Tuesday 28 May 2013

WOYWW happy 4th Anniversary

Hi Peeps
Well it's finally here the 4th blogaversary of the madness that is WOYWW     madness ? WOYWW?       dont know what it's all about .....where have you been ? It's not too late to join in the fun.
 A big THANKS to Julia  at the   stamping-ground.    for making it such fun!    keep up the good work girl.

Here is my desk for this week...... I will be brief....well  I'll try

At the back I am attempting to start some scrap booking in GD Erins album but the photo quality is rubbish, I think I am going to give up printing myself and go to Boots!

At the front and stage left are some of my ATC's for the anniversary swap. I have sent some already so if you have had one you can open it . . . .  . .now.... hehe.
If you would like to swap please e mail me your address and I will send it unless you are going to the crop in which case I can bring it along.


I posted the various stages a few weeks ago so here is the finished ATC, well one of them as they are all slightly different. 

I did make a couple of birthday cards this week, 

This one is for my Son IL .... he always reminds me of Tintin so I was thrilled when I saw this digi stamp from the Octopode factory.

The second card for my almost Son IL is also from the octopode factory and is perfect for him as he is a bit of an Iron man too.
Happy Birthday guys

Lastly another very handsome fellow working hard in my garden this week

He is a hard working single parent as sadly,  his mate has disappeared, there  are several hungry mouths to feed.

Usual rules apply, I can only return your visit if I know you have been here so please leave a comment and your Mr Linky no. if you have one.

Happy hopping.... dont stay up too late and if you are going to the crop on Saturday I will see you there.... I 'll be the one with bags under my eyes from staying up late . . . .


  1. Hi Janet! Great post! I love the bird photo! I am the lucky recipient of one of your ATCs! I'll email you my address and we can follow each other, too. I thought I was, but I don't see my mug in your lineup. Thank you in advance! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #35

  2. Great ATCs and cards, Janet... I can see you've been hard at work!
    I'm looking forward to catching up at the weekend :-)
    Happy 4th WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  3. Love the cards and atc. Happy WOYWWversary. See you Saturday... Helen 39

  4. Great cards Janet, love the images. Funnily enough, I've used buttons on my ATCs too - I KNEW you would! I've given up printing my wn pics, they are just never as good as I'd like. See you on saturday...go to bed early!!

  5. Happy WOYWW Anniversary Janet! Love the cards and that picture of the Tit is a great one....good scrapping potential there!
    Guess who gets to send you her ATC then?
    xxx 30

  6. Happy WOYWW, lovely projects and very cute birdie. Rebecca #52

  7. Hi Janet
    a couple of great cards there which I am sure will be appreciated and I love your ATC very pretty
    Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
    Ria #49

  8. What a great bird photo! Love the cards for your sons. The ATC is lovely. Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#33

  9. Super post Janet and a big thank you for my special anniversary atc. It arrived this morning... perfic!
    Shame I'm missing the crop but I'm looking forward to my trip to see the family in Germany.
    jo x

  10. Super makes, love the Tin Tin! See you Saturday!! Take care Zo xx 79

  11. Love the cards and the photo of the bird busy collecting food for his offspring. Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Annette #2

  12. What a delightful ATC and fabbo cards. :-)

    Happy WOYWW 4th Anni :-D

    IKE xx #124

  13. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    A nice busy desk again this week Janet and some fab cards.

    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  14. For 4 years now i've been dropping by,
    To view your desk and see what I can spy,
    Will it be a card, some stash or ATC,
    whatever it is, thanks for sharing it,
    Have a Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary

    Hugz Minxy #60

  15. Great stuff you have been making.
    Have a ball at the crop.
    Happy WOYWW 4th birthday

  16. Happt 4th ...cant believe its 4 years since it all started ...your space look well used ...love the final creation ...and those cards are brilliant .xx71

  17. Your atc is just lovely. Those images are great. The little boy card with that dog is precious.Those faces! I think the fun superhero one will be great as Iron Man is so popular right now. Happy anniversary! Winnie#98

  18. Hi Janet, your bags will probably match mine, lol. Running a second week on earlies, yuk! I'll be bringing ATC's to the crop too, I got a bit carried away in the making lark. See you saturday, Hugs Shaz #150 xx

