Tuesday 21 May 2013

WOYWW . . . . not much

Hi Peeps

Why is it just when things are  starting to feel better you get knocked back again?.  . . . . just feeling better from my kidney infection the other week now I have a throat infection . . . . so fed up with this weather I want summer!!!!   Although after writing that last night my thoughts go out to the people in Oklahoma and I should stop whinging about the weather and a trifling sore throat so sorry about that and our thoughts are with you and hopefully no more terrible tornados.
Anyway  rant over, here's my desk.
If you are feeling nosey visit Julia at   stamping-ground  to see what is happening  everywhere else in the world  of  desk ....

Here you can see fabric scraps from GD quilt I am making for her birthday .... tomorrow oops, I mean today ... no chance of finishing now, oh well she wont care, my recently finished felted needle case, some new stamps and a pillow box die cutter I got today on the way to the farm for GD Erin's birthday treat... she loved the chickens.

On the wall at the back is the wall hanging I taught a class on at the  weekend. I  showed a peek of this  last week.
 It was a good day but sadly nobody finished, I think there was just too much for them to do in the time.
Next to the wall hanging is some happy mail I had this week.... two tags form a stamp swapping friend.

She has been doing Tim's Tags 2013 and was lovely enough to send me these..... aren't they gorgeous, the stamping  and colours are wonderful..... I love them.

Lastly my bargain of the week from poundland .... 5 sanding blocks suitable for papercrafting  a much better buy than the really expensive craft ones.
A big thanks to everyone who commented on my beaded box last week... Lee loved it

Usual rules apply, please leave a comment and I will get back to you, it may take a couple of days this week as bed early today I think
see you soon


  1. Hi Janet,

    How cool is that wall hanging! I bet your students had a blast even though they didn't finish.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. I've never had a kidney infection but hear they are painful. Hopefully you'll be up to snuff in no time!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (no # yet)

  2. Hi Janet ah such a lovely piece of work, that wall hanging, and hope throat is better soon..take care - not posted yet for WOYWW! working on it :D Shaz in oz.x

  3. Lovely wall hanging. Hope you feel better soon. Francesca #27

  4. Poor you! I think you're justified to have a grumble. I really love the work you were doing in the class this weekend gone. Do you think you'd do another clsss? See you soon, Lucy #28 x

  5. I hope that you are feeling better soon :-). Love your wall hanging! Beautiful ATC's your friend sent you. Hmmm think I will buy some sanding blocks too for doing some distress work...thanks for the idea Janet. Take care and have a really good week. Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #17

  6. The tags are gorgeous and GD will love when she gets her present
    Bridget #11

  7. The wall hanging looks great, sewing is not one of my talents, Hope you feel better soon I know how you feel as I've has a bout of illness to

    Happy WOYWW

    Frankiesue #36

  8. I wish you wee feeling better. You MUST get better before next week. PLEASE.

    Anyway, I loved that wall hanging, but I would have quit at the sight of those yo-yos and other hand sewn items. I'm in love with it, as well as the concept, though.

    Happy WOYWW from #10.

  9. Awesome wall hanging. It looks like a lot of work. Beautiful! I love the tags too. Good buy at pound land! Have a great week. Vickie #26

  10. Your needle case is so lovely and the tags you received are wonderful. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Sandy :) #38

  11. Love the wall hanging, and I am sure the class was great, even if they didn't finish. Poundland, eh.. I'm off to check them out. Hope you feel better soon, this weather doesn't help, even if we shouldn't moan, given the news from Oklahoma. Happy WOYWW Helen 5

  12. I expect it's because you've had to soldier on that now the kidneys are recovering, something else is starting...am so sorry for you and yes, you're allowed to have a whinge, feeling rotten is just the pits.I don't expect anyone minded not finishing their hangings, just learning all the different techniques and how to have an eye for building the design would have been mostly the pleasure, I'm sure.

  13. That's a gorgeous wall hanging - I love your orange pleaty flowers - beautiful and very effective. I bet the students had a great time even if they didn't finish them - hopefully they will be enthusiastic enough to finish them at home.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #59

  14. Hi Janet
    sorry to hear you are still not feeling good I hope you are soon on the mend.
    Loving your desk today I am sure the quilt will get finished and be loved.
    Loving that wall hanging at least the class can finish it at home
    Sending hugs on this WOYWW have a great day
    Ria #24

  15. So much loveliness! Love the hanging, the tags you got sent are fantastic and the sanding blocks a real bargain. I buy mine from a nail shop (finger nails) and they are much cheaper than the craft ones but not as good a bargain as yours.
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting me. Hugs, Neet 2 xx.

  16. Back blogging after a long break so doing the rounds to see what I've missed. Missed the bargain sanding blocks, must get some of those.
    Love the wall hanging.
    Ann B
    Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Not much!? Looks like plenty to me! Love the hanging. I love yoyos, Hope you are feeling better very soon....

    Happy WOYWW!
    MA (7)

  18. Love, love, love the hanging quilt:)

    Happy WOYWW. Susi #58

  19. Hope you're feeling better soon. I think we're all a bit fed up with this weather but as you say, we shouldn't complain when we look at other parts of the world. I love your wall hanging..just gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. Pam#20

  20. I love your little fabric collage - I bet it was a fun class even if they didn't quite finish! Hope you are soon well again. x Jo

  21. Sorry you're still under the weather..lets hope that some sun will brighten us all up!
    The hanging is really beautiful, the class will all have learned something and finish it off at home.
    Looking forward to seeing you at the Crop!
    Hugs, LLJ 40 xxxx

  22. Love those tags--just inspires me to make more tags! Hope you feel better soon. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #106

  23. A fellow Poundland afficianado, I see. Its amazing how much you can pick up there- I've bought silicone mats, heat resistant 'craft sheets', all sorts. Love your projects too-and the tags are great . have a great week, hugs Shaz #125 xx

  24. Love the wall hanging so much work in there. BJ#51 with spoon draw!

  25. Do hope you are feeling better soon
    Happy WOYWW

  26. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. I LOVE those tags. They are gorgeous. Happy Wednesday! SueC#129

  27. Happy WOYWW! The wall hanging caught my eye right away in the first photo, I love it!

    The sanding blocks were a bargain, I must go look.

    Cazzy x #158

  28. love your wall hanging! hope you can feel better soon - this weather is just wacky!
    sorry it's taken so long to reply - the days have just evaporated!
    happy belated WOYWW x


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