Tuesday 11 February 2014

T is for nero 's

Tuesday is grandma day in my house, when Erin my gorgeous 2 1/2 year old GD is here for the day. Very often we have a wander around the town and  do some shopping. When I ask her where she wants to go she always says .... go for coffee. 

She loves going out for coffee and always asks for a man ( Ginger Giovanni) much to the amusement of the staff ..... Male and female. 
In neros they provide a free cup of milk for little ones and give great service, today  however they had run out of 'men' OMG. But the shortbread she had instead went down a treat instead so everyone was happy. Including me coz I love their coffee too

I'm linking this to Elizabeth's tea on Tuesday post so pop over for more beverage related stories


  1. Erin is a real charmer. So sweet and adorable. She seems to have taken well to the substitute.

    Thanks for sharing your day out and about at Nero's. It was fun seeing life from your side of the pond.

  2. Oh how sweet! Special time with the girl!!

  3. These are such special times. Erin is a real cutie.
    I love doing this type of thing with my Grandies too.
    Happy T-day

  4. my daughter was a coffee drinker when she was younger, too. my sons didn't like it at all, although the older son drinks it now. what sweet pictures!

  5. She is adorable. How wonderful you have each other to enjoy outings and stack up happy memories!

  6. How sweet that you two have coffee dates, love it. She is a cutie too, glad she enjoyed her treat. Hope one day I can do fun things like this with my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing and Happy T Day!

  7. Oh what a sweetie she is! love the coffee date idea...

  8. What a special treat for the two of you! Such a cutie pie!! :)
    Happy T-Day!

  9. What a fun time out with such a beauty!

  10. Your granddaughter is so adorable. Wishing you a great week.


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