Tuesday 17 September 2013

woyww 224 OMG

Hi Workdeskers
I think that word should go in the new words dictionary.
Definition: crazy craft blogger who shows the world their workdesk every Wednesday.
If you want to know more visit Julia she all the info.  Here
Anyway why OMG?
I have so many things on the go this week I don't know where to start..... my desk I guess!

I woke up at the weekend and had an OMG moment.... it is DD2 first wedding anniversary next week and I am supposed to be making her an18 page scrapbook wedding album.
This is my messy desk in mid 'panic'... the union jack chest contains lots of memorabilia from the big day. Underneath are the pages waiting to be embellished (I had over 1000 pictures to choose from)
It was grandma day yesterday, Erin and I went to Hobbycraft, well a girls 'gotta' shop hasn't she, Erin found an 8" high 12"x 12" black glittery spider .... happy Halloween?
I brought the stuff on the left .....bat chocolate moulds, stamps and a set of Promarkers which were on 25% off.
Before my OMG moment I started making another quilt for Jo  at Lillybo quilts but ran out of the right colour fabric so had to leave it. Then I saw  Elizabeth's fabulous patchwork cushion and had another Eurika moment as it gave me the inspiration for another patchwork canvas for my bedroom.
The first piece I did was terrible ... too many colours muddles together
The next pieces I liked much better, I have used all the fabrics before in my bedroom for other pieces.
The two pieces will be joined together .... somehow and eventually ....when I have finished the album

and the lillybo quilts.... Aghhh. its DD1 and DD2's birthday next week too I'd better get busy then!
I didn't manage many visits last week I will try and do better this week. How?
 If you leave a comment I will get visit you back.... honestly
See you soon


  1. I hope you get the scrapbook done ready for the wedding anniversary!
    Jackie 31

  2. Golly Janet you have lots on the agenda, and I bet you have to figure in work and wifey stuff too! Hope you get the album done.... and the cards.... then it'll be time for Halloween...lol!! Have a great week. Helen 22

  3. I'm chuckling at your post today Janet cos I'd feel so very at home in your shoes right now. I'm not quite sure which project to complete first and then there is selling the house.....
    Have a great successful week.
    A x # 64

  4. You do as much as you can and no more girly. The fabric patches are wonderful. I love how you wake up with four days to make a huge album...I'd have to have about 2 weeks off to accomplish that! Love the idea that becuase it's sparkly, even a big old spider is a treat to Erin!!

  5. Blimey, you are madly busy!! Hope you get everything in hand...... Which Hobbycraft did you take Erin to? Swindon is my nearest but they've downgraded the fabric section...boo, hiss........
    Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

  6. Sounds like you are busy, but I get that. It's my mum's birthday next week & I have to make cards for me, Keagan and my dad to give her!! Your quilts are fab and I love your union jack chest!! Take care Zo xx 78

  7. Hi.
    Loving having a peek at your world today. It all looks like fun from here.
    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week.

  8. Good luck with the album, don't get lost in the memories or the quilted pieces. Have fun. Be well Thanks for the peek #92 Carole

  9. Lots on your plate, busy, busy. Hope you'll get it all done as you hope. Thanks for the peek and happy WOYWW, Suzanne

  10. Hi Janet
    I am hoping you manage to get the things done for your girls, I am sure you will and I know they will be really pleased with what you make them please do share with us.
    Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend
    Ria #61

  11. Oh yes a girls GOT to shop! Great patchwork - my favourite is the first one - I love all those colours together - may be this is why I don't do quilting? Have a great week. MMx #107

  12. Okay, I'm tired just reading all about the projects you need to do yet and the rushing around you're doing. I'm trying to decide if having 1000 photos to pick from will make your job easier or harder on the scrapbook. You'll certainly be busy on it for sure. Fun quilt scraps. I'm a big quilt fan. Loved that you said a girl's gotta shop, but now that you've done that you'd best be cracking. All those projects won't finish themselves (look who is calling the kettle 'black'!!).

  13. You sound like me!!! So much to do and so little time. Hence why I am visiting quite lte this week. Anne x #112

  14. Your seeing efforts are looking good. Lovely too to make use of scraps in a new and interesting way. I think they are all nice, the muted colours maybe don't look as good in the photo as IRL? Hard to know, but my problemis I tend to go TOO chaotic. Calming and muted has it's appeal but for me harder to achieve :)

    Happy (now my internet is back) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  15. Love your patchwork blocks, especially the bottom one in shades of green.

  16. Gosh, well done for finding time to blog with all that going on! I love all your patchwork shapes.

  17. Janet, you really ARE too busy to blog!!! I'm so glad you decided to give us a woyww glimpse, anyway--and thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it. (I always get happy when people I "know" stop by!)



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