Friday 5 October 2012

WOYWW crop

hi wednesday peepers

I know it's not wednesday but this is just a quick post about the WOYWW crop on the 13th.

In my madness I have offered to do a workshop at the crop..... either one of the beaded tassels below.

You dont need any experience (but they are very small beads) and I can bring some kits with everything you need, for a small charge of about £3.50, which will just cover the cost of the ingredients.

Obviously if you have your own seed or feature beads do bring them along, the tassel will take about 2 hours.
If you are interested just leave me a comment or want to know more e mail me at
only 8 more sleeps to go till we all meet.... yah... it will be lovely to have  faces to go with all the crazy names.
janet aka fairy thoughts


  1. Ooo! These are sooo pretty Janet. It will be nice to take away a little momento of our day. Put me down please.

  2. These look incredibly complicated Janet. But of course I could never even pick up those teeny tiny beads, so it's a good thing I'm across a very big pond and can't make the trip (although Donna-Doone-keeps telling me I MUST visit someday soon). I'm sure they will be a big hit, though.

  3. Ohhhhh!!! LOVE THESE!!! You're so talented!!!!

  4. Hi Janet,

    Oh, if only I was in your neck of the woods!! I haven't done beadwork in years but I still have a small stash. Your tassels are just beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting me. It's still brr cold and will be until Monday, and I leave on Tuesday!


  5. A bit to far to swim across the pond to attend this workshop, I wish you all the best and a fun day.


  6. I am a bit late commenting - I am soooooo excited - I just can't wait for this weekend to come! I would love to do the tassel - I just don't know if I will be able to fit it all on! I have a class with Morti, doing something with Jo but I also want the tassel??? Do you think we can fit it all in????!! :-)
    Lots of hugs and see you soon!

  7. Ooooh - put me down for a tassel! I was planning on bringing my beads with me anyway, so don't fret about a kit or me.

    Guess you and I are both mad together, but I'm sure we can organise it so that the domino and tassel run consecutively rather than concurrently. Bags I go first cos then their wet bits will have time to dry! Not to mention the fact that they can do their domino to match their tassel, and hang the pair together.... ;-) What thinkest thou?

  8. Sorry this is late... I would like to do the workshop but will bring my own beads, just in case I end up still doing catering clear up etc etc and can't sit for the whole two hours. Hope that'll be ok?
    LLJ xxx

  9. They are gorgeous but I could never see to do them! I wiljust watch in awe!


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