Tuesday 3 September 2013

WOYWW 222 Do I really need reminding

Hi Peeps
Thanks for popping by.
 If you came by my desk last week, you may remember I had been sorting through some stamps. Thanks for all your lovely comments.  Any philatelists amongst you .... especially Christine (Bishopsmate ) you may want to look away at the end.
 I managed to finish the project I was doing with them, you can see it above my messy desk this week.... here it is:

Can you guess what it is yet, it might make you smile!
I brought these letters about 18 months ago and painted them a base coat of yellow to match the walls in my craft room.
Just lately I really need reminding to do this, so I thought it was time to decorate them. Close ups later.
On my desk this week I have gone back to my sewing machine, I'm making something for Erin my GD.
 Also there is the cardboard top from another of those fab big bags of buttons from Design Objectives..... £2.99 for ... Oh, hundreds... which are  currently all over the floor .... guess who did that LOL.
I will post the finished item on Friday morning because it might make you smile too.
Anyway here are the close ups of the letters

S is for stamps..... obviously

M is for masking and music

I is for Inking and ice ... it ha s a crackle glaze

L is for lace and links
E is for enamel and eyes

These are a few of my favourite crafty things

Just in case you don't know why I am showing my desk pop over to see head of the  desks Julia at the  stamping-ground.  she has a list of fabulous desk owners only to happy for you to have a sneaky peek at their desk and what they have been up to..... you could even join in... they are a great bunch of folks. 
If you are lovely enough to leave a comment I will visit you back.... eventually
See you on your desk real soon


  1. I love how you used those stamps (grin) though I hope you didn't have any worth a fortune! Happy WOYWW and have a good day. Helen 23

  2. The letters look great nice job
    Hope there is nothing value able in that stamp collection on the 's' it's always a worry not knowing if something you thought was worthless is in fact valuable as we find on these antique shows!!!

  3. I love your SMILE!! But especially the stamp covered S....that is so smart, I love it :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

  4. Wow Janet that all looks fab. Lets hope it doesn't take you to long to pick up all the buttons , Happy woyww Jill #35

  5. Sorry I didn't get to visit last week but life just got in the way. I love what you've done with the letters.
    A x # 49

  6. Ah that's lovely; so sorry that you need to remind yourself..bet you don't realise how much of your sunny self we all see though really. Are you and Erin going to play 3 million button pick up now?!!

  7. O I love your letters and how you used them as inspiration!! Take care Zo xx 71

  8. LOVE the S, and they all look fab up on the wall :)

  9. Fantastic idea for a project and it looks amazing. Have a great week MMx #45

  10. Those letters look so very beautiful and elaborately done. Love each of them. Happy late WOYWW, Suzanne

  11. Beautiful. Trust you will indeed be able to smile more soon - and that the hard things will come into perspective and their right place.
    Well done.
    Margaret #50

  12. Just love your SMILE!!! And the way you decorated each letter according to the letter... how creative!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #88

  13. lol.. I love it! and I love the way you posted it. its great. Thanks for letting me look at everything. Roberta 17

  14. How perfect is that collage on your SMILE and I understand not everyone is ready to look at Christmas lol that's why I added the warning lol hugs Nikki 4

  15. Brilliant - fabulous creations !! :-)


    IKE in Greece #67 xxxxx

  16. And I got to smile when I saw what each of the letters stood for. Really clever. Happy WOYWW (because it's still Wednesday in my world) from #2.

  17. I was certain that I had commented on yours this week, but there is no sign of it so I must have been dreaming. I do love what you have done with those letters and the sentiment they spell out. Thank you for your visit and the wooden storage boxes are great, with the bottom drawer being perfect for those pens that have to be stored flat. Have a good week. xx Maggie #6

  18. The S for Stamps is awesome! my favorite in your word :)
    Jana #58

  19. So glad you gave us a close up - they're gorgeous! And yes, they made me smile :)
    Sorry it's taken so long to visit - busy week!
    Happy belated WOYWW, and thanks for dropping by :)

  20. Thanks for your visit earlier - I'm having a fire fitted so spending some time with my laptop in another room, hence the late visit.
    Thanks for the close up of your smile - after some examination .......I don't think there are any stamps that I don't have so you're forgiven for the desecration!!! lol
    It does look good and will certainly make you smile more when you think of all these comments....... maybe you should print them out and dangle them ........
    Bishopsmate #48


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