  19. Lovely ATCs and cool cards. I always find boy cards so much harder! Looking forward to the crop on Saturday and putting faces to desks! Happy 4th Anniversary xx

    Fiona #153

  20. Beautiful great tit. I use snapfish.co.uk to print off my photos for scrapping.
    Happy WOYWW

  21. beautiful ATC and cards. I bought a new printer to print photos but alas it does as bad a job as the other...don't think it is me. I go to Walgreens when they have their half price prints on sale. I feel for the poor bird having all the hungry mouths. My cat years ago killed the mate of a cardinal (bad cat got a bell because of that!) and he had such a mournful song for the rest of season. I didn't realize that they mated for life so that made it doubly bad! Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  22. Your ATC's and card are wonderful.
    Happy WOYWW4 =)

  23. Well then. I was on the right tracks that this hot gardener wasn't human. Wasn't expecting it to be a bird though. You should so get out there on all fours and dig up a feast for him and his critters. Your ATCs are great - thank you for mine! xxx

  24. I thought I had been by hours ago. Instead it looks like I just THOUGHT I was here. I really like the WOYWW ATC. It's super. And of course, your cards are grand.

    Happy WOYWW4 from an apologetic # 17.

  25. I love that Tintin card...the expression on both just made me giggle. I'm sure your SiL will love it!
    What a fantastic bird photograph...I'm surprised he/she stayed still long enough for you to capture it with being a single parent and all.
    Thanks for stopping over at my place earlier...I should have had the kettle on.
    Enjoy your crop on Saturday...I'm sure you'll have lots of fun! ;D
    Happy 4th WOYWW celebrations! Enjoy :D
    Neesie #111

  26. Hi Janet ,
    I'd love one of your atc's . I've tried sending you an email but it failed. If you contact me at jill.bersey@yahoo.co.uk with you address we can swap. Jill #3

  27. Gorgeous ATCs Janet.....I'm excited now :-)
    Love the photo of the Great tit...I have a hard working pair here too :-)
    Happy 4th Birthday celebrations....here's to many more.
    Annie x # 4

  28. Hi Janet
    Love your bird and the two cards. Yes, it does look like TinTin - fabulous. Great atc's too.
    Thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet xx 1

  29. oooh! such goodies!! I was coy and only showed the backs :)
    can you send my your address via claire.sauer@ntlworld.com so we can swap?
    For some reason, Blogger won't let me open the email link on your profile - says it's not properly installed *huh*

  30. Hi Janet well rabbited on with all my chatter up above will just say lovely male cards.. great digi's do live them 'cos then you can make them to the size you want! happy WOYWW4 Shaz in Oz.x #37

  31. Love your ATC's they are so much fun and your cards make you smile :) hugs Nikki #145

  32. happy 4th WOYWW anniversary!
    i'm delighted to be part of this fun group
    and happy to get a chance to peek at your desk today!
    the tintin card is so cute and your bird photo
    is wonderful!
    peggy aplSEEDS@11

  33. Hi Janet - love the iron man card "Be Invincible" great sentiment - Happy 4th WOYWW Birthday... Mxx #137

  34. Hi Janet, a belated happy WOYWW4 to you too. Your ATC is beautiful - I can vouch for that as I have that very one sitting on my desk as I type - thank you so much for sending it. I obeyed your instruction and did not open until Wednesday, but with all the other stuff that was going down in my life that morning forgot to include it in the photo of my desk - humble apologies and I'll make sure it's in next week instead.

    Love the entirely appropriate cards you've created for your SILs - both are super cards for men. Oh, and I love the photo of the tit - I'm totally impressed that he is bringing up the youngsters on his own. Have an enjoyable weekend. Elizabeth x #155

    PS: Have you thought of sending your photos to be developed by an internet site. I have used Photobox and the photos were terrific and so are the prices.

  35. Great masculine cards you have there!
    I like the Tintin image!

    That poor bird must be exhausted...Hungry mouths must keep him warn to a frzzle!
    Poor single fellow.


I'd love to know you have popped by so please leave a comment, they are much appreciated.