while the sun was shining, it must have been wonderful. Enjoy the week off, it must be feeling like a real treat!

  6. wow! talk about multi-talented!!
    and i just love your creative corner - i used to have one of those kneeling chairs :)
    no. 12

  7. Love the entwined tails of the geckos, how sweet.
    Beautiful necklace as well.
    Ann B

    1. I want to come and play at your place you have an awesome space. I am amazed at you making your own distress ink holders. Beautiful necklace too.

      Eliza $55

  8. wow, busy busy busy then!!! The cake geckos are totally fabulous, love them!! Trish #3

  9. You certainly achieve a lot in one week. The geckos and necklace turned out beautifully.
    Sandra @73

  10. Adorable wedding cake! how cool. Great to see all your 'stuff', and those inkpad storage are fab- if you get time(!) any chance of a list of the dimensions & how you stuck the little shelves in? I'm moving into another room in a month or two( or maybe more) and I would love to make myself some of those, My inkpad collection has reached ludicrous level now,lol. xx Shaz #60

  11. You have a very busy desk ...I spy the wedding LO in progress.What a gorgeous and different neclace set.
    As for the wedding cake toppers ....BRILLIANT ...I love it when the cake echos a 'love of' or hobby etc....look forward to seeing other photos. xx#39

  12. Wow - that necklace looks like it must have taken ages - so many tiny beads - how did you find the time?
    Bernice #16

  13. Love the Gecko's........on the wedding cake and the wooden ones...just fab!!!
    See a wedding layout in progress all in all a busy desk
    Jackie 15

  14. Such a busy craft room you have there and so much going on….where to start!
    First, what a fab cake, so unusual and unique.
    The jewellery is beautiful too, it must have taken you an age to do all that beading but it was worth it because it’s stunning.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 79

  15. Wedding geckos!!!

    That is fantastic!!!

    Great post, so many fun pics for us to snoop through--thanks, Janet!

    #101 this week

  16. I'm glad all went well with the Wedding. What a brilliant cake, love the geckos. What a great theme.
    You have been busy with that beautiful jewellery and I love the DI storage.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #40

  17. Wow there is so much to look at. Love the cake how unusual and the jewellery is stunning. Ink holders too, very busy. Tracey R ±93

  18. Love the gecko's especially the bride and groom on top of the cake - an indication, I think, of how much fun the wedding was. Your DI storage is fantastic. Hope you have a good week and happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #49

  19. oh gosh - what a blast of a wedding that must have been!

  20. LOVE the gecko wedding cake topper, how fun and cute! Now, I never thought of making anything with foam board, but you have made me curious. I just need to see what I need to make! lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  21. Glad everything went well for the wedding!
    Oh my you have been busy!! :)
    Mary Jo #93

  22. I love how you make your own ink pad holders! The wedding sounds like it was most awesome. The cake topper is so cute!! I like it when people so something meaningful to them instead of traditional.

    Your necklace, earrings and bracelet are just incredibly beautiful. You sure pulled that one off with a wow!

  23. I love, love, love the geckos they are FAB-U-LOUS!!! I have some of that foam to make some more Copic marker storage cubes, what a grand idea to use it for pads too.. Do you have set pattern to follow or did you wing it? Thanks for the visit and the share!
    Angie #91

  24. I love geckos too and I think they look great on that cake. Love the look of those foam board stackers for the distress inks too - great idea.

  25. Love the geckos too - my daughter would like a real one for now she has to cope with some on her wall. Great jewellery really stunning - nice to get back to normal crafting - have a great week and thanks for visiting me :)

  26. Happy WOYWW. So glad the wedding went well and the sun shone. Wonderful cake geckos. Ali x #72

  27. Love that gecko theme. So lovely when a wedding is made really personal in that way. Loving the jewellery. You have been busy. Hugs, Buttons #57

  28. What a treat your post is! A wedding,jewelry geckos and ink storage! Chris@60

  29. Really love the wedding geckos. What an original idea. I love it.
    A x #2

  30. Gosh your work room is busy :)
    Jackie #64

  31. So pleased the wedding went well. You have been really busy. I've enjoyed visiting your workdesk. Sorry I'm so late.
    Sue x (MiniOwner #147)

  32. That's the best wedding cake I've ever seen! And the DI boxes are not bad either.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tuire #80

  33. Delighted the wedding went well and the sun was shining....you have been so busy enjoy that something red, brown... Those storage boxes for you inks are Amazing... You will need to do a tutorial for us all... Love them!!! Hugs May x x

  34. Those Gekkos are adorable. I shared a few nights with Gekkos on holiday in Vietnam and since I got up close and personal with a few I really love them now!
    Your beaded necklace set is pretty.
    Thanks for visiting, though I have to tell you those fingers tins are vintage and came to me with lace bobbins in!!
    Looking forward to Julia's crop next Saturday!! Yeay!!

  35. So much goodness, all in one post! I love all your creative projects!!!! SUPER TALENTED!

  36. Hi Janet

    it's been great to hop by your blog on this 174th WOYWW... I don't think I've been here before, but so glad that i've made it here now.

    Love the quirkiness of the gekko theme at your daughters wedding - that's a first one on me! lol...

    That necklace is absolutely stunning. The bead work is brilliant - I'm trying to get my head round how you have threaded it... I've bought jewellery bits and bobs, but not got round to making anything yet. My mum makes loads but uses precious and semi precious stones and gems and sterling silver - but doesn't do bead work this intricately.

    I've already read your later post - and really wish I was coming to the meet next week... it's something I suggested back when there were only about 30 of us doing WOYWW - over 2 and half years ago - well, i've been doing it (on and off through illness) for 3 years in January as it is one of the first things I joined when I made my blog. I'm so envious of all those going - i'd love to.

    best wishes to you - and enjoy yourself next Saturday - hope your mini class doing the tassels goes well.

    Paula x x x

  37. WOOOOOO - Just LOVIN' your desk this week. From quirky cakes to graceful geckos to beautiful beadwork. I am SO looking forward to meeting you. And chuffed to bits that I do believe I recognise peyote stitch when I see it. See, now I've probably made a muppet of myself cos I'm probably wrong. Whatever, it's absolutely GORGEOUS beadwork, and to complete all that in a week, well, big pat on the back to ya!

    I went with your suggestion of the dark background, and it worked, along with one or two other changes (more distressing, change of colour on the central medallion). Cheers!

    See you on SATURDAY!


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