Tuesday 4 February 2014

WOYWW 244 Be gone hot pink ....be gone, well for now anyway

Hi Peeps
If you are visiting from WOYWW then welcome, you will be pleased to know that after all the writing from last week this weeks post is word light and photo heavy.
Cannot say the same about M/s Dunnit (not her real name) see her  at the stamping-ground. great fun and very addictive.
 So without further adieu here's my messy desk.

On the left 2  pieces I'm doing for the  doumented+life project     some machine embroidery and a painting waiting to be stitched. I have to say I am loving this new project it is really making me think and produce different stuff.
On the right the tray from last week with stuff waiting to be put away.
At the back my old etui box with needles and thimble in

Close up of the stitching.... done on a used baby wipe

A work in progress

Finally the end of hot pink ..... for a while
Invitations all done and on the way

Please don't tell Banksy we used his picture, but it's not like we are selling it is it?

I'm sure he would approve if he knew the happy couple.
Enjoy your journey around the hottest desks in the craft kingdom.
Please leave a comment and your number and I will get back to you, eventually. If it is  later in the week and the spelling is a bit weird I'm probably in the gym...... multi tasking...... phew! 


  1. I really like your invitations and your secret is safe with me LOL. Great sewing challenge too, I thought is was journalling stuff at first and had to zoom in and check it out closer, amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12
    Happy WOYWW

  2. Like the blue journal page you have done with the flowers!
    Lots going on for you
    Jackie 10

  3. Hi Janet....now that's crafty - reusing a used baby wipe...no really I love what you've done, the blue floral is really cool - who would've known. Keep having fun, cheers RobynO#16

  4. I love your stitched dandelions, and that card is really sweet too. Happy WOYWW and Blessings! #28

  5. Really love the stitch dandelions. Wishing I could sew. Peg R 25

  6. Good luck with the documented life project. I see lots of people taking part. The dandelions look great. Helen 7

  7. Embroidered paintings are so effective - I LOVE your dandelions!
    Lovely to catch up with you again - it's been a while :)
    no. 34

  8. Oh Janet I have to say that you went just a little too far this week by telling me you had sewn on a used baby wipe....do bear in mind that I used baby wipes at nappy change times with the twins!! :-) I certainly wont be sewing on any of those hehehehe
    Have a fun week.
    Annie x # 45

  9. Well that is looking fab. I think I need to go back and re-read that DL info again - I did click thru before (probably saying I knew I would never manage to art journal) and then like the NEXT WEEK I made a journal (2 actually) and have made a handful of pages. So maybe I am not the lost cause I feared and it's time to commit to a project. It seems to be working for you so worth another look :)
    Getting an early start for a change....
    Happy WOYWW Day!
    Mary Anne (4)

  10. Fab projects and I am sure Banksy would approve.
    Sandra @59

  11. Love the dandelions, I just hope the baby wipe wasn't used for it's main purpose (eww). Seriously, it looks fabulous, the stitching really gives it a dimensional look. The hot pink invites are gorgeous.
    Have a great week.
    Von #30

  12. Commenting from the gym..now that's dedication! Love love the babywipe stitched panel..aren't you clever - is there a plan or is it a trial piece? Bet the final finish on the invites is a relief f a little bit of a sad one, what a fab job though Janet, the happy couple must be utterly thrilled.

  13. Your invitations are gorgeous, love them. Looks like you are having a lot of fun with your journal. I need to stitch more on my projects.
    Hugs Lisax #54

  14. Those invites are so different..I love them! Clever you :-). In fact all your projects are gorgeous. I've been challenged to get outside my comfort zone this week too..I'm going to start drawing again...used to do it all the time....now I need to MAKE time again.
    Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

  15. Think you're safe as I don't think Banksie posts on WOYWW but he would if he knew how much fun it I'd. Lovely with, in, progress.
    Happy Wednesday.
    Ann B

  16. I love them , have a great week, happy WOYWW

    Peggy x #69

  17. Beautiful dandelions (on a used baby wipe?) I'm sure you washed it thoroughly...LOL how ingenious and thrift. Nice work. Carole #76

  18. I too love the dandelions! I use baby wipes all the time to clean my fingers and stamps as well. Yes, I could see using them for something creative!

  19. Your embroidery project looks fab but I must say that the invites are excellent and so individual. I bet everyone who receives one will really smile!
    Jo x

  20. Hi Janet, those invitations are awesome!Love the idea of embroidery on baby wipes. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #42 xx

  21. Blogging from the gym? I'm impressed! I love the way that card opens up. #46

  22. Love the invites, brilliant! The way your mind works never ceases to amaze. Used Baby Wipes, whatever next!

  23. My but you have been busy! And so creative too, I am duly impressed.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #20

  24. Wow those invites are pink! Great use of those baby wipes. I am collecting mine again!!

  25. Those inviting cards look good and I love messy desks :-) I regard them as a manifestation for creativity. Have a great weekend, Suzanne xx

  26. I stitched three wet wipes, not baby wipes, together to place on top of one of my scrappy journal covers. Not sure about baby wipes, but the thinner wet wipes won't hold up to heat, so don't try to iron them. I made the mistake of trying to iron one flat when I was making a quiltlet. I even got the residue all over the bottom of my iron. Not fun to clean, either. But I'm impressed with yours.

    For being first on Julia’s list this week, I’m really running far behind. Hope you are having a great week. Happy belated WOYWW from #1.

  27. Love the blue flower piece. Thanks for visiting me this week BJ#73


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