Tuesday 11 June 2013

WOYWW 210.. Homework; good intentions and my inability to follow instructions

Hi peeps,
 Such an appropriate word for WOYWW followers.
If you are interested here's my desk, actually, it's  the kitchen table this week.

I'm making moulds
Last week   Shaz Silverwolf  posted about  making your own silicon moulds...... this stuff is seriously brilliant. It is very easy to make using simple ingredients. It worked very well..... I followed the instruction, Mmm  unusual for me.
If you are a regular visitor it won't surprise you to see I am using buttons.

Last week  Julia the head desk keeper  published a post about good intention, well I am always full of good intentions .......I always intend to do more crafting than I do and quicker, usually the reason I fail is my inability to follow instructions;
At the WOYWW crop we were all given a challenge to make a simple card, instructions were included. It should have taken about 15 minutes, it didn't........ I didn't follow the instruction did I?
I was going to include the raffle tickets too but didn't find them until after I finished it.

On Saturday I intended to make GD Erin a  sundress dress. I figured I would have it finished by lunch time, after all it was a simple pattern and it was all cut out and the machine was ready to go.... I am a reasonably experienced sewer.
Well I decided to change the straps, add some buttons and change the way the lining was finished and .... generally ignore the instructions.
Well needless to say, things didn't go quite to plan I finally finished it at about 8.00pm.
I think there is a moral there somewhere! Maybe next time .... but I doubt it.
It is cute though

Have a great snoop at all the lovely desks around the world.
If you leave a comment I'll visit you back.... usual rules apply.
P.S A big thank you to all who send me lovely ATC's I intended to show them this week ... but well good intentions and all that... they are temporarily hidden on my desk ... under stuff!


  1. ah rather like changing the recipe too Janet, you know, I think that is my mothers genes, and maybe the same for you always like to put your stamp on something and yes do like it, that cute little sundress well worth it!! happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #no number yet!

  2. Lucky GD! What lovely fabric. Good luck with the moulds - Lucy #35 x

  3. Good morning, Janet! Your post did make me smile ... I so can sympathise LOL. Erin's dress is just gorgeous as is your 15 min+ card. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@34)

  4. I'm laughing at your good intentions. I don't think I ever follow instructions. Gets me in trouble, at times, too. Loved the dress. I could NEVER make anything like that. Great job.

    I must find out about those silicone molds. Sounds interesting, since I have a ton of silicone laying around.

    Happy WOYWW from #21.

  5. I think I get myself in the same boat and always mean to do better the next time but..Good intentions are great but I get sidetracked too easily. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #26

  6. Laughing at your post today... recognise myself in lots of this story.... happy woyww. helen 13

  7. I'm chuckling here Janet....I thought it was only men that didn't read intsructions :-)
    I love the little dress you've made instructions or not. I will be making a display of my ATCs once they have all arrived and yours will be placed proudly where it can be seen cos I love it....thank you so much for all the work and love you put into making it.
    A x # 51

  8. I liked reading your post. It is my first time visiting you, but reading it was funny :)
    Uniflame - 71

  9. Intentions..ah Janet, you are a prolific crafter and I don't think you need to intend to do more - I frequently wonder how you manage what you do! LOVE the challenge card...and the sketch was only an idea..no instructions really, as a gal who doesn't really like them herself! Erin's dress is so pretty - it was worth the extra time!

  10. Yummy stuff. I really want to try those molds after seeing Kyla at the WOYWW crop and what she did with hot glue. Shaz is next on my list so perfect I popping in to you first. Nothing like seeing a success story first, before doing a tutorial...


    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  11. Lol your post made me smile. Yep I think we all have intentions to do things that rarely happen! Great makes. Take care Zo xx 29

  12. Good intentions , well the thought was there . I get side tracked quite offen. Happy woyww, Jill #28

  13. Aaaww, that dress is so sweet!!! Does it fit? Well, thats the only important 'rule to follow' I guess... and with cards/creating I always say: there are no rules! When YOU have fun and YOU like the process, that's it - and that's enough isn't it? Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #85

  14. I love the idea of making your own moulds - I have purchased a few button moulds for cake decorating but making your own offers endless possibilities. I shall have to investigate further!
    Love the little dress you made - such sweet fabric, and I'm impressed you still made it within one day - my projects tend to go on for weeks, possibly months!
    Have a great week.

  15. Aww, such a lovely dress. And I can so relate to the way you went aboutr making it. I do that all the time with the victorian dresses I make, with anything realy. It's good to have instructions, but hey, they are more like guidelines aren't they....
    Have a lovely week xx

  16. Just dropping by to say Hi to a fellow WOYWWer! You look like you're having fun on that kitchen table top.

    Happy WOYWW.

    Hugs, Sarn #57

  17. Must try those silicone moulds, I have every intention of doing it! The sundress is gorgeous. Hugs. Pam#26

  18. It is so good to see that someone has given the moulds a go because I am dying to try my hand at it. The stuff they are selling in the shops is so expensive.
    The dress may have taken you longer to do but it does look fantastic
    Happy WOYWW and I hope you have a great week
    Ria #42

  19. Hi Jan, glad the mould making went well. I couldn't believe how easy it was, and how well it works.Gorgeous little dress- with or without instructions, it came out beautifully. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #36 xxx

  20. I love that little sundress - well worth all the time and effort. Good to see a sewing machine in action on WOYWW! x jo

  21. Hi Janet, hadn't struck me about the word 'peeps' before but, as you say, a very apt greeting for us WOYWWers :) Your card is fab, and if you hadn't told us we'd have never known you strayed from the directions. Ditto, the dress, it's gorgeous and worth all the time it took to make. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #78

  22. Does anyone really follow the instruction? I know I don't. Love that sundress. happy crafting #7

  23. Cute little sundress! Even without following the instructions! I'm impressed!
    Have a great WOYWW,

  24. Instructions? Pah, I see them a s an admission of failure! I'm terrible for just launching into things....but you probably have worked that out by now ;-)
    I enjoyed the meet up on Monday! Good to meet DD2 as well.
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  25. I just read Shaz's tutorial on the molds, it looks awesome and I cannot wait to try it out. I just need the stuff to pour into the molds! LOVE the little dress you made, it's ADORABLE!!!!! Thanks for visiting my WOYWW desk, well...organization space, lol Waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  26. Such a fun post, Janet! Great photos, too! Despite not going as planned your Julia card and your GD's sundress are both fantastic!! So everything does turn out very well in the end, in spite of or despite your inability to follow directions. You follow the beat of your own creative drummer and good for you!

    Have a wonderful week! Happy WOYWW!! Darnell #61

  27. So funny, changing it is what makes it yours! Lovely sundress ;-)
    Debs #100

  28. Hi there you sound a lot like me!!! The sun dress was lovely though :-) I am sorry I am late visiting. I got so far on Wednesday and then couldn't get on laptop on Thursday. Anne x #75

  29. Happy belated WOYWW, I was away for a few days, posted Wednesday by scheduled post, but couldn't link until Friday!

    The dress is very cute, and I know all about good intentions - they are the ruination of me!

    Cazzy x #155

  30. Home from my German jaunt with Flat Susan and I want to thank you for my super atc. It was great to arrive home to so much happy mail. I too never read instructions and rarely use patterns at all ... just wing it and it usually works out OK , just as your little dress did! Perfick!
    Jo x

  31. I absolutely love the sun dress! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that sometimes don't follow directions! If we all did all the time life would just be too boring!

    Can you believe it's Monday and I'm STILL visiting desks. Honestly, I thought I could do it over the weekend but life got in the way.

    Thanks for visiting me already!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (93)


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