Tuesday 10 September 2013


Hi workdeskers
Yes! Wednesday again, time to show what I have loitering on my desk . . . . not much to show this week really.
 Why am I showing you? because Julia told me to that's why,  hop over to stamping-ground  . . . . she has all the info and Mr Linky so you can join in too.

It's funny what you notice in a photo that you don't see when you take it.
 I don't know what the toilet roll inside is doing there and I must remember to put the lid on the Versamark next time.
At the front are a couple of stamps I used with Versafine, I tried cleaning them with some homemade stamp cleaner, it didn't really work...... never mind it will just have to stay red!
The eagle eyed amongst you may notice a ( Christmas ) punch..... I don't know how that got there either and I promise not to mention it again, well not for several weeks anyway.
Last week I was sewing  something for GD Erin and was going to post it on Smile Friday .....but I forgot ......so here it is now.

She doesn't really like spiders but thought this was fun, as you can see she has used it already.

A few weeks ago Sam Hettiecraft sent me some stampings of a stamp I admired, I made them up this week, they are for some work colleague's  birthdays (I work in a haberdashery).

Finally I have to share my pile with you ..... no,
 not that type, my pile of magazines ..... I really must sort out or throw out .... what do you think?

Please leave your Mr Linky number if you are kind enough to leave a comment and I will visit you back.


  1. Those cards are stunning. happy crafting #5

  2. Happy WOYWW! those cards are so cute, and i know what you mean about not realizing whats in your photos until you post it!!
    --Tera #3

  3. Isn't it amazing what lands up on our desks.Gorgeous little cards.
    Sandra @22

  4. Love your House Mouse cards and I tear out the pages that appeal and file them, then chuck the mag. #43

  5. Great desk, Janet... I can't throw magazines away (anything away!) so I am drowning in stuff (as you have seen...) love the spiders and stampings from Hettie. Have a good week. Helen 19

  6. Such cute cards :) Though, I'm sorry as an arachnophobe, I still couldn't wear that pinny :(
    Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
    no. 33

  7. Lovely pinny - bet Erin loves it
    Happy Wednesday

  8. I have been known to retake the photo when I notice something completely out of place on my desk... odd how we don't see it when taking the shot! Love the spider apron and your cars are beyond lovely, perfect for the sewing types! Happy WOYWW Annette #2

  9. I'm the same with magazines. I keep them for 2 months then set aside an afternoon to go through them and tear out inspirational pages and file them in poly pockets in folders.

  10. I LUV the spider bag :-) Lovely little cards with the mice - so pretty :-)
    Now you have to wash your mouth out after mentioning (albeit in a tiny fashion) the dreaded 'C' word !!! hahaha LoL

    Thanks for letting me visit :-)

    Ike in Greece #91 xx

  11. Some fun projects at your place today. Great cards, and that fabric makes spiders almost acceptable!

    I have loads of craft mags which I refer back to when I'm between books or looking for inspiration, so I'm not the best person to give advice. I've seen old mags used as glueing stations - you use the pages as a scrap surface for spreading glue to the edges of embellishments, collage elements etc and then turn the page over and use the next clean page until you've stuck the whole mag together - then put it in the recycle bin - just a thought. Have a happy week MMx #76

  12. Hi, love your desk and esp. the apron! Looks so very gorgeous, I love spiders :-) Have a great day, Suzanne

  13. Love the spider pinny - so cute! And your House Mouse cards are lovely - bet your colleagues love them too

    happy woyww
    Debs #108

  14. That pinny is sweet, you couldn't be scared of those spiders :-) That card is lovely too, very fitting!
    And throw those mags...you've read 'em once, so pass them on. Leave them in the C&H staff room for folk to help themselves??
    Hugs, LLJ 54 xx

  15. Dont throw out your crafty mags, you never know when you may need them!! Lx

  16. Beautiful cards! And before I give away my old magazines I scan ideas I like and save then the magazine is gone. Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #98

  17. Don't throw out those mags as they are treasure to others. I gave some old ones away in Holland and other ladies kept coming up to me asking if I had any more. Maybe someone will pay you postage for them.
    I didn't join in WOYWW as I still don't have time to reply to many . It should get easier now I've finished demming each week. I had to make something new each week to keep up interest. I'll give you a ring soon for a chat. Hope all's well there. DD2's little boy is due in two weeks so I'm really on edge.
    Jo x

  18. Sorry I'm so late in paying you a visit this week but it's been really manic here this week.
    I don't like spiders but I do like hose ones :-)
    A x # 46

  19. I'm late...started at the back of the list! love Erin's little apron...it will take a beating over the next couple years. Huh! your desk looks all calm and control from here. You did a great job with those hM images, how nice of Sam.

  20. That apron is so sweet. She probably had a giggle about the spiders!

    Your house mouse stamps are lovely...You were a very productive card maker! And they all look great!


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