Friday 24 May 2013


Hi Peeps
It's a bank holiday weekend in the uk this weekend so that is a reason to smile to start with.
but if you still need some help there are plenty more smiley post over on Annie's blog a stitch in time
Have a little look at this video I took on a trip to a local childrens farm with my GD the other day.

this poor female guinea fowl is having trouble with her mate.
 It might make you smile as well
janet..... sorry it's late ... I forgot


  1. Hehehe that's one very persistant male :-)
    Annie x

  2. Had to smile when you said about the Bank Holiday in the UK being 27th ....not here in Scotland.....some have it but every area is different ....for us in Fife its not ....we have June 3rd instead ????
    Were there any akward questions about the two amorous fowls?lol Thanks for the smile

  3. Teehee, so funny. Some nights I look out and see ring doves racing up and down on our garage roof, persistent is the word.
    Have a lovely "Bank Holiday" weekend and thank you for the smiles.
    Carol xx

  4. Tee hee... it looked like a long tail at first!
    Thanks for your comments.. I'm still coming down to earth after such a great tie with Dolores. Shame we can't all be together next week at the crop... I'll miss you all.
    Enjoy your Bank Holiday... every day is a holiday when you are retired like us!

  5. Goodness, he wasn't taking no for an answer!

  6. My girls used to be like that with Tony! Haa Haa!


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