Tuesday 4 June 2013

WOYWW the saturday edition

Hi Peeps
well in case you didn't know  there was a WOYWW crop at the weekend..... sorry..... you  have  probably read enough  about it already, so I will keep it brief.
It was a brilliant day full of fun, food, laughter, chat and great friends, oh and we did a bit of crafting as well. 3 cheers for JULIA     and LLJ   LUNCH LADY JAN   who organised it all.
We also swapped ATC's for the 4th anniversary; here is my bunch aren't they brilliant?
thank you everyone.
I made a gelli plate thanks to  shaz in oz.  who posted a recipe last week
It was really easy and cheap to make
 I printed quite a few papers this is one of my favourites.
We all had  a goodie bag to take home, complete with  a lovely fabric tissue holder made by LLJ  (now kept in my handbag)  and a......  button challenge.......
The biggest challenge was to not eat them before I got home.... Opps ! I failed that one hehe
 Finally here is  this Wednesday's  desk.
I am decopatch-ing a picture frame for a display at work, well someone has to do it  :)

 I will try and visit everyone who comments this week, sorry if I didn't get to everyone last week it was very busy.
PS sorry I forgot the cake recipe I will do it next week :)
many of you wanted the  recipe NOW so here it is

Angel Food Cake

4 oz plain flour

13 oz castor sugar

12 egg whites

1 ½ teaspoon cream of tartare

3-4 drops vanilla and almond ess.

½ teaspoon  salt

You will need an Angel food cake pan or a large non stick tin with a whole in the middle (savarin tin).

Sift flour and half the sugar 3 times onto greaseproof paper and set aside.

Whisk the egg whites, salt and C of T until thick.... like meringue.

Add the essence and the rest of the sugar a tbl spoon at a time until it forms stiff peaks.

Carefully FOLD in the flour and sugar... I use a large balloon whisk (slowly fold .. do not whisk), pour into the tin and bake in a preheated oven gas 5 for 35-40 mins.

When cooked turn the tin upside down with a bottle in the central hole. Leave until completely cold.

Serve with cream/ fruit / fresh lemon curd or chocolate.



  1. That sounds like a fun day and how fantastic for you all to meet up to create! Brilliant ;D
    By the way I'd have failed miserably with the button challenge too...probably before I'd left the building.
    ATC's and Gelli plate looks fantastic.
    Your desk looks a busy one but such fun to come! Enjoy! x

  2. Oh yes, that is a good looking jelly plate. Is that picture frame going in the window? Glad you had a good time at the crop, and lovely that you got goody bags too! See you shortly...

  3. I would have failed the button challenge as well! Glad you had a great time at the crop. The gelli plate has worked really well. Hugs. Pam#9

  4. It sounds like it was a great day of fun and friendship on Saturday. So glad you all had a great day.
    Thanks so much for the gorgeous ATC...life has just got in my way and I haven't managed to email all my friends who have sent mine to me [Sorry]. I love them all and the fact that they were sent by friends I haven't met [as yet].
    A x # 49

  5. So many thank you's to say today, Janet but a lot of them go to you.
    Firstly, thank you so much for the lovely yarns you bought for me...my next crochet attempt is a ripple blanket, so I shall be using them with other bright colours already in my stash. I just appreciate your thoughtfulness in bringing them...also for the beautiful scissors keeper, it's exquisite and I shall treasure it.
    Ooh, also for the Angel Cake...mmmmm.....food for the Gods, indeed. Your homemade lemon curd was LUSH!
    Julia and I have pencilled in a trip to Winchester next Monday as it is one of the few days that our diaries have allowed us to meet up! So, if you're in work, we'll be invading you(and bringing your tape whatsit back as well!)
    Hugs and thanks for everything once again,
    LLJ 36 xxxx

  6. This explains why I have one more left than I should - you don't seem to have one from me - could have sworn I gave one to you - can you email me your addy and I'll put it in the post? (helenlindfield@hotmail.co.uk) Sorreeeeeeee.

    Wasn't it fun though? Yes the Angel Food Cake was gorgeous... Helen, 5

  7. it sounds like everyone had an amazing time at the crop and look at all those lovely ATC's.
    Your gelli plate pages look fantastic
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #40

  8. I love your gelli printing - it's great fun isn't it - and I'm very impressed you made your own plate. That frame is going to look fab when it's finished - I keep hearing about decopatching but am still not sure what it's all about - can I afford to discover a 'new' craft?!!! Have a great week.

  9. Oh what fab little ATCs - we are so lucky to have such clever crafty blog buddies. I am just deciding how to display mine. Your gelli printing is fab - will have to find out how to do it - would it work on fabric do you think? x Jo #49

  10. our gelli printing is fabulous and now I have to look at how you created it. Trust Shaz to come up with a way of doing it without having to buy, buy, buy. Love your collection of atc's.
    Sandra @53

  11. Lovely atc's your had sent by some talented ladies. Don't forget to show us the finished frames. Happy woyww Jill #82

  12. I think the prints turned out great - now you just need to keep my updated on how well it holds up :) May have to have a bash myself. Lovely to see you and share the train journey!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (10)

  13. Love all the ATC's- and the gelli plate printing is ace. Doug is very interested in that idea- I may have to have a go myself. It was great meeting you having a chat, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #33

  14. Janet , Janet , Janet, I NEEEEEEED the angel cake recipe did I miss it????

    Dx @50

  15. Your gelli plate was fab, but then I think everyone was doing something fab on Saturday. Lovely to see you again. Take care Zo xx 65

  16. That must have been SUCH a fun time! Of course the chocolate didn't make it home fully intact, nothing wrong with that. :-)

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #36

  17. The crop sounds like so much fun - dead jealous! Just come from Jan's blog (how eerie is that?) and spotted her ATC in your pile! Chocolate was never going to be left alone - I mean c'mon!! x

  18. I saw lot's of photo's from the saturday crop. Looks like you had a lot of fun =).
    Your gelli prints look great, must try that sometime.
    Have a great week. Happy WOYWW xx

  19. Lovely piccies there Janet. It was indeed a lovely day. I was hoping to make an angel cake this weekend but never mind!
    Will sort my gelli plate out soon!

  20. Fantastic ATC's you got and that gotta love the homemade gelli plate hugs Nikki 2

  21. What gorgeous ATCs you recieved! Beautiful gelli prints you made, and thank you for the link as I had missed it. Keep a weather eye out for a small package : D. #108

  22. Hi Jan, I've put up a post about those homemade moulds from silicone caulk- I've just tried it & it works a treat!Hugs, Shaz xx

  23. Hi Janet, great pics! didn't see the gelli plate on the day so need to check this out And definitely up for a friday coffee sometime, maybe in couple of weeks when things bit quieter!
    Debs #74

  24. It was lovely to meet you last Saturday and I'll be looking out for your assembled bird house some time over the next year! The Angel cake was a...maze...ing!!

    Fiona x

  25. Thank you for the recipe, Janet, and for sharing all those amazing ATCs and goodies. (I would have eaten mine, too!) Enjoy the rest of the week! I'm just popping in to visit this week, so no no. for me. xxoo Darnell

  26. Sounds like everyone had a fabulous time at the crop, wish I could have been there. The ATC's look awesome! not eating chocolate would be a challenge! Waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥


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