Wednesday 10 October 2012

WOYWW 175 a quicky post

Hi wednesday peepers
A very quick boring post from me this week as I have a horrid head cold and cough.....
Here's the pictures of my desk. Not much to see, I have been in bed all day.

The string on the tray is hair left over from making an angel  ... as you do! . . . .I had to finish it for display at work. That's all there is .

Last week I saw several desks that had stuff from craft stamper magazine on. So I thought I really must get on and make something from there, so here is a card I made using perfect pearls and DI.

For any of you out there who are going to the crop on Saturday and would like to make the beaded tassel see it here   tassel
Lastly for anyone out there that doesn't know what this is all about check out the crazy world of workdesks here  stamping-ground. 
If you are kind enough to leave a comment I will visit you back..... headache allowing that is
If you are going on Saturday see you there 3 more sleeps to go


  1. Well, if you had to have a cold, better now than on Saturday! Keep taking the tablets and drink lots :)
    Love the card, nice combo of colours. And I'm hoping to do your class on Sat - I'll bring my own beads though, just in case I have to dip out to make tea etc etc!!
    Hugs, LLJ ~53 xx

  2. Poor you - I have the cough but feel okay when I am not coughing! You need to get better quick if you are teaching the tassel at the crop or you will be doing sign language!! I wish I could be there to make one as they look fab. I don't do much beading but when I have I do enjoy it. My Mum showed me how to make a cute fairy once and they flit about my craft room. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 57

  3. Poor Janet, hope you feel betterer and betterer as the day goes by. Making angels for work already...I still can't work out how you make time, but I'd like the recipe!

  4. great looking desk! Sorry to hear you are poorly! I am finally starting to feel better after last week. Hang in there it does get better. Love the card. Vickie #41

  5. hope you are better by the weekend... and see you there! I'm not very good with names though!! Helen, 6

  6. I think we're going to all need badges with our bloggy names on!

    Poor you with the rotten cold - I'm in the same boat at the moment, snuffling and sneezing my way through work, determined to keep going! And needing to get over it ASAP.... can't be bunged up to say "dobino".... hehehe

    I don't have any cube beads (yet) but hopefully my box has got what I need to make a tassel for the bottom of my domino! That way I can combine the two and put it on my tree this Christmas.... oh for more spare hours in the day!!!

    Morti #44

  7. poor you,hope you are feeling better soon,your project from craft stamper is fab :)
    have a great woyww
    kay #48

  8. love your accordion card, and what an organised space! hope you feel better soon
    SArah #127

  9. I think you officially have the most available desk space of anyone I've visited so far -- sorry that it's because you're not feeling well. Your card is interesting to look at with all the stamping and colors. The sentiment makes me smile. Happy WOYWW from Laura #109

  10. Happy WOYWW and hope you are feeling better. I so wish that I could be there on Saturday. Have a fab time. Look forward to seeing photos. Ali x #67

  11. Hi Janet,

    Yep, my desk was happily waiting for me! I'm glad to be back home too.

    I hope you are feeling better - it sounds like you are doing the right thing. Just take it easy and relax.

    Oh, I wish I could be there on Saturday. I'll be thinking of you ladies. Have a wonderful time!!!

    Kay #126

  12. I hope you feel better soon. Feeling poorly is no fun at all. That stamp made me laugh as it is so true--whoever says money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop! tee hee!

  13. I think Miss Julia should have a communal tissue box for us all on Saturday! Sniff Sniff! It is that horrid time of year when it is not cold enough to kill the many germs that are spreading around!
    Lovely piece on your desk today but I am not sure the Angel will be happy about missing her hair, but if I see a bald Angel I will tell her where to go!!
    See ya Saturday!

  14. Looking forward to meeting up on Saturday... it's so exciting! love your desk and the card you made too!
    See you at the crop
    Jo x

  15. Hope your head cold is improving. If you want to make little dresses this is the link
    Just follow Louise's links on the left of her blog page.
    x Jo

  16. Hope you have seen the cold off and are feeling better. Love the card and that stamp about shopping - brilliant (who does it please?)

    Ann B

  17. Hi there! We are in wet and soggy Devon this week and internet access is pants. Hope your cold is better. Your card is gorgeous!
    Sue x (MiniOwner @ 95)

  18. ooh, lovely bottle stamp.....I am intrigued about the angel hair!

    Looking forward to meeting you, and the others on Saturday

    kyla #74

  19. Lovely to meet you yesterday. Wasnt it a fab day? Pam xx

  20. Hope you're feeling better Janet, saw all the lovely photos from the crop at the weekend, looked like a lot of fun. Great card too, lots of lovely techniques.

    Brenda 1

  21. Great to see you for real on Saturday and you did a wonderful job with your beading class. So sorry I could manage to do it but I couldn't have held the needle. Looking forward to the next one now!
    Jo x

  22. Looks like you all had such a fab time and made wonderful arty pieces.
    Sandra @93


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