Thursday 29 August 2013

Friday smile or is it a grimace

Hi Peeps 
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a smiley photo. Followers of my blog will know I am in denial about " the big C "  but I work in retail and we have been selling it for a while now. The powers that be decided it was time for our Christmas making window .... I spent Wednesday evening  making cards for the display , I didn't want to do it .... they  made me. My handyman thought it was funny anyway. 
You know what, Christmas, that's in December isn't it ?
This is the link to visit Annie who organised this smiley fun 
Have a happy week 
ps in response to Annie's comment it is only going in the window for a week, Christmas makes take time .....


  1. I'm chuckling so your post worked Janet.....but I'm chuckling to think anyone can really think we would be interested in seeing Christmas in our faces in shop windows for at least the next 3 months lol
    Annie xxxx

  2. I am with you on that - I just can't get my head around Christmas stuff until it is actually Christmas time - how cruel that they made you do it!!! Huh! Who started this September Christmas mayhem I wonder???
    Lots of hugs,

  3. Just like how Julia was "forced" by customer demand to hold C type workshops, I can see why you would not want to create a C word display, but be "forced" to by popular demand, or by consumerism. After all, consumerism runs the world of crafts! This actually made me laugh.

  4. It's much too soon, but work is work! I agree it is agrimace rather than a smile though. One of the things that I like about Spain is that they don't 'do' Christmas until December, not here in the villages anyway. The UK and other countries are using their influence to bring it forward in the cities but I mostly keep away from them. Kate x

  5. Aaargh! I am with you....much too soon to be thinking about it! Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#8)

  6. Yikes, it's not even September yet! What are they thinking off? I admit to making C cards all the year round, and making gifts too, but I do not want to see it in the shops until the first day of December at the very earliest! I think if it is too early it spoils it for children and, given the effects of pester power, probably their parents too. However, it does make a nice photo of you making up the display ... one to scrap, I think :))

    Thanks for visiting earlier. I'm not planning on decorating the sewing table, just a simple clean finish. I'm planning a craft room makeover and my collection of mismatched furniture is all going to be painted to match. Should look lovely when it's done :)

    Elizabeth xx

  7. I reckon Christmas comes too early in shops and then it dies out so fast, we dont get to enjoy it
    Bridget #10

  8. I'm with you on the C word.... but you gave me a chuckle. I too have had to make some C samples for my instore display of patchwork. It has gone so well and I have done 7 weeks... only next Wednesday then life should become a little calmer. So sorry I haven't been in touch but I hit brick wall last week with all I've been doing.
    Jo x

  9. I'm with you - spent all of Aug making C cards to meet mag publishing deadlines - was way too early and much too hot to be hear embossing twinkling snow!!

    Should be ok for Fri - just let me know when & where to meet up :-)

    Debs xx


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